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  1. #11
    Owner of a nimbat. Blue-Hawk's Avatar
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    Flying high in the sky with a fly in your eye.


    Slobs. That's all I can say. We get them from one of our other stores a few miles away, in my home town no less, that closed a few months ago. Just because you got away with it there doesn't mean you can at our place. Tht and bitching that you can't get something for the same prices as the other store had a few months ago. Those were what we retail people like to call 'Closeout's'. Sheesh these people really piss me off. And the sad part about the slobs is, they are the sam people that would have fits if they see a speck of dirt in their homes.
    'All tales end in tragedy. Follow the hero long enough, you'll step across his corpse.'
    Survivor of TWO live Gwar performances.

  2. #12


    People suck sometimes.

  3. #13
    Steam Baron! Guntz348's Avatar
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    Nov 2002
    Honolulu, HI. (aka Paradise USA)


    You know it really comes down to one thing. At least in my experience and from what me and my co-workers have figured out. All they really want is the attention. Most of the people that make your life at work difficult, are only doing it because they want attention and there life tends to suck. Most of them just want an outlet, someone to actually put up with them and hear them bitch and moan and not be rude back to them. The only place you'll find that is in retail, I mean hell it's your job to take it with a smile and be nice back to them after all.

  4. #14
    Crazy Awesome Old Potato Man Guy HAYABUSA-FMW-'s Avatar
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    PaRappa Town


    I cannot continue my efforts to be the best worker I can be at my current job. I'm going to one day slack off. Not worth the trouble anymore.

    Sometimes I feel like I'm invisible or something.
    No one notices I'm literally running and doing as much work as possible while someone gets in my way or stupidly asks me something ridiculous and impedes my progress then gets pissy over what I "didn't do fast enough" when they stopped me for their question!

    Well today a customer comes to use the restroom. I'm running to the back kitchen for the thousandth time. I run into the walk in fridge but see a customer snooping around.

    We have a partition that covers up 90% of the kitchen. This Guy is clearly in our 90% and the partiition is not down(a curtain). I clearly tell everyone to put the curtain down when customers come through the back(bad set up for public restroom use-some damn customer brought about threats over laws concerning restaurants and restrooms which I still think is Bull Shit).

    I run over as I see this guy is clearly looking around and plainly reading the packing materials we use everyday. Nobody needs to know what we're doing in the back or watch us work on the food. We aren't doing anything wrong but its very rude to stare at me or anyone else. Mind your own business. Wait outside please, damn.

    I ask nicely that he move aside so I can pull down the curtain, he rudely says: "What?! You don't want me to look at you?!", I reply "Yes. I'm an ugly man."

    I have no idea where that came from but it was the first thing to come to mind. That wasn't the worst thing to happen today but argh, very infuriating.

  5. #15


    I just love when they are jerks to you, and then claim your being rude. Like those kids I was talking about. They called me a bitch and stuff.. and when I weakly commented that I knew I was, and I, the bitch was going to get the manager, they were jerks..

  6. #16


    On 2005-04-23 03:17, HAYABUSA-FMW- wrote:
    I ask nicely that he move aside so I can pull down the curtain, he rudely says: "What?! You don't want me to look at you?!", I reply "Yes. I'm an ugly man."
    That is a very good comeback, though.
    And Guntz has a good point. See. the store I work in is actually a nice, rich area. Most people who come in and shop are nice gentleman and ladies since prolly 1845 or something. Usually they are the sweetest people alive, they don't need to let anything out on you because their life is calm, quiet and happy. When we DO get the nasty people, that is usually the kind that you can see right away. Maybe that lady wanted me to give her sympathy for sunburnt or something.

    Heh. I am sure if I did she would murder me.

  7. #17


    The cooks would then explain what it is only returned by the person replying something to the effect of, "Why would anyone want that?" My dad got fed up with this. He would treat the cooks with courtesy, not just the cooks but the entire staff. He would even have little conversations, just to show that he did care. And what do you know, they were great people.

    Yeah, I know what you mean. I always try to be courteous to workers. Anybody who usually acts the way you described is a clear indication that they themselves have never worked in customer service. The majority of customers I greet are polite and well-mannered, but every once in awhile you get someone who feels like you personally owe them something.

  8. #18


    On 2005-04-23 10:08, navinator wrote:

    Heh. I am sure if I did she would murder me.
    With your own knives! x_x

    Seriously though, I can empathize. Retail sucks.

  9. #19
    Former Champion of Vangar
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    Jul 2004
    Pomona, California


    Yep, business workers unite to complain! Navi, i love when you get these started, because theres a great comraderie between all of us and our horrible stories, misery loves company i suppose, heres like the millionth recap of my fave bad customers:

    *Man walks up to counter*
    Man: "Hello, id like this card in a plastic bag, without being handled or touched by human hands."
    Me: ???

    Me: "Hello ma'am, can i help you with anything?"
    Lady: "What, i cant look around on my own? I dont need YOU to help me! Ive been shopping here for 13 years and...."
    *i walk away*

    *Man uppercuts other man because of argument over the new hot wheels cars, man lies bloody unconcious in toy area, other man buys his toy car and goes home*

    And so many more that theres no room to type. Maybe we should write a book, if not, theres probably a book like this already out.

  10. #20
    Steam Baron! Guntz348's Avatar
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    Nov 2002
    Honolulu, HI. (aka Paradise USA)


    The best fight I've ever seen was when I was 16 and worked at Stop & Shop(grosery store for those of you not in the north east). It was Xmass eve and there was one bag of sugar left in the entire store. A guy walks up grabs the sugar puts it in his cart and starts walking down the isle. He stops to look at something else, while hes doing this a second guy walks up and sees the empty shelf were the sugar once layed. He sees the suga in the other guys cart and very cassually walks over to the cart, picks up the sugar and puts it in his cart.

    When the guy, we'll call him Mr. Sugar, sees that his bag has been taken he loses it. Runs up the other guy, we can just call him the Thief, starts screaming and swearing that he stole the sugar. The Thief denys it of course, so what does Mr. Sugar do? Throws a wild right hook and catches the guy in the jar. The Thief reels back and slams into the shelfs, Mr. Sugar then jumps on him and wrestles him to the ground. The two of them were rolling around on the ground then security ran up, yolked em both up and tossed em out the front door.

    Now this left the highly desired bag of sugar just sitting in a cart, ungaurded. A little old lady walks up, sees the sugar and says, "Hmmm I need that if I'm gonna make cookies." Takes the sugar and walks away. I was in shock for a few minutes then I just burst out laughing and went up to the security office to watch the video with the guards.

    Another great music store story for you. I had a guy walk up with his ear piece on, talking on the phone. He reaches over the counter grabs a piece of paper and pen and scribbles something on it. I forgot what CD he was looking for but I just looked up, smiled a little bit and walked away from him. I went back to where the manager was sitting and said quite loudly, "you'd better take this guy, if I do I'll just end up getting arrest for assault... again". I then went in the office and had a snack, but man I really wish I could've just knocked that guy out. People on cell phones at the counters at stores is one of my biggest pet peaves.

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