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  1. #1
    Queen of Rappies Crystal_Shard's Avatar
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    Oct 2003
    Submerged in Rappy feathers

    Default Problem with the game rendering?

    Not sure what's the issue since it's only affecting my desktop, but for some unknown reason, PSO2 refuses to render the start screen at all after the update. I can see the trailers and logos but the start screen shows up black with no music. There's something still happening because I can hear the sound of the menu appear when I try quitting the game. Anyone getting anything similar? I don't use the tweaker at all and there's no error code.

    Gonna file check and see if that helps.

  2. #2


    The same happened to me earlier, but the problem itself starting before today's patch, i think i start getting this a couple of day before patch.
    I just noticed that, this problem are not only happening when the game trying to render title screen, but also has chance to happen during certain point.

    >Ship selection
    The game will still play audio cue, i can still move cursor around but the display frozen.

    >Character selection
    After logged in, it just froze when the ship zoom in animation play, i can still move cursor around the menu but the display froze.

    I already runnung file check like, 3 times and it appears that the problem are still there, also i noticed that some stuff that might trigger this:
    >When starting up game, game windows are out of focus, increasing the chance of occourance.
    >ALT+TAB when the game trying to render title screen.
    >When on laptop, clossing lid (assuming that you set it to not goes sleep/hibernate) might also make this happen during certain point (logging in).

    And it seems that it can fixed by itself if you managed to get yourself to loading screen after you select your character, but good luck with that.
    Last edited by wefwq; Oct 14, 2015 at 08:27 AM.

  3. #3


    I've been getting that error plus random Connection Timeout while logging in, and random crash when changing block. And when I check log, it was pso2.exe that crashed into problem (I did exe repair but problem's still there), there's nothing I can do
    Last edited by HentaiLolicon; Oct 14, 2015 at 01:58 PM.

  4. #4


    I have had this problem a couple of times. The first time occurred after I was messing with the screen resolution settings. My solution was to delete my user settings file, I believe (my memory is hazy, lol).

    The second time happened after a patch a couple of weeks ago. It was fixed after I ran the actual game launcher (not Tweaker) and let it install the patch. After that and reinstalling the translation patches, I was good-to-go again.

    So try the following:
    • Delete your user settings
    • Uninstall and reinstall the language patches
    • Run the real game launcher to install the game patch
    • Reinstall PSO2

  5. #5


    Just tried it all and it seems the problem still persist, and from that makes me wonder: is it graphic driver issue?
    I just updated my NVIDIA driver not too long ago, i wonder what graphic card brand did you guys use and what driver version?

    Mine was NVIDIA GT740M (driver 358.50)
    Last edited by wefwq; Oct 15, 2015 at 12:23 AM.

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