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  1. #1
    Owner of teh Interweb.
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    I am a friend of Sonic098 and he might hv said something bout me coming to this site and bringing Preparations the second part of the four book saga Ultimate Evil I hv completed the fist one Released and if you want it pm me and i will give you the site. I will put it up when i hv finished editing it and it might take a few weeks. Now the story is chapters 1-4 together as all my storys seem a little short. In these you will meet Klonoa a fighter who is the next target on Falz's hit list. Billy a neweb ranger who takes on more than he cad handle and Anna a fomarl who is a little to much to handle.
    There are some swear words in this, not as much as in Released though, so I hope you enjoy this. It took me about 7 hours to think and type up and i am open to any help. Enjoy.

    "I will never give up! I I will I WILL DESTROY
    YOU!" With those words Klonoa put all his power into one mighty slash of his blade. "Die you freak!" He slashed straight at Falz. Then he saw a flash of light and thought that he had killed him, but when the light cleared, somehow he had stabbed himself. Falz had turned the blade on its owner with a spell and got away. "FALZ YOU BASTARD! ONE DAY YOU WILL PAY FOR ALL THE PAIN YOU HAVE CAUSED!"

    It has now been six months since that dark day. Klonoa has continued to build his skills. Every night he has had the same nightmare. Black sky, Falz laughing, his howls of pain. "Maybe I should talk to the doctor and see if he can help me," he thought to himself. He took his sword and shield and started to walk to the village. Normally he didn?t take his gear but it was the time of year that the Boomas had their babies and they were very protective and highly dangerous. The wind was blowing in a way it never had done before but Klonoa didn't seem to care. He stopped to watch the Rappys play. As a small child he always loved to come and play with the Rappys and sometimes he would stay with them until well past dark. He did a double take a saw a blue Rappy in the group. "Well that's really rare" he said. As he continued on, his mind wandered on many things. Why did Falz want him of all the people dead? How many people would have to die before this was all over? Just then he saw a person flat on the ground. He rushed over to do what he could. "Darkness the evil one is coming searching for three powers. The orbs of" Just as he tried to say these last words he died.

    No somehow he got out. But that was impossible, Falz could not escape the ruins as the ancient spell keeping him there was still working. Klonoa ran with all his power to the mystic. This was not the time for a doctor. "Mystic I need your help." A few seconds later a small, old sounding voice came. "So you wish to know if the spell on the ruins was broken is that right"? she said. "Yes that's right." replied Klonoa. "Well lets take a look"..hmmm.. OH NO, she yelled, the black evil has escaped but how, some spell seems to be blocking my sight." "Where is he now," he replied. "He is as of now searching for three orbs, the orbs of Ark, if he gets hold of all three then no one can stop him. The power in those orbs is the strongest in the world, but he can't touch them for the wise men put a spell on them. Only good hands can touch them, you must find them and use their power to not seal Falz away, but to destroy him." "Wait," she called just as he was about to go, "take this flute, it has the power to befriend wild animals and certain monsters, I have called it the Flute of Friendship." Thanks." With that he ran home to get his remaining gear and healing medicine.

    As he ran down the path leading to his house, four Goboomas came though the trees. Klonoa dived into a nearby tree hole as the creatures came toward him. He kept still and tried not to breath so not to give his hiding spot away. He was there only for two minutes but it felt like two hours to him. As he climbed out the creatures were heading into the clearing, so he took this chance to dash home. When he got back he sat down on his bed to think this thing over. "I know I must kill him but are these orbs really that strong?" he wondered. He fell asleep with his mind still fixed on this. The next day he got his best sword, which was also his fathers best too, his Red Sword. He collected his Bravace from the trap door under his bed. He put on his DF Field and Standstill Shield, put 10 mono, di and trimates into the bag with the fluids. Then he put the Psycho Pill, a new type of item that when eaten gave the eater the power to break any object, in with the other items. As he left he remembered he forgot his four units. He equipped his two god powers as well as a god body and a cure poison. He left his house and started down the path behind it.

    By night time he was still in the forest, but he knew that the old underground house he had helped build for the Rappys would keep him warm and the Rappys knew that he came here during the times he could not get home when he was a child. When he woke the next day he decided to take long way around the forest as the Boomas were all around and looking for food. It would take longer but it would also be safer. As he continued to walk he heard the sound of a gun. He dashed over to where it came from a ranger was taking on around six or seven Goboomas by himself and losing. Klonoa pulled out his Red Sword and ran at the monsters. "Get away from him", he shouted as he stabbed one of the creatures. "What the hell, they aren't dieing!", the ranger said. "Allow me" someone said. "Death Magic", and a blast of megid was shot from the trees at the Goboomas killing most of them. Klonoa jumped up into the trees and came down on the remaining ones head. Just to be safe he slashed it one more time. "Thanks you really helped me out by the way my name is Billy and what is yours?" Billy said. "My name is Klonoa, hey wait where is that other person who helped?" There was no sound from the forest. "What are you doing out here Klonoa?" "Well I'm looking for three orbs that have the power to stop this evil creature" he replied. "Well thanks I should be going now, maybe I'll see you again." said Billy. As he walked up the path Klonoa saw some writing on a rock. "You are a fool to think that you can stop me and I know what you are doing. I am all around you. I don't have time for you now, one day soon we will fight, but only after I have all the orbs. "FALZ YOU MONSTER! COME OUT AND FIGHT ME NOW!" No one replied to his words.

    He reached the end of the edge of the forest only to find his way blocked by a Hucast holding what looked like a Lavis Cannon. "You can't pass without giving me some cash" he said. "I got a better idea, how about I take that blade and stick it in your head so you"ll shut up" replied Klonoa. With that the fight began. Klonoa jumped into the trees only to find that this bot matched his speed. Their blades hit with force so strong that it was making the ground and the trees shake. They returned to the ground and Klonoa jumped over his foe hoping to stab him in the back, but the Hucast moved out of the way and slashed Klonoa on his back. "You piece of junk you don't want to make me mad" he said as he was getting up. He pulled out his Psycho Pill and used it. Within seconds his whole body turned a deep blood red. "I warned you, now you will die"! Klonoa jumped twice as high and came down hard on his foe knocking him to the ground. All of his family had some kind of secret power and he knew what his was. He pushed all his power into the tip of his sword jumped again and a beam of deep gold shot from the sword. The attack hit and the Hucast's body turned yellow and then seconds later he blew up. Klonoa's body returned to normal and as he collected the Lavis he knew that Falz had sent this bot to kill him. "Falz nothing you send will stop me, try as you might you will not beat me" he said. He was only thinking of one thing as he walked the doctor's house at the edge and that was taking a nice long rest.

    "Well young man, want have you been doing" Fighting robots?" asked the doctor. "Well it depends on what you think fighting is." replied Klonoa. The doctor told him that all he needed was a few days rest. "Thank god he didn't ask about my power when he took a test on it", he thought to him. After 2 days sleep he was ready to leave the doctor's hut. When he got outside he sat down to try to understand something. Why did Falz use that robot to try and kill him plus that was an old model. So why would he use it. Just then someone popped in front of him. "Hi." At those words Klonoa fell off the rock he was on. "Hey why the hell did you do that, you scared me half to death!" he yelled. "I'm sorry' she said, "My name is Anna and what may I ask is yours." she asked. "Well my names Klonoa, and what may I ask are you doing in a town village." he asked. "Just passing though, I have to get home so I can protect my grandfathers orb." she said. "What orb?" "One of the orbs of Ark silly." "WHAT" he screamed, "YOU HAVE ONE OF THE ORBS OF ARK!" "Yep, it was my grandfathers treasure." she replied. "Can I come see it?" "Say plz Klonoa." "Why should I have to say plz?" "If you don't then you can't see it." "Okay plz." "Come on then" she said in that happy voice. "Every time she talks I just what to take that voice and break the dam thing" he thought to himself. For some reason he felt that he had fought her but he never fought a girl and never saw her before. Still, her eyes looked like small pools of water and for a girl she looked strong. With every step she took he had to take two steps to keep up. "So Klonoa, you got a girlfriend yet?" she asked. "No now shut the hell up and lets go" he replied. "Boy you are uptight for someone who is single" she said. "Do you ever shut that hole you call a mouth?" "Only when I?m sleeping."

    Meanwhile at the bottom of the black pit. "Well it seems that my little friend has found someone who has one of the orbs." "These humans, worthless creatures and one day soon they shall face my judgment." "One day SHE may prove very useful to me"

    So thats the first set. If any part starts by saying the pit then thats falz talking also the words on the rock were from falz. So lets hear it. And i heard from sonic that someone in the fanworks can help with battle parts as i hv always had a prob with them. Chapter 5-8 should be up in two or three days but i plan to work on it during study hall at school. So what do you think?

    edit:changed the title and 60% done with chapters 5-8

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: TeenGohan on 2004-01-20 19:35 ]</font>

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: TeenGohan on 2004-01-21 13:48 ]</font>

  2. #2
    Owner of teh Interweb.
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    Go away pedo


    O and i feel that i forgot something if you can find it tell me ty.

  3. #3


    Not bad but like you said your battles could use a little more work you had always had that prob i know cause i saw your first one also try changing the title.

  4. #4
    Owner of teh Interweb.
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    Hello? Is anyone there? I could use some people to talk to bout his now?!

  5. #5
    Director of Project Revolution
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    Hey, that's pretty interesting!

    I'll come back and reread it for nit-picky details, just cause that's what other Writers do to other Writers' work...

  6. #6


    i was told by him that he should hv the next set up by 2marrow or by friday.

  7. #7
    Director of Project Revolution
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    Nit-picky details found: MAKE PARAGRAPHS!!

    It's best to put a new paragraph every time a new character/thing begins talking, so you don't get confused on who is speaking. Other than that, just a few typos here and there.

    Oh, and it seems a little rushed. Just a little, but try putting in a little more detail and drama.

    Need examples? Look in the Fanfic trailers Forum (in my sig) and see anything higher than a 7 or 8. Or ***** depending on who reviewed it.

    Just a suggestion. Keep up the good work!

  8. #8
    Owner of teh Interweb.
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    i only got ch5 but i will put it with the others. My computer froze and all that i saved was CH5 so it is short but i did my best. note:i was pissed so i made my char in this one pissed.

    As they continued to walk toward Annas house, Klonoa's mind wandered around not on Falz, but on this girl. Something just didn't seem right. Why was she leading him to the orb when she might know that he could run off with it. "Stop right there."
    Where did that voice come from? "Anna stay back. We got company" Klonoa told her. "You are looking for the orbs right?" "Ya we are". "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, prepare to die." this voice said.

    In the pit. HAHA thats right my dark fighter kill them all! Then bring me the orbs so that i can revive HIM! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    I should hv it all fixed and the femaining parts in this set done by 2marrow. BTW there is a story that would tell you bout HIM but i want you to find it and HIM is not Flow.

  9. #9
    Owner of teh Interweb.
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    I'm going away for a week so this story will hv to stop until i get back

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