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  1. #21


    DO NOT FORGET TO BRING A GUN! If you dont, your scerd.
    Yes, my first n00b mistake. Man did I suffer that time . This is good advise for all the n00bs out there : ALWAYS KEEP A GUN WITH YOU !!

  2. #22
    Forum Otaku Genoa's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Farmington, MN


    yeah, I didn't know either. I was using my Delsabers buster and shield (even though I was a RAmar, I knew I shoulda had a gun). I was like "crap!, what am i gunna do!" then I checked my Item Pack and sure enough I had picked up an unknown Laser! I had a WALS MK2 in my bank too. :/ So I pwned Falz's final with a Laser

  3. #23
    Aerospace RicoRoyal's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Southern California / St. Louis


    On 2003-09-14 18:10, St_Botchua wrote:
    ther is skill in this game to learn how make guys miss not just get some duped weapons multi equip and beat every thing in one hit althoughthat can be fun sometimes
    Yes, I agree. There is alot more skill involved in this game than most people give credit for. Especially as a HU. Speaking from experience, being a FO or a RA takes less skill to get used to (I said get used to, NOT to master). As a RAnger at higher difficulty levels it's still very likely one can pull off a 3 hit combo and not get smacked in the back by some other fast moving enemy. As a FOrce you just stand back and watch the fireworks fly (I love my FOnewmn). HUnters are a totally different story; especially androids offline (Online is much easier in terms of support). The inability to cast resta as a HUcast or HUcaseal requires the person playing with these characters to know what they are doing so as to not run out of all forms of healing items ($$$). A good example of what not to do when your alone on ultimate is to atempt a 3 hit combo. That just guarantees that your about to get smacked in the face should you not kill your intended target. A two hit combo (soft then hard attack or special) followed by a quick dodge back or to the sides has allowed my HUcast to go through V-hard Ruins 1,2,and 3 at lvl 50 only having taken 3 hits (all of which came solely from two Darkgunners and one Chaos Sorcceror). So for all you people out there who think the game does not require skill and is just about carrying some all-mighty weapon and running head first into anything, by all means keep getting your asses kicked.

  4. #24
    The little one
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Somewhere in New York State


    I've never really liked the Hunters...though I don't know why. I've been a Force since the beginning (with an attempt or two at playing a Hunter) and I feel I'm going to stay that way.

    Besides, it makes taking out Falz easier. Because, you know, techs do damage to his invincible form. ^-^x

    Go foie.

    Other than that...I do not understand people's aversion to guns. And this is from someone who didn't want to use guns when she first started playing. To say that a Hunter shouldn't use them because they're supposed to fight with melee weapons? I find that to be absurd. They're simply essential at times, lest you want to waste your life waiting for an opportunity to get hit.

  5. #25
    The shrimp with ultimate power
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Los Angeles


    Well, one thing that requires skill in this game is making a successful melee Fomar and making sure they don't get hit. I find playing as him quite fun, and people always tell me 'you should take those God/Minds off and put God/HP's on if you're making him melee', but I find the low HP to be a fun challenge. It makes it so that I have to make sure he doesn't take much damage. Right now, he's the only thing making me play this game, lol. Wow, I've just realized we've come way off topic now....hmmmm, interesting, I'll just add my two cents about fighting Falz, then. If you're having trouble with the final form of Falz in any difficulty, just use some sort of HP stealing mechgun, it ends the fight in seconds, heheh.

  6. #26


    My HUne beat VH Form 3 Falz w/ using Foie. Only prob was that I had to purposely waste 3-4 dolls cuz I was out of fluids. Stupid no monos sold in shop. I also NEVER had to use a gun going into ult.

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