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  1. #41


    i do agree that what he did was wrong but i have been killed by one of the japanese players because they found out how to PK, i was really low on HP like around 15 and asked for him to heal for i had barely anything left ( i was on vhard for the first time in the ruins if youve ever been in that situation at levl 40 you should know what its like) anyways he said yes through the word select of course. Then all of a sudden he starts beatin the crap outta me!!! and he killed me and took my Wals +9 and my 300000 meseta (i had 1 mil in the bank so had nowhere else to put it and no i did not cheat!) anyways this ticked me off. As you may or may not know the japanese version of PSO has a bug in which you could hit players but it couldnt take down damage, and now i guess they found out how to take down damage even if it was only 3 at a time, he had daggers so i was dead right away. My point is is dont judge a whole nation on one person, those japanese people you played with could have robbed others you never know, and that little kid was one of very few who still steal, the japanese are very ruthless also most of the time i have seen it happen in front of my eyes. Anyways sorry for the incredibly long reply.

  2. #42


    Exchanging guild cards does not mean that you aren't gonna get ripped off. I was trading just last night with a guy named Lordslayer. I asked for his guild card before we did anything and he agreed. I figured that he was probably legitimate, so I dropped my stuff first, he grabbed it and basically ignored me for a while. Some other people came in and started haggling over stuff to trade. I kept bugging the guy and then he just took off. I feal really dumb now, but the next time I trade, they drop first unless I know them, regardless of guild cards.

    BTW, I'm gonna hunt down that ass and harass him for a good long time since I do have his card.

  3. #43
    PSO Assassin
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Your local insitution.


    Ive only been playing a week, and havent met enough people I trust yet to have enough guild cards to only play with people I trust. And because of this Ive been ripped off twice. First someone stole my dagger +3, which may not sound like much but when you are level 9 its a big deal, and then my mag. It sucks. Im just tryin to get by at this point.

  4. #44


    Nice to see the America-bashing was not even slowed by what I said. First of all, theft rates in some country have NOTHING to do with theft rates in a GAME. Get that part? If not, I'll repeat it. A GAME. GAME. Game is not life. Life is not game. And Socrates is right when he says it's the player's fault...technically. Truly, people would try their best to find ways to steal...but if anyone has ever played Diablo, you need to give your teammate PERMISSION to loot your corpse. That, personally, I think is the best theft-deterrant anywhere. And Bman...please, PLEASE do not EVER say something like that again. The citizen's fault for crimes, duh...genius. ((sarcasm)) What would you suggest people do? Run around in vigilante groups killing off people they think are theives? Duh...

  5. #45
    PSO Assassin
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Your local insitution.


    whats with all this Nation bashing? people are assholes regardless of where they are from, get over it.

  6. #46


    First off, before I respond, I'd like to make a request: will one of the admins please get rid of that MIDI. And I thought overlarge embedded graphics were annoying...

    "And it's the citizens' fault that crimes are committed. But that doesn't stop governments from enacting laws to discourage them anyway. The players can't be changed. The game can."

    Well, aside from the fact that it's a sad commentary on our culture if we feel the players/people can't be changed, I agree that SEGA can adjust the problem (although perhaps not in PSO1).

    But that's what we're all hoping to see in PSO2, correct? Blaming SEGA for having this situation to begin with (which, as I said, I do not feel is a 'bug' or poor design) is what I felt was silly. Personally, I have no problem with the ability for others to loot my dead body. If I died in the first place, it obviously means that I overextended myself, and well, those are the risks you take.

    Asking SEGA to add a secure trading option or the non-ability to be looted is a perfectly valid idea, of course. A good company that knows what it's doing will always listen to it's consumers about what they want. They may not always be able to deliver, but the truly successful companies do their best to try and comply.

    "First of all, theft rates in some country have NOTHING to do with theft rates in a GAME."

    I disagree completely. While certainly not a direct corellary, the two are definately related. Why? Because a person who is brought up to be polite and respectful of other people's property will carry those ideal's with them regardless of whether they are interacting with someone in 'real life' or cyberspace. A person who would never think about stealing something in real life is going to be far less likely to steal something in cyberspace.

  7. #47


    What's up with you people? u think Americans are just a bunch of bitches who steal stuff? man, **** that! I'm not a racist or anything, I like anyone if their nice, I dont give a crap bout their race or color. But I have come across many Japanese gamers on PSO who talk $hit to me because I'm American. My point is, it's not just us Americans folks, it's us as humans that are like that. of course, many people out there are very friendly and socialistic (is that even a word ?).

  8. #48


    And Bman...please, PLEASE do not EVER say something like that again. The citizen's fault for crimes, duh...genius. ((sarcasm)) What would you suggest people do? Run around in vigilante groups killing off people they think are theives? Duh...
    I'll say whatever the hell I want, thanks. My point - since you're obviously too stupid to understand it - is that because people will not police themselves, someone else has to.

    The thieves are obviously to blame for all the stealing, but only Sega is in a position to actually do something about them.

  9. #49


    Being a japanese-american, I think i'm in pretty good place to comment this. When I enter game, they usually (japanese) discuss whether they leave or not.. if there is another american, of course, my screen name is japanese, so right off the bat they accept me. Biased? Yes, but they sure as hell have a reason to be. Alot of americans (i say alot, not most or all) are either
    1- whiners (I want dbl saber bla bla blah)
    2- Thieves (stealing)
    3- Bad mannered and culturally unaware..
    Now, that said, alot of american players (like me) are very well mannered and help out newbies. You never know...

  10. #50


    Agreeds with Shoryu


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