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  1. #1


    I am going to be making a new character and I want some opinions on which of these ID's I should make next. Viridia, Greenill, Purplenum, or Yellowboze. I have all the other ID's already. I will be making a FOmar and he will probably not grow very fast unless I start to really like playing with him.

  2. #2
    Human After All
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Does this work now?


    Purplenum is widely regarded as an excellent Force ID.

  3. #3


    Hmmmm.. Thanks but I don't really need Force weapons. I'm just wondering which of these is the best in general ID.

  4. #4
    Human After All
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Does this work now?


    Purplenum is generally regarded as an excellent overall ID (Though, more towards Rangers and Forces than Hunters).

    If you don't have a Purplenum, you should make one.

  5. #5


    Hmmmmmmm..... I suppose I could make it a Purplenum... I'm not sure... I'll think about it. I think I'm going to wait and make a RAcast that's a Purplenum...

  6. #6
    Aerospace RicoRoyal's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Southern California / St. Louis



    -Yasminkov 9000M (Purplenum exclusive)
    -Psycho Wand (Pipeable off Mil Lilies)
    -God/Ability (asuming your online, Purp. Gibbles will hand this over to you faster than Pinkal Gulgus-gue)

    Although the Yas9k is the only Purplenum exclusive out of those three, the other two come pretty damn close when you consider the other places you get the items from. Purplenum is on many peoples top 4 IDs lists as is Yellowboze (but with less frequency than Purplenum). Listen to Quo, go with the Purplenum. Still, I wouldn't blame ya' for going for any of your other options, seeing as how they are all quite nice IDs.

    NOTE: I do not recommend a Purplenum android. It will make Psycho Wand all the more tedious to find (thus bringing down Purplenum's attractiveness).

  7. #7


    No question in my mind, go with Purplenum... they pointed out the major reasons already. Some other reasons for a purplenum are an easily piped FS (other IDs can pipe it easily) and a decent chance at a Spread Needle. Also, the Yas9kM is amazing. Basically, I use my Purplenum as a ranger. I got the three weapons I just mentioned and that is all you need with a ranger. So if you're going to maybe make a RAcast like you said, then Purplenum all the way.

  8. #8


    Psycho Wand from a Mil Lily is 1/205, no way in hell am I piping for 205 or more Mil Lilies. Although, there is always the chance it will come on 1 Mil... With my old Bluefull HUcast (before corruption) I found an Imperial Pick in Forest 1 of my first Ult Forest run, that's a 1/700 drop from Gulgus-Gue. And with my new HUcast who is level 120 until today I had never found a Gae Bolg from a Bartle. Then today I found two in one room. I think I will go ahead and go with Purplenum now. I don't need Spread Needle with it as I can easily get that with my Skyly Force. But I will go for the other mentioned drops and definately Yas 9, that is the main thing I already wanted a Purplenum for. I guess I'll use a different ID for my RAcast.

  9. #9


    Now to chose a name... any suggestions?

  10. #10


    Psycho Wand from a Mil Lily is 1/205, no way in hell am I piping for 205 or more Mil Lilies. Although, there is always the chance it will come on 1 Mil... With my old Bluefull HUcast (before corruption) I found an Imperial Pick in Forest 1 of my first Ult Forest run, that's a 1/700 drop from Gulgus-Gue. And with my new HUcast who is level 120 until today I had never found a Gae Bolg from a Bartle. Then today I found two in one room. I think I will go ahead and go with Purplenum now. I don't need Spread Needle with it as I can easily get that with my Skyly Force. But I will go for the other mentioned drops and definately Yas 9, that is the main thing I already wanted a Purplenum for. I guess I'll use a different ID for my RAcast.
    Hmmm, it is the BEST chance at a PWand, but if you do not want one, then that's okay. Yeah there is a chance you can get it on your first Mil and I remember reading posts about people here who that happened to. The Yas9kM is also the reason I was attracted to Purplenum No name suggestions thou...

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