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  1. #51


    Ok I'll do it from Hat's view then. May take a bit. This week is very busy for me. I'll do my best to keep you all updated.
    "This plan is so bad it HAS to be ours."

  2. #52
    King of Nothing
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Green Bay, WI


    ok, cool, hope it comes soon, I'm gonna be bored all week and need something to do lol

  3. #53
    Oracle of Destruction
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    In the shadows


    Cool idea. Changing the perspective of the story adds more veriety to the story and gives more depth the character your using for the persective. Also, how far is the story? Past the half-way point? Near the end?

  4. #54


    I'm pretty sure it is past the halfway point. At least in my mind it is, but when it's all written knows. Sorry that I have gotten slow again, but it's been hectic in the last week and a half and things are settling down so...If all goes well I can try to get back into the swing of things. Thanks all.
    "This plan is so bad it HAS to be ours."

  5. #55


    Well chalk up the past month to laziness and being, at the moment, a stay at home dad. Jeez kids can take it out of you. Well I should be getting a section up soon. I starting writing/typing last night and I got my thoughts running again. Sorry all.
    "This plan is so bad it HAS to be ours."

  6. #56


    Ok I should have a section up early next week. Hat's chapter will be split in two though. I probably could have made it into one, but I put in some more little tid-bits that show some of my views on Episode I. But it could also foreshadow something in a follow-up or something. That of course is a problem. Since I've been listening to the Pirates of the Caribbean score I've had another story idea pop into my head, which vaugly ties into this chapter. Which sucks becuase now I've got two PSO stories running around in there. Amoungst other stories. AAAHHHHH!!! Just have to keep listening to the music that keeps this story in the forefront in my head. Take care all. See you on the flip side of the weekend.
    "This plan is so bad it HAS to be ours."

  7. #57
    Oracle of Destruction
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    In the shadows


    I know what you mean. Im trying to make a fic (keyword: trying) and I already have ideas for a follow-up. Not as bad as you but... wonder what your other story is about.

  8. #58


    Chapter 15

    "She's in bad shape," Hat said. "Stay with her, I'm going to keep an eye out and work with Arch to get out of here."

    "I'm not going anywhere without her," Edge declared, Hat could almost hear Edge's voice nearly crack.

    Hat compassionately placed his hand on his friend's shoulder. If they hid in this room they would die and Hatsumi was not ready to die. Nor was he going to let his two friends die. He was going to do what he could to escape this vicious death trap. Deep down he knew Kylan was a fighter and she would not loose this battle. Nor would she want any of them to stop and give in.

    Releasing his hand, Hatsumi turned and sprinted down in-between generators 5 and 6. Hooking left he leapt over the broken Sinow Red lying dead on the ground. Once his feet landed he quickly turned right running towards the main walkway with the wall to his left. He cleared the generator and stopped behind the next one in front of him, generator 1.

    He peeked around the corner and saw no movement. Taking a chance he moved to the opposite side, sliding his way across the metal surface. As he rounded it Hat saw another pile of debris under the walkway and directly in from of him. The pile of metal they had used to get down was to his back right. Being that no one took a shot at him he decided to get a second opinion.

    "Seems like you're about to get some company unless you can hide. I need to tell Edge too," Arch commented before Hat could say anything.

    Arch was continuing to overlook the situation as best he could. A heartbeat later Arch came through again, "Stig and one of his two cronies are up and are looking for a way down. I can't find your sniper but I am 100% sure it is an android. By the accuracy it has to be a RA class. This camera that I tapped into isn't working well so I only have one angle. And it sucks."

    Hat figured Arch had a switch to speak to whomever he chose to in the group. Arch was technologically ready for everything. But if Hat didn't do something quick he would be spotted. His main concern was the sniper. Edge could easily handle Stig and the other guy. Edge was amazing with that sword of his. Hatsumi was no slouch at melee combat; he was one of the few rangers that managed to excel at both ranged and close combat. He rarely has seen an equal to Kylan, Edge and himself. They were a lethal group of hunters.

    Hatsumi decided to chance the debris pile. As he stepped up to it and took his first hand holds he noticed this was more or less made to be a barricade, originally. No doubt made during the last battle with the machines. A last stand was possibly made here. Glancing to the past he remembered he took a few missions to clear the machines out of here. It was something he wished he could forget. It took months to make the mines safe. After many failures, The Principle, the Council and surprisingly a number of hunters took all the data that was gathered from the battles down here and used them in the Ruins. Without the vital information that was made many more would have died during the Ruin raids. All in all, the battle to clear the Mines sent more Hunters home dead than in the Ruins. Hatsumi prayed that the machines were shut down for good.

    Coming back to the present Hat noticed this once makeshift barricade was made from various broken pieces from the walkways, stairways and generators in this room. An intricate web of metal, but within it this junk heap provided a place to hide and survey the other side of the room. The sniper's side.

    Hatsumi climbed as high as he could go. Lifting his legs up he found himself to be lying prone. His katana was lying awkwardly across his back, but Hat ignored it.

    Just as he was about to inform Arch he was out of site, Arch came through, "My best view is a heat monitor. Guess they needed this place cool or something. Anyway I can follow your heat signatures. Right now I can't see Hat and it looks as if those two morons are climbing their way down."

    Hat smirked. His heat signature no doubt blocked by all the power running through the walkway. About 10 feet in front of him he saw Stig land on one of the platforms they had climbed down. But out of the farthest corner of his eye on his left he saw a black shadow drop from a high position, as he heard either Stig or the other jump down onto a metal platform. He turned his head towards the dark figure allowing his eyes to focus. With his dark Ranger uniform and being almost literally inside the mesh of metal he ignored the two closest threats. They would be hard pressed to visually spot him.

    He continued to observe the sniper. It didn't take a genius to note the obvious feminine figure. Putting that together with Arch's observations, there were no more questions that it was a Racaseal. Hat wasn't sure though if the orange glow of the room put a flesh colored tint on her lighter metal parts or if the Racaseal had some cyborg attributes, such as skin. What he did take note of was the enemy taking aim.

    "Get down!" Hat said as quietly and harshly as he could.

    The Racaseal took one shot.

    And thankfully missed.

    Hat sighed for a second. He glanced to Stig and saw they had not heard him and were moving towards Edge's position. He looked back to the sniper and saw an opportunity.

    He brought one of his gun's to bear on the Racaseal.

    Broadcasting to Arch and Edge, Hat sternly said, "I've got a bead on her and I don't think she sees me."

    No sooner than he pulled the trigger the Black clad Racaseal turned and fired at him. The shot hit the metal in front of this face, which sent a hail of sparks in his direction. He tried to cover his face but he still felt the quick but sharp pain of the sparks. As well as a few metal splinters. His face mask covered most of his face, but his hair and a large portion of his face around his eyes were still open.

    "Damn she is qu...," was all Hat could say before Archangel came through with information for Edge, and before another shot was fired he slid backwards and rolled out the way he climbed in.

    Hat was still high off the ground and was barely under the main walkway. He cautioned one quick glance and saw the sniper was no longer there. He looked up and saw with a small jump he could reach the edge of the walkway. Looking down he saw Stig's crony continue to walk away from him. Knowing what he needed to do, Hat holstered his weapons.

    For a moment it puzzled him, but quickly figured out that if he could communicate with Arch, they could communicate too. With an android on their team this was not a hard thought to deny. Also was the fact that the sniper, the Racaseal, might want Hat to herself.

    Gathering his wits Hatsumi took a small jump for the walkway's edge. He caught hold of it, his hands facing his direction. To hoist himself up was going to take all the strength he could muster. Hat needed to flip himself over the ledge or try to spin himself one handed into a better hanging position. He began gathering his strength.

    And his grip was forcefully pulled off the edge. He didn't fall but was instead pulled upward, using his free hand to avoid crashing into the walkway. As his shoulders cleared, he was dragged onto the walkway's floor. Hat looked towards the person that pulled him up. In one sense he wished that person had not.

    Standing up, Hat stood face to face with the black Racaseal.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Nidarrock on 2003-10-06 16:14 ]</font>
    "This plan is so bad it HAS to be ours."

  9. #59


    Been awhile I know. The past three months have been extremely rough. My older brother passed away early September, so many things faded away after that. Shortly before that the company I was working at closed so I'm sure you knw what that means. Being at home, dealing with the loss, looking for jobs, working on my portfolio, and being a stay at home dad has been very time consuming. I had this section about halfway done when all hell broke loose. Hopefully you, the readers, will still read and enjoy this. Thanks.


    Chapter 16

    Even in the hot dreary settings her black metal frame glistened. White hotspots littered many portions of her nimble yet sleek body. Her eyes a near solid shade of blue with a white glow where a pupil would reside. Her implanted hair pulled back into the black metal casing which formed a pseudo pony tail. Her skin was as pale and as cold as her heart. Her face, slender yet oddly attractive. The Racaseal looked as intriguing as she was deadly.

    On very rare occasions had Hatsumi ever seen an android completed in such a fashion. Without knowing beforehand he would have assumed he was facing a human female. This creation was more a cyborg than an android. Most manufacturers stray from more human looking androids. In general it made the people aboard Pioneer 2 feel uneasy. The creator of this particular android must have taken an intense interest to make her look human. This left Hatsumi deeply disturbed, with many questions rolling through his head.

    Knowing why she was here in the first place Hatsumi drew his katana.

    The Racaseal did not make an attempt to advance. Instead she raised her right arm in front of her and a long metal shard began to expand from her gauntlet, directly below her wrist. Her own sword. The blade matched Hat's length and width and once fully extended the Racaseal moved into her battle stance. She was ready.

    "Not much for words," Hat grunted as he turned his comm off. "Neither am I."

    Hat jabbed forward with his blade. The Racaseal spun around the attack which brought a horizontal attack to Hat's side. Impacting on his energy armor around the high collar of the Ranger's uniform. Hat turned and held his position. His foe did the same.

    Again Hat moved first; bringing his sword in an upward vertical strike. The Racaseal countered with a horizontal strike of her own and followed it up with another horizontal coming the other way. Hat countered and thus the two began trading blows back and forth. Even with all his training Hatsumi could not breech her defense. She was too fast and his uniform was slowing him down. The Racaseal had already made contact a few times. Thankfully his armor was holding out. But if he let his concentration slip she would be able to break through. A slow blade would pierce the energy barrier. Hat was also making sure that when the Racaseal's blade did hit, he was always in a position where the blade would have hit a hard section of his uniform.

    Again they exchanged blows.

    The clangs of metal on metal filled the room.




    The direction of the attacks varied but he persevered. A few times he managed to parry her attack to create an offensive of his own. Although they lasted only a few microts it was enough to throw the android's balance and rhythm off. The next onslaught of attacks came from the Racaseal. She moved towards him, but right before she would have attacked she sidestepped to Hat's right and brought her blade towards him, with a powerful horizontal strike. Hat managed to follow the flow of the attack enough to bring his weapon to bear.

    The two locked weapons.

    Hatsumi, using all his might tried to push her weapon away. He looked into her blue eyes and saw them glaring into him. The cold blue sent shivers down his spine. Never in his life has he felt such a will to kill within an android. Perhaps not a will, but pleasure? Even though there was hardly anything to consider her eyes, he could almost feel what she was thinking, as if she were telepathically telling him.

    And with those shivers he found enough strength to sway her weapon aside. In the opening he created he spun around, gathering even more power, and brought his own strike onto the female android.

    A perfect opening. The Racaseal hardly managed to bring her forearm up in defense and Hat's katana cut into it. To his shock he saw blood seep from the wound. Blood? Had this been a human the attack would have cut the arm in half. He stood, bewildered at the sight. Never in his life had he seen and android bleed anything but lubricant.

    In the next instant Hat's feet were swept out from under him. In his bewilderment and with the Racaseal's speed he did not see the attack coming. Lying on his back he looked up towards her. Her high metal boots echoed off the floor as she moved over him. With quick flick of her arm the Racaseal's blade was pointing towards his neck. Its metal tip nipping at his skin as if it were salivating for the kill.

    "ExcellenT," the Racaseal spoke in a beautiful female voice with her enunciation echoing in his ears.

    Not too big of a surprise though, given the love the creator must have had this android. Hat also noticed the air was now very dry and very, very quiet. Hatsumi no longer heard anything in the distance. His thoughts wandered miles in an instance. Had Edge been killed? Did he escape? Where was Stig? Did Edge get Kylan out as well? Hat did all he could to clear his mind and keep his concentration on the task at hand. Anger began to boil within him. Hat did he best to scan the area, looking for anything he could use when a plan of attack came to him. He was planning something drastic.

    Hatsumi cooled his rage, took two deep breaths and attacked. Hatsumi brought both of his hands flat against the blade that was angled towards him. Thus avoiding the blade's razor edge. The Racaseal barely hesitated before pushing the weapon forward, missing Hatsumi by a hair...

    And into one of the walkway's marker lights. Sparks burst from the light socket as a surge of electrical power traversed the Racaseal's sword and engulfed her with its power. The surge lasted for only a few microts but that was all the time he needed to snag his sword, dart across the walkway and leap down to the floor. Hatsumi's small gamble had paid off.

    His landing could have been much better but he made it. The burning through his legs would pass soon, but he still needed to move. He ran towards the back wall, taking note he was now on the opposite side of the room. Backing against one of the generators he turned his comm back on.

    " is it?" Edge replied over the comm.

    Hat breathed a sigh of relief. Edge was ok, and if he was ok, so was Kylan.

    "Directly under the door you entered," Arch muttered. "A small ventilation shaft. Use it to get to the previous room."

    All the information I needed. Hat thought to himself. But he knew the Racaseal would not let them escape if she could help it. Looking back to the walkway he saw no sign of her. She was on the hunt again. Hatsumi sheathed his katana, then he pulled the photon magazine from one of his L&K14 Mechguns. With his free hand he unholstered the other.

    "I'm there Arch," Edge's transmitted through the comm, though Hat could barely hear him within the room.

    "Good. The top door is locked tight. I don't think they can hack it back open."

    "Thanks Arch. Where is Hat?"

    "Ssshhh," Arch quietly answered. "He'll find you."

    Good. Arch knew better than to chance revealing his position.

    Metal bangs began to fill the room and quickly stopped.

    Hat began to creep around the generator to his left. As he came round he saw both the Racaseal and Stig come from their latest hiding spot. He could not see Edge, but knew from how the Racaseal was aiming that he was vulnerable. It was time for one last act of desperation. Hat no longer cared if he lived or died. He was going to ensure that Edge and Kylan escape this hell alive.

    Without regard for his life Hatsumi opened fire towards his enemies as he ran towards Edge and the exit. The spray of photon bullets was enough to halt the two enemies' attack as they ducked for cover. Hatsumi never lifted his finger off the trigger. Even when he ran behind the next two generators his gun was firing. He would take no chances. Metal shrapnel and hot white sparks burst from the metal on impact. A few more feet to go.

    When he arrived at the exit Edge had not wasted anytime. He was already pulling Kylan through. Hat kept his aim as he slowly began to back inside the duct. Knowing he needed only a few more rounds to finish the escape Hatsumi stopped firing and gently placed the photon magazine on the duct floor, tucked against the wall. So far he made it.

    A microt passed and gunfire filled the duct's entrance. They were coming.

    "Keep going," Hat pressured Edge.

    "I'm trying," Edge grunted.

    "They're coming guys," Archangel feverishly said. "Whatever you're going to do, do it now."

    A feminine shadow filled the entrance.

    A few more feet.

    Another shadow merged with the previous creating a nice blanket of black.

    A few more feet.

    Metal clanks echoed into the duct as the Racaseal moved closer.

    "I'm out," Edge declared. "One more microt."

    Hat continued to back out.

    A leg appeared at the entrance.

    Three microts later, "She's out."

    Hat took aim onto the photon magazine.

    Stig's face came into view through the duct and saw Hatsumi aiming. In fear he pulled up an instant before Hat pulled the trigger.

    The photon bullet exited the barrel of his L&K14 Mechgun and barely within the blink of an eye impacted the photon magazine. The bullet tore through the casing and set off a chain reaction within. A burst of photon energy exploded through the duct, pushing Hatsumi out and collapsing the duct.

    They had escaped.

    "This plan is so bad it HAS to be ours."

  10. #60
    Oracle of Destruction
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    TM12 Hunter Training Area


    It has been a while hasn't it? I figured that you had too much stuff going on and quit. Im glad you didn't. This is one of my favorate fics in PSOW. dang though. You got me interested again and now I have to go through to aganizing torture of wating for the next chapter. Hope you keep writing and sorry about your brother and your lack of job.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Skett_Namevah on 2003-10-31 16:22 ]</font>

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