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  1. #101
    The Original Bullet Magnet
    Join Date
    May 2001


    whys no one asked anything in the 'Naze Nani Do Hucast' thread? *sob*, dont you like me?
    to tell u the truth, everthing is explained pretty well in ur fics that not too many plp probably have 2 ask questions about it.

    welcome back by the way


  2. #102
    Straight jackets are all the rage this season. RavenTW's Avatar
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    Somewhere, out there...


    By the way, i am not dressing up in a bunny suit.
    Get Death in the buny suit.
    Nope, no pictures here. Move along.

  3. #103
    I Dream Of Sleep
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    Great Britain


    Chapter 15: Deuces Run

    Pioneer 2 was a total warzone. There were constant running battles between the Cultists and the Resistance everywhere, and Deuce and the CTF Team found themselves fighting their way through most of these battles. Many a heroic act happened, and many lives were saved by the CTF Team. In return they were helped out by the Resistance, many helping them by backing them up as they made their way across Pioneer 2 or by just giving them some information on the location of the leaders of the Cultists. By the time the Team had reached their destination they had a force of about Fifty Hunters backing them up.

    "Thats where they'll be, the main deck of Pioneer 2" proclaimed Deuce to the CTF Team. They were taking cover behind a wrecked car while the resistance carried on fighting around them. There was a big force of Cultists guarding the deck and both sides didnt seem to be getting anywhere. "All the important decisions on what happens to this ship are decided there" Deuce continued, "Youve got the Principals Building where everything goes down, the Navigation Deck which steers this ship and keeps it from plummeting down to Ragol and theres even the Hunters Guild Building. Cinos and Rico can control this entire ship right from this one deck if they wished, and im guessing their doing that right now"

    "So we have to get in there and stop them before they do anything major to the ship" said Hououza.

    "Right, but that isnt going to be an easy task. We will firstly have to fight are way through this massive defence force, then we will have to take on whatever security theyve got inside the Principals Building"

    "Why the Principals Building?" asked Galik.

    "Cause the Principal is the top dog around here. He knows all the passwords for the systems here, all it will take is a bit of 'persuasion' and hell probably cough them up to the cultists. As you said before, its strange what people will tell you when theyve got a weapon to their throat"

    "So were going to have to move fast then, we cant let them hurt the Principal" said Silhouette, all ready getting to her feet. An arm grabbed hers and pulled her back down.

    "Dont be so hasty, we dont even have a proper plan yet and i dont want to see you throwing your life away just rushing in there" said Scion. Silhouette smiled at Scion.

    "Well, just rushing in there is my basic plan" said Deuce.

    "What do you mean? Have you lost it?"

    "Of course not. All we need is the help of the Resistance. If we can get them to cover us we can charge into the deck and head straight for the Principals Building. Of course were going to have to fight off alot of Cultists on the way, but we survived down on Ragol against all odds, we should be able to do it again"

    "New Ultimate and Ness didnt survive..." Galik uttered quietly to himself. Deuce stared at the Humar for a couple of seconds, wondering if he had heard him correctly, but then decided to get back to what was happening now. He poked his head out from behind the cover and found the person he was looking for.

    Deuce signalled to the rest of the team to move out, then sprinted for a piece of cover where another small group was making plans.

    "Your BOC, right? The Android commanding this part of the Resistance" Deuce said to a large Racast. The android extending his hand to Deuce and shook his hand.

    "Deuce Deckard if i not mistaken. We appreciated the help back there, we were totally pinned down and if you lot hadnt turned up we would all be dead now. What can i do for you?"

    "We need you lot to lay down some covering fire and make sure we get into the Principals Building. We dont want you lot to put yourself at risk, just to keep the Cultists off us why we make a run for the main deck"

    "Sure, i guess we can do that in return for saving our lives. Youll have to give us a couple of minutes to get everyone ready, since Miranda went down the BEE system has been terrible"

    Ten minutes past. The CTF Team waited behind the cover, checking its weaponry and making sure they had the appropriate supplies. Slowly, large groups of hunters fell back behind them, still letting off shots from there guns or casting techniques into the ranks of Cultists.

    "Were ready, as soon as you start your run my Hunters will lay down some heavy fire into their ranks"

    "Thanks BOC. Remember, dont put yourselves at risk, just make sure we get in there ok"

    "Dont worry, ive got better things to do tonight then die"

    With that, Deuce and the CTF Team rolled out from the cover and started to sprint towards the main deck.

    Blame AOl for the late post on this one. Just as ive been ready to post its crashed out. Twice. Its goign to be the first thing to go once i get to Uni.

    Oh, and i couldnt resist throwing BOC in there, seeing has hes been a strong follower of this fic, hope he doesnt mind. And i couldnt resist using that qoute.

    (made some small spelling corrections)

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Deathscythealpha on 2003-09-07 15:01 ]</font>

  4. #104
    Straight jackets are all the rage this season. RavenTW's Avatar
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    Somewhere, out there...


    This is what happens when you become a major fan. Although you could have come up with something more original than that classic Transformers quote. This chapter wasn't as good as the other ones, but I bet the next part will make up for that.
    Nope, no pictures here. Move along.

  5. #105
    I Dream Of Sleep
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    Apr 2001
    Great Britain


    *was about to point to Bocs sig for inspiration for qoute, but notices hes changed his sig*

    Darn you BOC!

    Oh well, the first half of this chapter was just setting stuff up, now ive got time for the real fireworks to start.

  6. #106
    The Original Bullet Magnet
    Join Date
    May 2001


    lol, trust me to change my sig when u stick that quote in. its settled the quote is going back in my sig!

    but jesus dude, you put me in as a cameo! thanks deathscythe its an honor to feature in such a dam cool fic!!

    excellent dude, can't wait for the next part - as always!!!! nothing better than barreling in there and letting lose all hell .


  7. #107
    Oracle of Destruction
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    Jan 2003
    In the shadows


    Another cool chapter. I found it interesting that you added New Ultimate to your cameos. Is a cameo of me in the future? Just kidding! Still a good story.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Namevah on 2003-09-03 16:39 ]</font>

  8. #108
    Otherwise know as Hououza
    Join Date
    Jun 2002



    Sorry I've been out for a while, work really does swallow up your life if your not the way if you put me in a bunny suit I will have to kill you...Okis?

    I have to agree about the Tranformers quote, have to comment that it remains my favorite film of all time. Try and get in the final line of Unicron's


    perfect line for the death throws of a certain dark force eh?

    Well better be going, Deathscythe, when you finish this could you send me a copy? I would like to read it in full but its a pain trying to read them inbetween posts. That or you could put it on Fan and I can get a hold of it there.

    Keep up the good work, perhaps I can give you a cameo in one of my works some time if you like?

    Ok, best be going. Sleep calls...


  9. #109


    Another awesome chapter! I can't wait until the next fight scene! Hurry with the next chapter!

  10. #110
    Straight jackets are all the rage this season. RavenTW's Avatar
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    Somewhere, out there...


    DEATH! It's good to see you again! And I...was just...sorta kidding about the bunny suit thing.
    Nope, no pictures here. Move along.

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