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  1. #1


    I know this is a stupid question... But during one of the quest, I saw a female hunter(npc) holding a rifle... So I was just wondering if hunters can use a rifle...

  2. #2


    Npoe. I think you mistaked Elenor(RAnewreal or something like that) for a hunter. Sorry.

  3. #3

  4. #4


    No, I think there was a quest where there was a HUnewearl carrying a rifle. I think it was "The Graves Butler". One of the rooms in cave 1, you come across the hunter chick wearing one of the alternate costumes, and a male ranger (?).

    In any event, the answer is no. Hunters cannot use standard rifles. (Though perhaps there's a special weapon rifle that hunters can equip.)

  5. #5


    Actually in one quest (the Grave's Butler, I think) there IS a hunter holding a rifle. But no, regular hunters can not equip rifles. There are rumors of an item that allows you to equip weapons intended for a different class, but I don't think anybody's ever really seen this. You'll notice that a lot of the NPCs don't really follow the standards for equipping stuff.

  6. #6


    I know that fellor is an android! I mean the quest in the caves... you know like looking for Martha Graves Butler... there are two non-moveable npcs that tells you something about the Butler... For the FEMALE HUNTER that is holding a rifle YOU HAVE TO LOOK CAREFULLY TO SEE HER. And this is not a joke. One more thing the other Npc with her is like a character from the game Star Gladiator 2 the one with the Big Brains...

  7. #7


    With God/Equipment you can equip any item...

  8. #8


    Hmm? Really? Thanks! And where did you find it?

  9. #9


    Any confirmation on this God/Equipment? It sure as heck isn't in the "Perfect" Guide by Versus Books so I'm in high question... That'd be a bit cheap too as it'd eliminate any point in the whole "class-specific" weapons... Though I guess S.Needle already does that...

    Hmm, anyone know what Spread Needle looks like? The rifle or something that is said to be usable by Hunters? If it looks like a normal rifle then that could be what the HUnewearl is using... Dunno...

  10. #10


    I've heard about it.. i'm not sure if it exist.. but im pretty sure.

    SilentMetronome, many things aren't in the 'perfect guide'.

    btw.. spread needle looks like a crossbow.


    <font size=1>[ This message was edited by: Butter-Knife on 2001-03-03 04:05 ]</font>

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