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  1. #21
    The spunky Newman
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    ::Yoink:: ::copies:: spactacular, simlply wonderful, as always Sunblast you ROCK!!

  2. #22
    The Purple RAmar Sunblast's Avatar
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    Sorry for my slow reply, but the network sucks(I'm on my mom's computer, now. X() I'm glad you guys liked it. I had a wee bit of trouble with the Ruins description, I'm afraid. Still, things should get interesting if I can get working on it again.

  3. #23
    Wish I could change my name to El Capitaine...
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    i...must read...this amazing fanfic....cannot be denied my ability to read it.....

    hurry up!

    i love how Tails actually has a personality, rather than just a plain old mag. the tv thing was awesome!

  4. #24
    The Purple RAmar Sunblast's Avatar
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    Alright, I finally got around to writing when I was home from school (I was sick. ), and I got bored out of my mind. I really don't have an excuse for not working on it in such a long time, and I'm sorry for anyone who tried to wait patiently for the next chapter. If you're still interested in this story, then I hope you'll like this, because here's chapter 7!

    Chapter 7: Belly of the Beast
    On the surface of Ragol, a storm was taking place over the forest area. A fresh, clean smell prevailed over the stench left behind by the carcasses of countless natives. Drops landed on every large fern, continuing onward to drip down onto the moist soil of the paths carved out my hunters long ago. In the river that bisects the forest, countless ripples form in the crystal clear water. Just underneath the surface, the mole-like creatures known as boomas lie in wait for the careless footfalls of the next hapless hunter.
    Bursting up from the ground, these creatures will attack their prey in groups. Nearly seven feet tall and with a roar most mighty, they hope to frighten the intruder into carelessness, but their bark is far worse than their bite. However, they have elongated claws which they use to shred their opponents. As fearsome as these creatures are, they are nothing compared to the dangers that reside deeper under the surface.
    Miles underground, there's a massive alien starship. So massive, in fact, that one would just as soon call it a city. The interior consists of large caverns and minor chambers, narrow corridors and arched bridges. It's a maze of dead-ends and traps, and for most hunters, it is their final resting place.
    Sunblast was just beginning to materialize within the ruins. Once he had fully appeared, he took his first few steps away from the teleporter before realizing something was wrong. The ruins had changed.
    This area of the Ruins looked much older than the rest. The walls showed signs of erosion, as they were worn with small pits in them. The air hung heavy with a yellow fog, which could quite possibly be poisonous. However, as he breathed, he detected nothing wrong with the atmosphere, and he made his way through the miasma towards the door across the room from him.
    Where am I? he wondered. He passed through the first door to find a long, narrow corridor. He walked to the end of it, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings. When he reached the door at the end of the hallway, he could hear sounds coming through he other side. Sunblast approached the automatic door, and as it opened up, it revealed a scene of chaos.
    It was a medium sized room, and it had five strange-looking monsters in it, monsters which Sunblast had never seen the likes of before. They were crystalline in structure, with large fork-like claws. The arms seemed to be detached from the rest of the body at the torso, seemingly floating alongside each other. The creatures had no heads, though the large spikes at their shoulders seemed to give it somewhat of a face. Three of them were green while the other two were violet. The creatures had formed a circle around a young Newman.
    From his appearance, Sunblast could tell the man was clearly a force, though he seemed to be wielding a saber. The blade itself seemed to be made of glowing runes that the Newman swung at the closest attacker, severing one of its claws. He turned to the next one and stabbed it, impaling it through its midsection with the radiant blade. As one approached the force, he spun around to face it, then he simply pointed the sword at the monster. Instantly, a ball of flame jumped from the tip of the weapon, searing through the creature. For the remaining two beasts, he drew a strange looking yellow pistol. He pointed the weapon's long barrel at the creatures and squeezed off two shots, taking each creature down with a single hit. As their bodies dropped to the floor, they began to dissolve into purple slime until the corpses had disappeared.
    The man stayed very still, breathing heavily. After a moment, he holstered his pistol and turned towards the doorway where Sunblast had watched the fight from. The Newman nearly ran into the purple ranger before looking up, clearly startled. He looked Sunblast up and down as Sunblast did the same.
    The Newman was dressed in a black jester outfit with yellow highlights. He wore a hat with two tails coming out the back, each tipped with a yellow puffball. Sticking out from under the cap, Sunblast could see locks of ruffled blonde hair, some of which came down in front of his big, green eyes. He wore yellow goggles, pushed up above his eyes. He wore platform shoes, but even with the added height he was still a little shorter than Sunblast.
    He quickly regained his composure and waved to Sunblast before saying, "Umm hey! Didn't expect to see anyone else down here." He smiled and reached out his hand to Sunblast. "I'm Eihwaz, but everyone calls me Wazzy."
    Sunblast shook his hand and said, "I'm Sunblast. Everyone calls me… Well, Sunblast." Upon seeing Eihwaz's reaction, he added, "No, really, they do."
    Eihwaz smirked at Sunblast and replied, "Umm, yeah. Anyway, I'm trying to find a very rare item. It's called a Morning Glory, and rumor has it that it's around these parts somewhere." He crossed his arms and continued, "I'm a master at searching for items, so it should show up pretty soon. What are you looking for?"
    Sunblast lowered his gaze and replied, "I'm looking for a Newman girl. She's supposed to be here, too."
    Eihwaz perked right up. "A Newman Girl? Alright! Mind if I come, too? Maybe there'll be two…"
    Sunblast shook his head. "Nope, just the one. You can come if you want, but please be careful. She may already be hurt, and I don't want to endanger her anymore than I already have."
    "Oh, that sucks. Sorry to hear that, man," he said, placing a hand on Sunblast's shoulder, which was the same height as his head. "Hey, I know this place pretty well. I can help you find her."
    Sunblast nodded and said, "Alright, but he have to start moving now. The sooner we start the search, the sooner we find her."
    Sunblast started walking towards a door on the other side of the room as Eihwaz hustled to catch up. As they passed through the door, a human Hunter dressed in black fell from the ceiling and landed gracefully on his feet. He looked at the door Sunblast and Wazzy had gone through, then he pulled out a small communicator.
    "Sir, the Ramar is here. They're heading towards Section 22, and they should arrive shortly. I'll stall them for just a little bit longer."
    A crackling voice came through the tiny speaker and said, "Good. That should give us enough time to get ready. I'll inform the commander and get the prisoner ready. Move out, soldier."
    The Hunter put away his communicator and gazed at a point high up on the wall. He dashed towards it and jumped at the wall. He pulled out two daggers and pushed them deep into the wall, then started to climb with them. He reached the point he had noted earlier and pressed his hand against it, causing a small passageway to open itself to him. He clambered in and closed the door behind him as he started crawling through the vents high above Sunblast and Eihwaz, watching them.

    EDIT: Fixed those blasted ?s. Thanks for the heads up, Eihwaz!

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sunblast on 2005-02-02 13:22 ]</font>

  5. #25
    Seeker of Rares Eihwaz's Avatar
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    This is excellent writing, but you need to fix the formatting. What I mean by that is, you should go in and replace all the ?'s with the proper marks.

    I suppose you used something like Microsoft Works Word Processor to make this, and it makes fancy symbols from things like ", ..., and so on. You should use a simpler program, like WordPad, to make these up, so it doesn't get all funky when you copy and paste it.

    But, despite all of that, this is an excellent chapter. And no, I'm not saying that just because I'm in it. I look foward to the next chapter.

  6. #26
    The Purple RAmar Sunblast's Avatar
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    On 2005-02-01 14:16, Eihwaz wrote:
    What I mean by that is, you should go in and replace all the ?'s with the proper marks.
    Shoot! I forgot about those! Sorry, Wazzy! I use word, which has autocorrect. In the past, I had turned off all the non-PSOW compatible things, but I recently reinstalled windows. D'oh! Well, that's fixed now. Thanks for telling me, and I'll edit the post to fix them there, too.
    Glad you enhjoyed the chapter. I'm still going pretty slowly on these, but mabye I'll finally finish this. ^_^

  7. #27


    Hmm, good work!
    I actually recognised Wazzy before you named him. ^_^

  8. #28
    The Purple RAmar Sunblast's Avatar
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    On 2005-02-02 16:01, shadowvincent wrote:
    I actually recognised Wazzy before you named him. ^_^
    Ha! Sweet! Ya hear that, Wazzy? Everyone can recognize you just from your big butt.
    Glad you liked it. I should probably get writing a little today, but my gf's Valentine's Day card needs work, and I've been putting that off lately.

  9. #29
    The Purple RAmar Sunblast's Avatar
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    Chapter 8: Prisoner Transfer
    In another section of the Ruins, a blue-haired Newman by the name of Nara was sitting on a stone bench in a small cell. Through the bars, she could only see a corridor that leads off into darkness. She hadn't been in that cell for long, but she couldn't remember how she got there. Every time she tried to think about it, she could only come up with a blank.
    "This doesn't make sense," she said to herself, her voice echoing off of the stone walls. "One minute I'm in the forest, the next thing I know I'm in here." She sighed. "I guess I failed my first quest, then. I hope that kid's alright," she said, recalling the young Hunter named Ash who she had rescued from a pack of savage wolves.
    It was a difficult fight, but she had some help. Her employer, recognizing her as being new to the trade, told her she had to take along a very imposing purple android named Kireek. The android was a HUcast, a Hunter. He was very tall, and he used a frightening looking scythe. In fact, the only thing that worried her more than his weapon was his eyes, which were empty, even for a robot. Luckily for her, he was a great fighter, and he helped teach her how to fight the creatures they came up against.
    The last thing she could remember was defeating the last of the savage wolves, then hearing Kireek say, "I'll take this boy with me. Don't worry, I'll make sure he gets home." Then she got the idea that her nursing skills could be used to heal Ash, but as she started to turn around, she blacked out and woke up here.
    "This doesn't make sense," she said again. "Why don't I remember coming here?"
    "That's simple," A voice called from down the shadowy corridor. "You were rendered unconscious so you'd be easier to transport. Then we just had to carry you here."
    Nara jumped at the sound of the voice and yelled, "Who's there? What do you want?"
    The stranger chuckled. "Don't worry, my dear girl. I do not wish to hurt you. However, if you don't cooperate, I won't have a choice."
    Nara squinted, trying to see her visitor through the shadows. "You didn't answer my question."
    "That's correct. Heh, I guess I shouldn't keep you waiting any longer. Allow me to introduce myself," he said as he stepped forth from the shadows. "My name is Landon, and I'll be your captor this evening."
    Nara looked long and hard at the figure, but there wasn't much to see. He wore a long, dark cloak that obscured any details worth noting. The only other thing she could see was his crooked smile as he spoke to her.
    "I'm here to take you to my master. He has plans for you."
    Nara moved back from the bars. "Plans? What plans?"
    "Oh, it's quite simple, really. Whether you realize it or not, you have befriended a rather powerful Ranger recently--"
    Nara jerked to attention. "Sunblast!"
    The man paused for a moment. "Sunblast? Yes, I think that's his name. I heard my master mention his name once or twice, but my memory's a bit poor. Anyway, where was--"
    "Your master?" Nara interrupted.
    He sighed before answering her. "Yes, my master. I believe you would know him as Leo."
    Nara shook her head. "Nope, sorry. Doesn't ring any bells."
    He crossed his arms, obviously a little perturbed. "Well, I am fairly certain that your ranger friend will recognize him. He ruined master Leo's greatest plans, and my master has sworn revenge."
    Nara's curiosity took over once more. "What do you mean? What happened?"
    The man leaned against the wall of the corridor as he began the story. "My master, Leo, was a high-ranking officer in WORKS." Seeing the confused look on Nara's face, he said, "The Galactic Mobile Infantry 32nd Squadron, or WORKS, was the most elite military group on Coral. Most of their best soldiers were lost during the Pioneer 1 tragedy, but nothing could bring down my master.
    "His plans were finally realized when he became aware of a very special android. What made it so special was that its creator, one Dr. Jean Carlo Montague, had implanted a special device within its body. I'm not important enough to be told what that device was, but my master needed it dearly. However, Montague was too selfish to give up the technology, so my master had to take the android away from him."
    Nara raised an eyebrow at the cloaked man. "He kidnapped it? Does he do that sort of thing often? I mean, just look at my situation."
    Landon's grin turned serious. "He liberated the technology from a foolish man who did not understand it's full potential. Montague would have squandered it on one of his foolish experiments. My master was wise to take it from Montague."
    His grin returned as he continued. "Well, as I was saying, my master captured the android, but Montague found out and, like a coward, went to the Hunter's Guild for help. That's where your Ranger comes in. That fool ruined everything! He broke into our restricted areas and slaughtered anything that stood in his way. He destroyed all that we had worked to achieve, and he's the reason the android was ultimately lost. My master has not forgotten this disgrace, and now the ranger must pay for what he has done."
    "Sounds to me like your master got what he deserved."
    "I'm not surprised that you say that. I can not expect one such as yourself to understand my master's goals. However, whether you understand them or not is irrelevant. You will help master Leo get his revenge."
    The cloaked man approached her cell and unlocked the barred door, swinging it wide open. He drew a military-grade handgun from his cloak and aimed it directly at Nara's head, it's laser pointer showing up as a red dot between her eyes. She went stiff with fear, realizing the danger she was in.
    "Come with me. Now." He grabbed her by the arm and dragged her from her cell. Keeping his weapon aimed at her, he said, "OK, now start walking. Just do as I say and you won't be harmed."
    Nara reluctantly obeyed, starting down the long, dark corridor. The man followed just a few feet behind her, keeping his gun trained on her head. After passing through many intersections and doorways, they reached a large, dark room. The cloaked man pressed a switch, activating the lighting. As soon as she could see, Nara's eyes darted around the room.
    It was a pretty empty room except for a few crates and a platform like those used by public speakers. From the door behind the platform came three men. Two of them were guards, wearing standard issue military uniforms, but the one in the middle was dressed like a Hunter. He wore a black HUmar suit, which sported a VIRIDIA Section ID. He had a long ponytail of dark green hair, with a few locks coming down in front of his right eye. As for the part of his face that was uncovered, she could see marks that looked like burns of some sort.
    He walked towards her with an evil grin like that of the cloaked man. "Well, it's about time we met. My name is Leo. And you are?"
    Nara crossed her arms and replied, "None of your business."
    Leo chuckled to himself. "My my, aren't you a spunky little Newman?" He reached his hand out to brush her face, but he never touched her. With lightening reflexes, she grabbed his wrist with her left hand and gave him a smack across his face with the other.
    "Spunky is right," she said, pushing him away from her. "Try to touch me again and I'll hit you where it counts."
    The two guards snickered from behind Leo as his face turned red from both the attack and from his own embarrassment. He raised a hand threateningly above his head, but before he could bring it down upon Nara, he calmed down, lowering his hand back down.
    "I don't want to have to hurt you," he said, still flushed. "But if you try anything else stupid like that, I'll have no choice but to eliminate you."
    Nara crossed her arms again and said, "Just try it, you sleaze! Sunblast will kick your butt once he gets here."
    "Yeah, I'll bet. Speaking of which," he said, looking down at a screen on his wrist that was currently displaying what looked like radar. "He should be arriving any moment now." He motioned to the guards, and they moved next to the door that Nara and Landon had come through.
    Nara, realizing the trap Leo had set for Sunblast, tried to call out. "Sunblast! Sunblast, don't come in! It's a--"
    She was silenced as Landon covered her mouth with a gloved hand. "Ugh, thank you," said Leo. "Put her in that corner and keep her quiet. I need to concentrate."
    As the cloaked man took Nara into the shadowy corner, Leo drew his weapon, a long, metal katana. He sliced it through the air a few times, testing it in preparation for the upcoming battle. Finally, he thought to himself. Finally, I will have my revenge. He'll regret the day he crossed me. He pressed his hand to his face, feeling his burned flesh. He did this to me. He caused that explosion, and now I'm going to make him pay.

  10. #30
    Seeker of Rares Eihwaz's Avatar
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    Wow, cool stuff. Interesting turn of events. I like the direction you're taking with this - expanding on and filling in the story of PSO with your own ideas. That's the mark of a great PSO fanfic, IMO.

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