
Item Category Icon
Item Summary
Description: Super high-end line shield used by the Communion of Gurhal. Works well with certain twin claws.
Versions: Phantasy Star UniverseAmbition of Illuminus

Yamata-senba Details and Findings
Rarity: 9 9 Star(s)
Rank: A
Brand: Yohmei Corp Yohmei Corp
Requirement: DFP 66
Slots: Head, Arm, Body

Item Stats
Acc: - End: -
Att: - Ment: 136
Def: 170 PP: -
Eva: 182 Tech: 25

Item Combinations
Item Att Acc Def End Eva Ment Tech
Yamata-Misaki +25 +25 +25 - +25 - -

Recipe Boards
Item Capacity Ingredients
[B] Yamata-senba 3 ??? Photon
x 15
x 30
x 40

Yamata-senba Multimedia

Contributed By: Razzos Phantasy Star Universe

Contributed By: Razzos Phantasy Star Universe

Contributed By: Razzos Phantasy Star Universe
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