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Thread: card mod

  1. #11
    Pink Haired Gothic Lolita Arislan's Avatar
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    Phoenix, Arizona


    Would love tell you what happened with it, but I don't know. It just says that the special effect was changed, without stating how. I can look online with Viviana and see if any of the text has changed, but I don't have an explosion to see if that's changed, and can't test effects either way, again, since I don't have the card. Sorry guys, I'm in the dark as much as you.

  2. #12

    Default can't equip two morfos at the same time ever! it costs 5 points

  3. #13
    Through the Fire and Flames
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    The last place I looked


    i have some explosions. i could check it out. is it possible that its cost has come down, or are we sure its ability has changed in some way? it is quite an expensive card, and its ability cant be used most of the time i think, or it wont be that effective. i do believe it uses a dice roll for it though, so its possible that has come down, when i last looked at it, i think you needed to roll a 5.
    ill check iut out offline and online to see whats changed

  4. #14


    On 2004-02-18 05:40, Jonathan_F wrote: can't equip two morfos at the same time ever! it costs 5 points
    I knew that......
    *cough* *cough*
    maybe to make it more powerful than it is, they should reduce the cost to 4 =P

  5. #15
    Through the Fire and Flames
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    Jun 2003
    The last place I looked


    i just checked my explosion cards, and as far as i can tell they havent changed. its got the same info online as it does offline, cost is the same, same ability. i dunno if anythings happened?

  6. #16


    About Explosion maybe it was only a bug. They don't need to change description. Just change how it works.

    Some cards have received nice balancing but others...
    Have been Overpowered and overweakened.

    Justy for example. 3 cost 5 hp 1 ap. is lame, very lame and the abily its only receive 5 EX when destroyed. But the opponent received 3 ex minimum for destroy you the justy. So the advantage of this ability is very slim for make a crappy rifle worth it. With the exception of use decks based on dice bonus. Maybe they did this because combos with victor Axe, Chaos bringer Rifle, or other cards that receive dice bonus were too powerful. Now Justy is worthless without that combo plan. IMO reducing to HP 5 was enough. There are other impressive 3 cost weapons like kaladbolg.

    Genbu Shield. Its HP reduced to 10 keeping it as 4 cost... Twin Chakram and kaladbolg have same ability and aren't bad weapons for their cost even if they didnt have that ability.

    Orland is ok. Considering many people uses Arkz and Forces Or when they use Heros they use more guns than blades. The times he can have over 3-4 AP without the risk of equipping only low cost stuff are counted. Still correctly used with a teammate can be very scary.

    Teifu is a nice HUcast now. Is quite overpowered but he pays off having HP-3 and move 2.

    Morfos is too good IMHO. They raised his everything!!! I think the HP should have stayed at 5.Large Halved and negate all attacks under 4 with 9 HP, free move and AP,TP =5 is too much for 5 cost.

    Akiko's Wok. 3 cost? I would have accepted it if the HP had been increased more. To 5 at least. HP 3 and 1 is very the same. Purple attacks kill it outright. Small Killers work on it. And is sad to compare it with the other weapon that has same ability, Flame Visit. Yes is 5 cost, 2 more. But for this 2 more it has 3AP more, 5HP more, 2TP more and rifle range.

    Hildeblue is ok. But if we compare it with Chaos Bringer Rifle for example is quite superior. 1 cost less. 1-3 AP more depending on which hero chara uses it.1 HP less. It can combo with all colours, bringer rifle only with techs. And he has 3 square sword range while rifle 4 squares in line. Overall is pretty similar but considering Hildeblue is 1 cost less and can combine with all colours it has become a bit over average.

    With Rukmin I say the same of Justy. if you dont plan to use dice bonus or ex in your advantage with specific tactics is worthless. 5 cost for a mag with 3 cost stats. The extra 2 cost goes for the dice bonus ability. And is in this comparisons when I notice some stuff is unbalanced. How can be the difference with 3 cost mags that slim and then between flame visit and akikos wok so thick.

    And not about any card in specific but about a side effect of the cost raise of flame visit and Power maser. There are 0, zero, nothing 4 cost that is rifle or shot. I had a deck with flame visit and it relies on 4 cost equipment. And I dunno which card to put for replace it... I must go look into 3 cost or 2 cost.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Malkavian on 2004-02-18 13:10 ]</font>

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Malkavian on 2004-02-18 13:13 ]</font>

  7. #17


    Akiko's Wok - Cost to 3, HP to 3
    Perfectly balanced, in my opinion. Far too good even as a 2 cost with 3 HP.

    Delsaber's Buster - Hp to 6
    I had never seen anyone use this card before. So obviously it needed the boost.

    Justy 23 ST - HP to 5, AP to 1
    This card was too good. It is for the best that this card was weakened. Even if they did overdo it a bit.

    Power Maser - Cost to 5, HP to 11
    No complaints.

    Flame Visit - Cost to 5
    This card was underpriced for it's abilities.

    God's Shield Genbu - HP to 10
    I think this card is still too good. At 4 cost, they can equip this and two decent weapons/or one really good one. In this scenario most FO decks will probally lose. If they increased it to a 5-cost it would be balanced. In doing so they would have to increase it's HP, though. A substantial boost probally.

    Rukimin - HP to 6, AP to 1, TP to 2
    Don't care. This card was never good, even worse now. The Rukimin deck is too involved, too slow.

    Hildeblue - AP to 5, TP to 4
    This card was terrible.

    Pal Shark - AP to 2, MV to 4

    Pouilly Slime - HP to 6, AP to 3, TP to 3

    Merlan - AP to 6

    Dark Gunner - Cost to 1, AP to 2
    Still unplayable.

    Morfos - HP to 9, AP to 5, TP to 5, MV to 2
    Balanced. It costs 5, people. Not 4.

    Slayed - Cost to 2
    Very good. Increases it's playability.

    Patience - Cost to 2, HP to 5
    Don't care.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Zophar on 2004-02-18 18:24 ]</font>

  8. #18
    Mercenary for Hire
    Join Date
    Mar 2003


    Little side note to what I said before about Patience, it isn't the only thing against techs
    Resist works too: ah nice 4 cost 10HP defence card
    Didn't notice until yesterday. Quess I have my good anti-tech card now

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: AppieDPC on 2004-02-19 06:31 ]</font>

  9. #19
    Pink Haired Gothic Lolita Arislan's Avatar
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    Dec 2003
    Phoenix, Arizona


    I have so much work to do before next Friday night! I don't have a Saber Dance, much less a Patience anymore. Up to 50% of cards collected again. The Del Rappy will be mine someday.

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