Blue Ring

Available on the following consoles:
Dreamcast/Version 2 PC (Windows) Gamecube Xbox Blue Burst

Blue Ring Pictures

Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2

Screenshot 3

Screenshot 4

Screenshot 5

Screenshot 6

Blue Burst (PC) & Version 3 (GC & XBox): Episodes 1, 2 & 4
Description: "This ring shall fortify the minds of the two bearers with the gift to focus."

You will receive a 50 MST boost for each player standing near you that is also wearing a Blue Ring.

This ring is an offline Episode 2 challenge mode prize.
DFP: + 35
EVP: + 130
EFR: + 5
EIC: + 5
ETH: + 5
EDK: + 5
ELT: + 5
Class: Shield
Required Stat: Level: 81
Stars: 9 []
Usable By

Versions 1 & 2 (DC & PC): Episodes 1 & 2
Description: "Blue ring. It looks like there are a total of 7 colors."
DFP: + 90
EVP: + 242
Class: Shield
Required Stat: Level: 102
Stars: 12 []
Usable By

Blue Ring Related Guides
Tycho's Where to find [item name here] Gamecube Xbox