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  1. #1


    Episode I - "A New Threat"
    Written by Garret Briner [email protected]
    Story Development by Milton Allemand and Garret Briner
    Rain methodically falls upon the rotting streets of Cancam, a poor fuel harvesting city of the WET district which rests upon the gargantuan planet of Nevea. Two of the city's residents are conducting some "unsanctioned" business under a narrow pass between hundreds of alleyways. They are easily hidden in the darkness of the inner city. They are both soaked from the constant rains that barrage this side of the continent. The merchant greets the buyer with chagrin and proceeds to present a cylindrical case, which contains a psycho reactive drug known as the BLISS. The merchant begins the deal with a bit of conversation, emitting from the loads of cigarette-stained teeth within his disease prone mouth.

    Merchant: "Evening sir, beautiful weather we have tonight, eh?"
    Buyer: "Heh, always the funny one, aren't you Skuz. Just show me the stuff. I am a bit skeptical."
    Merchant: "Very well. By the way, have you noticed anything strange around here lately?"
    Buyer: "Nothing to keep me from being here, Now enough talk, you know what I'm here for. Time is short."
    Merchant: <Chuckles> "Yes... indeed I do."

    A greedy smile falls upon the face of the merchant as he activates the opening mechanism of the cylindrical case. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to the "businessmen," a sullen figure approaches. He is clad in a black leather trench coat and blocks the rain from his face with a large round cross-stitched hat (similar to a Vietnamese peasant hat). A noticeable shiny metal emits from his left arm and a slim line of red light can be seen. His head is hung towards the ground, as he gets closer to the two men. The rain seemingly beads off of his midnight overcoat. He gets closer and closer until finally his left foot strikes a puddle in the ruined road. The two men look up in surprise. The merchant desperately attempts to hide the capsule of drugs into his raincoat while dashing away. The other man, acting on impulse, draws a high photon-calibur handgun from his waist and aims it at the figure.

    Buyer: "Who the f*ck are you???"

    The figure continues to move forward.

    Buyer: "I said... WHO the F*CK are YOU???"

    Unintimidated by the deadly handgun, the figure proceeds, without any reaction and nears point blank range.

    Buyer: "Alright, that's it... you're dead, mother f*cker!!!"

    The man fires off a few rounds of his handgun directly at the figure's chest. After the commotion, the man smiles and eagerly awaits the sight of the figure's corpse. The only thing occupying the street in front of him is trash debris and puddles of rainwater. The man gasps and a look of terror falls upon his face. The figure seemingly reappears about five feet in front of him. This time, it is staring directly at the man with pupiless eyes. The figure poises with both knees slightly bent as he tosses back the reigns of his trench coat. A sheath is revealed on his waist at the left side and the metallic arm can now be clearly seen, as it grips the handle of the blade within the sheath. The man speaks out, choking on his own words.

    Buyer: "r...r...ronin???....."

    The man attempts to fire his handgun again but the figure disappears and, in an instant, lops of the man's hand that is gripping the handgun. The man grabs his hand-amputated arm and screams in pain as blood splatters everywhere. A second later, he begins to choke on his own blood as it trickles down his chin. He looks down at his chest as the figure's katana effortlessly slides through his flesh and bone. The figure retracts his blade and the man falls to the ground, dead. Next, the figure turns his attention to the fleeing merchant and begins to pursue him at an impossible rate. The merchant glances back and sees the figure approaching. The velocity of the figure reminds him of a Race Dragon that he used to gamble on. He pants in agony, barely able to support his portly body on his own two legs. He looks back again and sees nothing. He then stops and struggles to catch his breath. He smiles at the possibility of escaping and pulls out the precious BLISS from his coat. He then turns around to continue down a sharp alley. As soon as he turns around, his face plants directly into the chest of the figure that was chasing him. In fright, he accidentally drops the BLISS capsule. He then shrieks for an instant before his vocal chords, along with the remainder of his neck are cleanly cut apart by the figure's blade. All in the same motion, the figure cleans his blade with his leather-gloved right hand, sheathes the blade, and catches the BLISS capsule before it breaks on the ground. The merchant's decapitated body collapses into a large puddle. The figure's pupiless eyes fade back to normal as he studies the BLISS capsule. A devilish grin falls upon his face.

    Figure: "Hmph..."

    The figure then walks down the alley the merchant was going as calmly as he when he first appeared... and disappears into the darkness.


    A violet tone covers the sky as the second sun of Nevea sets on the horizon. A Wu Fan dojo eclipses the blinding rays of light. Within the dojo, two Wu Fan Ronin (the term for a successfully trained Wu Fan warrior) head to the showers after a routine defense exercise. Droplets of sweat are evident upon both of the men but there is no sign of exhaustion. One stands at 6' 2" and has raven blue hair to compliment his Wu Fan trained physique. He walks without a single worry. His name is Moriya. The other is a newly appointed Ronin by the name of Sanchiro. He is about 5 inches shorter than Moriya, has reddish orange hair, and his physique balances out with his height. Sanchiro has an aire of curiosity about him. Both men have a metallic binding on their right arms (very similar to that from the first scene), which extends from the elbow and covers the hand completely. Each has their own respective luminescent capsule on the binding. Moriya's glows a brilliant blue and Sanchiro's a bright green. As they enter the shower area, Sanchiro brings up a Global Policy Agency news story that seems to concern him.

    Sanchiro: "The police found the body of a notorious BLISS dealer... decapitated, today."
    Moriya: "So what else is new Sanchiro?" <squints his eyes and grins>

    They both enter the showers and begin to wash themselves.

    Sanchiro (with a bit of water in his eyes): "Well, I've been thinking a lot about the story, and something just seems a little funny to me."
    Moriya: "Yeah, who would've thought they would be selling that stuff in the WET district? Not much there but a couple of garbage dump towns and a few fuel harvester colonies."
    Sanchiro: "It's not just that, Moriya, it seems as though this may be the work of an ex-Ronin."
    Moriya: "Hah... you're quite the sleuth there boy. Remember, you're a warrior, not a detective. Leave the police work to the police and you should live ulcer free." <grins again> "What makes you think this is the work of a Ronin type anyway? Just because a blade was used? Besides, the Elder Circle would have tracked any known Ronin activity in the area through their PAC usage. And last I checked, there were no Ronin living anywhere near the WET district anyhow."
    Sanchiro: "But how did the BLISS get that far? Doesn't that make you even the least bit curious?"
    Moriya: "Well, I guess it is a little out of the ordinary for such a rare and expensive drug like BLISS." <Pauses> "But that is beside the point Sanchiro, a simple drug deal gone bad does not concern us. Come on now boy, didn't you learn anything from your training?"
    Sanchiro: "Y..yes... I suppose you are right partner, but you have to admit it does seem strange."
    Moriya: <grumbles> "Come on now, let's go grab some food. I think the hunger has gotten to you."


    Hundreds of thousands of miles away, on the remote island of Kamutra, the home of the Ronin Elder Temple, there is a late night rouse in the meeting room of the Elder Circle. Traditional Ronin candles illuminate the area and statues of great deceased Ronin surround the room up to the 200-foot ceiling. About 16 men and 4 women chatter on with confusion on their faces as they anxiously await the head Elder. The head of the Elder Circle, Master Gaira enters the room with a face of discontent. He is bald with a moustache that hangs from the sides of his chin. He is rather tall compared to the rest of the Elders, standing at an even 6', and, even though he is the eldest member, he looks considerably younger than the rest. One of his arms, as well as all the others in the room, is binded by the traditional metallic Ronin gauntlet called a PAC. A beautiful sky blue emits from the capsule on the side of his gauntlet. A small katana blade is sheathed at his side. Gaira clangs the handle of his katana upon the table and the entire group becomes instantly silent. Gaira then begins to speak. His voice is overwhelmingly courteous, yet filled with honor.

    Gaira: "A recent outbreak of the BLISS drug has become evident in the WET district. Primarily in the fuel harvesting cities of Cancam and Soligachi. As you all know, Parasite B is an extract of this liquid drug."

    He begins to walk around the group as he continues speaking.

    Gaira: "What concerns me is the fact that this drug is being sold in such a desolate region, as well as the fact that there have never been reports of BLISS usage in either of these cities. BLISS is almost entirely exclusive of the more populated metropolitan areas and exists in very small amounts. Of course you all know that we have a department that monitors this drug activity due to it's housing of Parasite B. I have gathered you here today to declare that a small group of our top Ronin spies was recently dispatched to investigate the area. Unfortunately, over half of our spies are either dead or have malfunctioning PACs for we are unable to locate them. As for the rest, life signs are positive but communication, at this point, is non-existent."
    Elder: <in an almost asthmatic voice> "I have a feeling this has to do with Dervant. It is proven that he has meddled with the BLISS drug and is attempting to extract Parasite B on his own."
    Gaira: "Yes, this likely deals with Dervant. His last known whereabouts were in the mining colony of Vantive VI, which is only 1500 miles north of the WET district. He has been silent for nearly 14 years... I fear he has learned too much already. If he is able to successfully control Parasite B, I fear for our way of life as well as the safety of the world population."

    He stops walking and stands directly at the head of the table once again.

    Gaira: "We will continue in our attempts to contact our remaining Ronin spies. If the silence keeps up much longer, we may have to send in a brigade. This, of course, will be voted upon in our next gathering. Until then, sleep well, my fellow 'Nin. You will be contacted in the event of a dire emergency."

    Gaira leaves the room and the chatter amongst the Elders begins to thunder through the temple once again. An obvious look of concern fills all of their time-stained faces.


    End Episode I

    Next Episode: Will the Elder Circle be able to contact one of their Ronin spies? What exactly is going on in the WET district? Who is this Dervant anyway? And what the heck is Parasite B? Stay tuned for the next episode of Parasite Ronin.
    Still to come: Explanations on the Ronin PAC gauntlet. Military briefings on Parasite B and it's effects. Plus a whole lot of blazing blade action.

  2. #2


    Episode II - "A Call to Arms"
    Written by Garret Briner [email protected]
    Story Development by Milton Allemand and Garret Briner
    A massive thunderstorm has errupted over the countryside of the WET district. To the few residents, this is nothing new. A range of mountains tramples across the wetlands, perhaps hundreds of feet taller many years ago, yet reduced due to the constant rain deterioration. A great canyon resides about 600 miles from the closest colony. Here lies the last fuel harvesting colony in the district. It is known as Soligachi. A natural fortress in it's own respect, the enormous mountain range surrounds it from all sides. However, the fuel harvesters within the canyon are nothing but mere statues, covered in Wrap Weed and motionless. They appear to not have been used for many months. The residence area is eerily empty. There are no lights or signs of life, minus the occasional Tusk Rat that scurries across the endless collection of random puddles on the ground. One rat, in particular, notices a strange movement in the shadows. Out of curiosity, it hops over to discover the lurking mystery. As it gets to the area, it notices nothing but a ravaged banner, ripping violently in the wind. It lifts it's nose to check for any strange odors and, in the same moment, is swiftly stabbed in it's fat, prickly body by a katana blade. A Ronin spy returns the blade to it's sheath. His PAC shines brilliantly in the nearby lightning flashes. His face is covered by a dark, slick mask.

    Ronin spy: "Damn I hate rats."

    He hugs the walls of the residence as he studies every little crack and crevice in the structure. He glances, with pupiless eyes, toward a strange, ghastly looking compound which appears to have been construced directly on the side of a mountain. Jagged spikes ascend from it's top and small, groves of light are easily seen on it's sides. The Ronin spy begins to move at an incredible velocity towards the compound. After getting to this unusual palace, the spy begins to investigate each grove carefully. There are signs of residence within each grove but he doesn't find a single soul. A cryptic organ music begins to fall on his ears. He proceeds to climb up the ragged walls to a balcony, dimly lit by grungy lanterns that hang from the ceiling. Along with the heart-piercing organ notes, he overhears conversation inside. He hugs the walls of the balcony and peers inside to see two figures talking. One is dressed in a very traditional uniform, with gold flailings on the shoulders and a short cape that extends only to the bottom of his back. He has a PAC on his left arm and it's capsule glows a deathly red. On his right waist seems to be a sort of fencing blade with a delicate ivy design for it's platinum handle. His hair, like his finely cut beard, is a silverish black and is slicked back into a short pony-tail. His eyecolor is a sickly yellow. His name is Sigmund Dervant. To the Ronin spies surprise, the other figure is dressed just like himself, clad in a slick black suit with a mask covering the face except for the eyes. His PAC's capsule glows with a royal blue, a sign of a true Ronin.

    Ronin spy: <to himself>"What in the..."

    He listens to the two mens' conversation, despite the heavy organ music in the background.

    Count Dervant: "So the Ronin Elders think they are on to our operation here, huh? If it weren't for that incompetent moron Skuz's greed, we would've never been in this situation. At least Shadow was able to take him out quickly. Thankfully I have someone around here that isn't a complete idiot. Now, as for you, go and report back to the elders. Sway their investigations elsewhere. Tell them there was nothing but a simple BLISS factory. Say it was run by a bunch of thugs. However, considering we've already killed a dozen of their spies, we will need a scapegoat. I will have to think that through. As for now, I have research to do. Our supply of BLISS is yielding a nice amount of Parasite B. The project is coming along nicely. <A devilsh grin falls on his face> Now go. And make it snappy."

    The supposed Ronin spy nods and turns to leave. Just before he exits, Dervant speaks again.

    Count Dervant: "Oh, and by the way, Icon, tell them that the severe thunderstorms jammed your communication signals. I am sure they will be wary of that."

    The supposed Ronin leaves as Count Dervant retires to through a chamber door. With much anticipation, the Ronin spy attempts to contact the Elder Circle and report his discovery. Just as he begins initiating a signal on his PAC a scent of cigaro (my term) smoke fills the air and two large, black boots crash down. The balcony floor shakes with an immense force. The Ronin spy immediately wields his katana blade and his PAC capsule begins to glow brilliantly. A truly massive figure stands in front of him. His hair is cut short and is a midnight black. He wears a matching cloak with a fringed bottom that barely touches the ground. His chest seems to extend forever and his jawline is well defined. An expensive cigaro protrudes from his mouth, while the smoke lingers around his head. Despite the darkness, his eyes are a noticeable red. He glances at the Ronin spy's katana and mockingly laughs through his nasal. His pupils begin to fade and his PAC capsule begins to glow yellow. The Ronin spy charges forward at an unhuman speed, with his katana blade extended in a stabbing motion. The massive figure effortlessly dodges the blade and speaks to the Ronin.

    Gabriel: "Hmph... Foolish Ronin, do you think you actually stand a chance against me?"
    Ronin spy: "You are Ronin, you wield the PAC!!!"
    Gabriel: <laughs> "You are DEAD wrong, emphasize dead, if you know what I mean... heh heh."
    Ronin spy: "You have defied the Elders! I shall take you in for this, traitor!"
    Gabriel: "YOUR Elders, sunshine, not mine. I am aligned with the Black Hand, not Ronin. My name is Gabriel. <His comical face suddenly becomes filled with rage> And these are my Wings!"

    Gabriel arms himself with two unique blades in each arm. Each handle is gripped by the hand while the blade lies underneath the arm, extending from the flat point near the fist to the sharp end at the elbow (If you've ever played PSO, think S-Beat's Blades). He blocks a few well timed attacks from the spy with his own blades in some lightning fast action. He catches the spy offguard and knockes him with a powerful blow up against the wall, sending the spy through to the other side. Gabriel walks over to the spy, who jumps up to retaliate. The spy attempts to lunge forward once again. All in the same movement, Gabriel skillfully dodges the attack and follows up by swinging his blades artistically, a hundred times a second. Gabriel stops, covered in blood, and stands facing away from the spy. He swings his arms in an martial arts motion. In the same moment, the bloody spy falls to the ground, dead. Gabriel's eyes fade back in. The hellish red pupils are clearly seen once again. He steadies his weapons and proceeds to go inside the complex. He heads to Count Dervant's chamber with a proud look upon his face. He enters the chamber and is immediately greeted with Dervant's words.

    Count Dervant: "I've been expecting you, Gabriel. We have alot of work to do."
    Gabriel: "I just took out a spy that slipped by your ingenious <snickers> outer forces, Count DER-vant."
    Count Dervant: "You know, you should really come to respect me more, Gabriel. Or else, you may not be waking up tomorrow."
    Gabriel: <unaffected by Dervant's threat, a tone of fakeness falls on his voice> "Eh, what was I thinking... I'm sorry or something. <sarcastically>It must be the selection of women in the area... oh yeah... there are none."
    Count Dervant: "Enough of this rubbish talk. I must go check on our progress."

    Count Dervant proceeds to exit through the door.

    Gabriel: "Oh... by the way... your welcome."

    Count Dervant faintly looks back and continues on his way. As Dervant leaves, a look of anger falls on Gabriel's face. His entire face seems to clench in an uneasy fashion. I tint of hatred is evident in his hellish red eyes.
    End SCENE I
    SCENES II and III should be up shortly.

  3. #3
    / teh Kit-chan :3 Gryph's Avatar
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    May 2001
    the unknown


    Not bad or anything, but seeing your use of the word ronin I was wondering something. Do you actually know what it means?
    Quote Originally Posted by Zarode View Post
    Her chest is a cat, too.

  4. #4


    Ro"nin", n. [Jap. r[=o]-nin, fr. Chin. lang profligate, lawless + j[^e]n (old sound n[=i]n) man.] In Japan, under the feudal system, a samurai who had renounced his clan or who had been discharged or ostracized and had become a wanderer without a lord; an outcast; an outlaw.

    Whoops... got my terms mixed up a bit... I'll just have to change a few things... I guess I'll call my "evil" group the Ronin (because they are all, for the most part, outcasts from the "good" group) Any suggestions for the "good" group's name?

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