Category: Extra

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Type: Extra  Type: Extra Top
Name Rarity Brand End Versions Compare
Heart of Dulk 12 12 GRM 6 Ambition of the Illuminus
Hize / PP Generate 12 12 Yohmei Corp - Ambition of the Illuminus
Hizeri / Stamina 12 12 Yohmei Corp 10 Ambition of the Illuminus
Paradi Cataract 12 12 GRM 5 Ambition of the Illuminus
Red / Stamina 12 12 GRM 10 Ambition of the Illuminus
Dark Wing 11 11 Yohmei Corp 4 Ambition of the Illuminus
Killing Hearts 11 11 Tenora Works 6 Ambition of the Illuminus
Lumira / HP Restore 11 11 GRM - Ambition of the Illuminus
Heart of Onma 10 10 Tenora Works 6 Ambition of the Illuminus
Orpa / HP Restore 10 10 GRM - Ambition of the Illuminus
Cati / Stamina 9 9 GRM 8 Ambition of the Illuminus
Meteor Attacker 9 9 GRM 3 Phantasy Star UniverseAmbition of the Illuminus
Puyoment Aura 9 9 Yohmei Corp 4 Phantasy Star UniverseAmbition of the Illuminus
Rappy Mode 9 9 Tenora Works 4 Phantasy Star UniverseAmbition of the Illuminus
Sturm Attacker 9 9 GRM 3 Phantasy Star UniverseAmbition of the Illuminus
Whitill Wing 9 9 Yohmei Corp 3 Phantasy Star UniverseAmbition of the Illuminus
Blitz Attacker 8 8 GRM 3 Phantasy Star UniverseAmbition of the Illuminus
Grom Attacker 8 8 GRM 3 Phantasy Star UniverseAmbition of the Illuminus
Secrit Cross 8 8 GRM 4 Ambition of the Illuminus
Solid / Stamina 8 8 Tenora Works 7 Ambition of the Illuminus
Sori / PP Generate 8 8 Tenora Works - Ambition of the Illuminus
Vivienne Fluge 8 8 GRM 3 Ambition of the Illuminus
Ascension Gift 7 7 GRM 3 Ambition of the Illuminus
Aura Field 7 7 Yohmei Corp 4 Ambition of the IlluminusPhantasy Star Portable
Hard / HP Restore 7 7 GRM - Ambition of the Illuminus
Hard / Stamina 7 7 GRM 6 Ambition of the Illuminus
Hegel Attacker 7 7 GRM 3 Phantasy Star UniverseAmbition of the Illuminus
Rafal Attacker 7 7 GRM 3 Phantasy Star UniverseAmbition of the Illuminus
Black Heart 6 6 Tenora Works 2 Phantasy Star UniverseAmbition of the Illuminus
Gigas Espada 6 6 GRM 3 Ambition of the Illuminus
Gigas Faust 6 6 GRM 3 Ambition of the Illuminus
Te / PP Generate 6 6 Yohmei Corp - Phantasy Star UniverseAmbition of the Illuminus
Tero / HP Restore 6 6 GRM - Phantasy Star UniverseAmbition of the Illuminus
Blitz Buster 5 5 GRM 1 Phantasy Star UniverseAmbition of the Illuminus
Electro Heart 5 5 Yohmei Corp 2 Phantasy Star UniverseAmbition of the Illuminus
Giga / Stamina 5 5 Tenora Works 4 Phantasy Star UniverseAmbition of the Illuminus
Grom Buster 5 5 GRM 1 Phantasy Star UniverseAmbition of the Illuminus
Meteor Buster 5 5 GRM 1 Phantasy Star UniverseAmbition of the Illuminus
Safety Heart 5 5 GRM 2 Phantasy Star UniverseAmbition of the Illuminus
Sturm Buster 5 5 GRM 1 Phantasy Star UniverseAmbition of the Illuminus
Garment Aura 4 4 Tenora Works 3 Phantasy Star UniverseAmbition of the Illuminus
Hegel Buster 4 4 GRM 1 Phantasy Star UniverseAmbition of the Illuminus
Me / HP Restore 4 4 Yohmei Corp - Phantasy Star UniverseAmbition of the Illuminus
Mega / Stamina 4 4 GRM 2 Phantasy Star UniverseAmbition of the Illuminus
Rafal Buster 4 4 GRM 1 Phantasy Star UniverseAmbition of the Illuminus