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  1. #1


    When I'm not smacking around Boomas, I like to smack around players, ah the joys of Battle Mode.

    I'm only rivaled by one player on the DC servers. However, I'm told they greatly altered GC battle mode. Foie chains are no longer possible.

    What can I expect? I want to know what to adapt to. The ultimate goal is to make the experts cry.

  2. #2
    Rappy Hunter
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    burton, england


    you know i played all versions of pso except for xbox and loved the battle mode intensly, however as far as i can tell there are no physical diferences to the GC version. if im wrong someone feel free to correct me,
    ill try and find out for you.

  3. #3


    Battle in the GameCube and XBox version is subpar. When they "balanced" the MST, they made it way too powerful for Battle. Techs knock down, which really sucked compared Dreamcast.

    And yeah, none of the tricks from DC Battle are there, save for self-resta, which basically does it itself because of being knocked down and selecting it from the quick tech select.

    By the way, who were you on v2? I find it hard to believe you were only rivaled by one player.

  4. #4


    It's a shame to learn the many tricks in DC battle have been altered or butchered.

    I'm refering to the new DC servers. Most people are too new or inexperienced to take me on. The few who do still get surprisingly smoked. I blame it still on lack of experience.

    Aleron Ives is the person who rivals me, he's from the old DC servers. I've only known one other person (non-Japanese) and have heard of Japanese taking him down regularily. It's always a struggle, but fun, battling him. I usually lose against him.

    On the old servers I was pretty bad at battle.

    [Edit] - On the old servers I was Verdandi, Sayumi and Hitomi. They survived to the new servers, now they're on vacation till I get GC. Currently on the new servers I'm playing as a FOmarl, Ashika.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Evergea on 2004-08-09 16:08 ]</font>

  5. #5


    GameCube/Xbox Battle is very different from Dreamcast Battle. If you are a Battle mode veteran, then you know as I do that Battle mode is almost more a contest of who knows more than anything else. Sure, you have to be able to execute on that knowledge, and this is where skill and practice come in, but that core knowledge is important. This being said, GC/Xbox battle is a whole new bag of tricks to learn. Virtually none of the old Dreamcast tricks can be used anymore, because the game has been changed so much for this version. Using a Force in Battle is looked upon as nothing less than cheap by all or most of the regular Battlers, who all use either HUmars or HUnewearls.

  6. #6


    Yeah forces are way overpowered thanks to Naka's "balancing" of MST.

    Before it used to take a zonde, two foies and one rafoie to kill someone. Now just a foie can take (or wipe out most of his HP) a hucast out.

    The new DC servers? I'm interested. I sold my Dreamcast because I was low on cash, but I can get it back very easily. Explain more on the servers.

    v2 was the best of PSO times, except for the first week of import Ep 1/2. Being one of the only FOnewms to have over 1000 wins was great. I still love the BA6 music...

  7. #7


    Ah, that's a shame about forces. I'm really enjoying the fomarl, being able to help with support techs, while still going melee. I'm the elusive melee force.

    Unfortanetly I can't say anything that would promote or show how to connect to the new servers, it would violate the forum rules.

  8. #8


    *Points to the little yellow running man*

    Why don't ya IM me?

  9. #9


    Tried Iming you, got no responce.

    I'm eagerly awaiting PSO+ to be released. I want to try out the new battle system sooo badly.

  10. #10


    I was probably asleep, forgot to put an away message.

    Anyway, most of the veteran battlers from the Miranda 7 era dislike how the new battle mode plays. The lag is a lot different than in DC as well.

    But tell me, what tricks do you know for Battle in v2? I remember:

    Long range techs
    Self-Resta (few ways to do this)
    Self/Partner only Shifta/Deband

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