Claiming A Stake

Claiming A Stake

Son: Ah here you are , Hunter. My father disgusts me.
As soon as we arrived, he ran off saying, "I'm off to stake out land."
Staking out Ragol? It's too early to do that.
We Don't know much about Ragol... it's dangerous.
Please! Please find my Father!

Father: Ahhhhh!

I'm s-s-scared! What are these monsters doing here!?
I can't raise the price of this land if these monsters hang around!
My son asked you to take me back to Pioneer2?
Cough! OF course I'll go back wiht you...
If you do me a favor.
I've left three capsules on land locations.
You go and recall all of them. Then I'll go back with you.
Why? Because capsules aren't cheap.
Hurry now. The capsules are this and that way.

Father: Hmmm! You have all three capsules!
Now, let's get out of this dangerous place! Hurry!

Father: I'm going there again once those monsters are exterminated.

Son: I'll make sure he doesn't cause any more trouble like this again.
Please get your reward.

Guide by Guntz348.

Available on the following platforms
Dreamcast Dreamcast/Version 2 PC (Windows) Gamecube Xbox Xbox

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