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  1. #211


    You have what it takes, buddy.

    I'm impressed.

  2. #212
    The Purple RAmar Sunblast's Avatar
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    Bernie has the "knack" and Marla has... something else...

  3. #213


    On 2004-10-07 17:23, Sunblast wrote:
    Bernie has the "knack" and Marla has... something else...
    the "kick" ...

  4. #214
    The Purple RAmar Sunblast's Avatar
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    On 2004-10-07 21:52, WraithVerge wrote:
    the "kick" ...
    LOL, too true.

  5. #215
    Creator Of Worlds
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    Closer than you think...


    BOC - If Marla's method doesn't work, then don't hold either me or her responsible!
    *Quickly writes jackass-style disclaimer for first post*
    And yes, Garanz is a beast, but that's another story

    Tani - Really?
    *drops Ragol on K'Tani*

    TheOneHero - That's for me to know and for you to find out!

    Sagasu - If you think that's impressive check out this! *pulls out thinly veiled innuendo*

    Sunblast - Bernie has the 'knack'? The knack for..?

    WV - She can't help it if people choose to lie down where she happens to be walking now can she?

    I can't believe it! Marla's one act of peversity and I can't tell if anyone even spotted it

    I'm so depressed I think I'll post chapter 19...

    ----- Chapter 19 : Out Of Time -----

    "Are we there yet?" Moaned Bernie.

    "It seems that Ult has jumped to another part of the Mines." Explained Montague. "She's definitely heading in a particular direction, specifically towards the entrance of the Ruins. But this does mean that we're going to have to go around the long way."

    "No sense complaining about it Bernie." Said Marla. "It's already late at night, we're just as tired as you but..."

    "But?" Queried Bernie.

    He quickly raised his Flame Visit when he saw the reason Marla stopped speaking. A RAmar in a sleek, black and white stealth armour was pointing a Yasminkov 2000H handgun squarely between her eyes.

    "You really should try making less noise." The RAmar said in a low, rough voice. "If I was a soldier still I could have killed the lot of you in the blink of an eye."

    The man lowered his arm and re-holstered his gun.

    "I guess if you're thinking of heading North, and it sounds like you are, you wouldn't last half a Beat without help from me."

    "Who are you that we should be asking for help from the likes of you?" Said Marla disdainfully.

    "Voshay Marrik's the name. Sneaking around heavily protected facilities used to be my day job, at least until I decided to go for something a little more relaxing, like being a Hunter."

    "Let me guess, you're running around a restricted area because you're also investigating what WORKS is up to right?"

    "Nope. There's a video-game convention later this month. I thought I get some practise in for the look-a-like contest."

    "Really? And who do you look like?"

    "What? Don't tell me you can't see the resemblance..." Voshay held his chin and tilted his head left and right. "Come on! Solid Snake! You know who Solid Snake is right?"

    "Sorry, I find real life to be much more interesting that playing video-games." Retorted Marla.

    "Shame then. I think you'd make an excellent Cammy."

    "You know, I'd like to see that." Piped up Bernie.

    "I think we should leave aside the discussion of whether I would look good in a skin-tight leotard and bodypaint or not, because I would. What's up ahead?"

    "Military issue RAcasts patrolling the area. Motion, infrared and audio sensing models. If one of them spots you it'll bring the whole place down upon your heads faster than the time it takes to drop a telepipe. But you're in luck. I've been studying their search routines so I can get you through. If you use your radar you'll be able to work out which direction their facing too."

    "Excuse me? Our what?" Asked Marla.

    "You know, your radar. The box in the top-right of the screen?" Said Voshay as he pointed into the space above his head.

    "Uh, I can't see anything there." Said Bernie as he squinted at the empty space above Voshay. "What am I looking for? What screen?"

    "You guys made this far without radar? What kind of amateurs are you?" Questioned Voshay gruffly.

    He soon found himself on the business end of a Varista.

    "Enough foreplay. Take us all the way already." Said Marla solemnly.


    Voshay Marrik was a good as his word, guiding the intrepid quartet through the heavily protected section. As they soon found out, the Military may have been intensely paranoid about protecting its own interests but that did not mean that they did not farm out the defence contracts to the lowest bidder. The detecting abilities of the sentry Androids was so poor that unless you stood within two metres in front of them, they could not find you.

    Despite offers of financial reward or threats to life and limb Voshay refused to accompany them further into the Mines than the patrol limits. His reasoning was that 'there were bound to be other groups of Hunters wishing to sneak in still and that they would need his services'. Guide now behind them, this new section was different to the previous ones. Monitoring equipment and terminals dotted the walls, while the 'Photon Amplifiers' K'Tani had mentioned earlier directly evident, no attempt made to hide their locations.

    "Master, I'm detecting Ult directly ahead in the next room." Said Elenor suddenly.

    The three of them broke into a run, Elenor waddling in the rear. The door before them sliding open to reveal a large triangular room divided into two sections. Once again Ult seemed to be waiting, if not for them, for something. They approached her carefully this time, a faint aura of photon energy swirling around her, making them cautious in case she had discovered some new tricks.

    "Ult, why do you keep running away? Please come back to us." Implored Montague.

    "Don't tell me what to do." Ult's words were different, they sounded... Bitter. "I want... I want to be free... I want to evolve. Stuck inside a capsule... Underneath the ground. I'm sick of it all."

    The rage in her final words was almost palatable, but she would speak no more. Instead she was lit by the same energy that swelled to engulf her and with a flash she was gone again.

    "Master, I cannot detect her nearby." Said Elenor sadly.

    "Aha! I've finally found you! I'm not sure how you got in here and I'll give you credit for getting this far, but your luck has just run out."

    They turned to see Major Leo Crysalis enter the room flanked by two heavy-duty RAcasts each equipped with a mean looking rifle. The Major himself sported a wicked looking Katana, definitely not standard Military issue. A cacophony of clanking from behind informed the group that a phalanx of Gilchic robots were moving into position. They were now surrounded.

    "I'll take care of the Doctor later." Continued Leo. "First, I'll teach you to respect the power of WORKS..."

    The whole room shook as his well-rehearsed speech was interrupted by the impromptu earthquake. This was no normal earthquake however. The vibrations felt almost regular, as if it was being created by an unnatural source.

    "What? What's happening? Could our operation have caused this?" Shouted out Leo as he struggled to maintain his balance. "We didn't predict anything like this!"

    The quake subsided as rapidly as it had begun. One of the RAcasts began to speak:

    "Sensors have detected enemies. Estimating a large number of creatures."

    "Impossible! This whole area should be under control of WORKS, but why are they... Is it due to the abnormal photon effect that the Doctor predicted? If that's the case then I'll destroy everything! I will show you what the Military can do... Say your last prayer and prepare to die!"

    A flurry of photons later and it was all over. Major Leo found himself flanked by two expensive piles of junk with a scattering of Gilchic spares in support. Bernie took a step forward and jammed his Flame Visit against Leo's crotch.

    "Now let's see who you really are!" Said Marla pulling of Leo's rubber mask to reveal... "Mr. Henderson, the haunted amusement park owner?"

    "Zoinks!" Exclaimed Montague.

    "Jinkies!" Exclaimed Elenor.

    "And I would've got away with it too, if it wasn't for you meddling kids." Said the sullen Mr. Henderson.

    "Let's try that again." Said Marla pulling off the rubber mask to reveal... "Mome the scientist?"

    "Zoinks!" Exclaimed Montague.

    "And I would've got away with it too, if-"

    "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Who else is under there?" Marla pulled off the rubber mask to reveal... "My evil twin sister Carla?"

    "I didn't know you had a twin sister!" Said Bernie grinning maniacally for no reason whatsoever.

    "Yeah, well I don't like to talk about her because she's an embarrassment to the family. What with being evil and all. Besides... I don't feel like arresting her today." Marla said removing Carla's mask to reveal Leo once more.

    "The power of WORKS... Is this... It?" Said a broken Leo. "I won't be able to face the Commander like this. I'll never let scum like you disrupt this noble operation. I won't let you get away with this, ha ha ha ha, I'll blow us all apart!"

    With those words Leo leapt back a short distance and pressed a big red button on his arm-mounted PSU. Immediately a siren blared out and red flashing lights on the walls filled them all with a sense of dread. With the laughter of a crazed man, Leo turned tail and ran through the nearest door and it locked firmly behind him.

    "Master, I'm detecting Ult again, she's in the Ruins." Said Elenor.

    "Everyone! To the Transporter quickly!" Marla said as she gave Bernie's bottom a playful smack.

    Bernie stopped, an indignant look upon his face.

    "You see? That's what I'm talking about! That's the reason we broke up. You were always serious with everyone else but never with me. You were never serious about us."

    "Is that really what you think? The reason I was never serious with you..." She cupped his face in her hands. "... Was because you were the only one I could be unserious with. With you I could be myself."

    "I don't think 'unserious' is a word." He replied, a hint of a smile on his lips.

    "Ah Elenor, it's touching to see young people in love." Said Montague.

    "Master? You wish me to touch them?"

    "Uh... Maybe later..." He coughed loudly. "While I would recommend that you two love-birds get a room, with a two-way mirror, the sirens we hear right now are of the 'self-destructing facility' type. I suggest we retire to a safe distance first."

    They ran up to the Transporter that linked this place to site two of WORKS's operations based in the Ruins.

    "Ult's an older model but completely autonomous. She shouldn't become that unstable, even if someone tried to control her." Montague informed them.

    He waited until Bernie and Marla had stepped into the Transporter and vanished before adding, "Why would Ult's evolutionary emotion device be activated now?"

    He and Elenor then followed the RAngers in.

    [edit]Changed She into Marla[/edit]

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: mr_rubbish on 2004-10-11 09:48 ]</font>

  6. #216
    La Chupacabra-1/2 Azn Ogre KaFKa's Avatar
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    he did not just bust out a scooby-doo parody and have a plot thickener al in the same chapter. that dirty man

    good chapter, although for being near the end i can cautiously say where its going to lead up. =/

  7. #217
    The Purple RAmar Sunblast's Avatar
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    OMG, that Scooby Doo part was freaking awesome! I burst out laughing (I think I lost my voice)! Good stuff, Rubbish! Err, Rubbish like your name, not the writing.

    On 2004-10-09 01:19, mr_rubbish wrote:
    Major Leo Crysalis
    Is that his actual name? I might need to use him in the near future...

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sunblast on 2004-10-09 06:39 ]</font>

  8. #218


    You gave me a good laugh with that scooby doo part Rubbish. As well with the video-game part.

  9. #219
    Customary AWESOME Title Solstis's Avatar
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    On 2004-10-09 03:52, KaFKa wrote:
    he did not just bust out a scooby-doo parody and have a plot thickener al in the same chapter. that dirty man
    I agree.

    It was thinning... sort of like Bernie's hair, then he thickened it... just like...

    *slaps self*


  10. #220
    Creator Of Worlds
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    Closer than you think...


    We're so close to the end, you can almost taste it!
    "Taste's like wolf spit."
    [/'Rocko's Modern Life' joke]

    Kafka - If you know which quest this story is based on you can probably guess what's going to happen. Unless... That's what I want you to think will happen. Unless... That's what you think I want to you to think will happen. Unless...

    Sunblast - That one scene was probably more funny that the entire scooby doo movie. (Except for Mathew Lillard, who deserves an Oscar or something).
    As for the villian, in the game he is refered to as 'Leo' but nothing more is said about him other than he is part of WORKS. I made up the rank and gave him a surname for credability's sake.

    TheOneHero - Yeah, Voshay was another tough one to write for. I was running out of chapters to put him in until I re-read his profile that WraithVerge gave me, where it mentions that he is like another character...

    Solstis - Bernie's hair is NOT thinning. He's just been under a lot of stress recently.

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