
Unverified Rumors Otherwise Known as BS

Rumor: OMG I found a rare fat rappy!
Fact: Fat rappies are not rare. They happen randomnly. They are not special, there is nothing special about them and they drop the same exact thing as their slimmer counterparts.

Rumor: Only Oran can find Olga Flow DNA
Unverified, very likely a hoax.

Rumor: Kill Olga Flow with a red/dark weapon and you will get the DNA
Unverified, many people have tried this and it has not worked. Ie: not true.

Rumor: But my friend found it/was given it by a friend.
Reality check: your friend got it from a duper. And hey my friend found Yuji Naka's head in game!

Rumor: So how do I find the DNA?
In theory, by killing Olga Flow in Ult. The droprate for the DNA is 1/64. However, Olga Flow has a 0% drop-anything rate. That means that he cannot drop anything, let alone the DNA.

Rumor: OMG! I TURNED INTO FLOWEN! I'm a hacker/Cheater/It's a glitch/ What the hell does it do?
Nothing, it is just one of his attacks. This rumor is dedicated to Logical2u.

Rumor: Kill Dark Falz with a red/dark weapon and you will get the Red Ring
Unverified, many people have tried this and it has not worked. In theory, Dark Falz could drop this on Ultimate since it is a 1/64 drop. However, Dark Falz has a 0% drop-anything rate. All Red Rings are hacked.

Rumor: I want Elenor/Sonic/Tails/Olga mag.
Does not exist in the game. Olga, Tails, and Sonic mags were spoofs. The Elenor mag exists, but it hasn't been released.

Rumor: .Beat time is linked to finding rares and rare enemy appearances
This theory has been disproven.

Rumor: If I kill an enemy a certain way with a certain weapon I will have a better chance of it dropping a rare or certain item.
No but you're welcome to try all sorts of yoga positions while killing them.

Rumor: OMG I found this new rare item on Xbox and your database says it's not there yet.
GC and XBox have the same sets of items.

Rumor: Photon Crystal!
Can only be found on Blue Burst. It will be used in the "A Deal with Black Paper" quest.

Rumor: OMG I found this new rare red lettered weapon named and you don't have it listed. One named Reel Big Mechgun!
It's a S-rank weapon with a custom name and please don't submit news about it...

Rumor: If I name my S-rank this special way, it will have three 60%'s
Not true. But you can add additional attributes to you S-rank in the East Tower Quest.

Rumor: I hate my S-Rank name, I want to rename it.
Well too bad, you can't, so you're stuck with it.

Rumor: If I set my console's date and time to Christmas, Saint Rappies will appear!
They will not, these rappies are activated by Sonic Team and are only available online server side

Rumor: If I do do cartwheels and stand on my head and dance in circles, use every technique and kill 2500 enemies, I will unlock the sealed J-Sword.
The only way the Sealed-J Sword can be unsealed is to kill 23,000 enemies with it (that means you have to land the finishing blow). After that, the "Use" option will become available. Keep in mind this only works on GC/XBox/BB. There is no way to unseal the SJS on DC PSO.

Rumor: The higher my character's luck is the more rares I find
Luck only affects critical hits. That's it. Nothing else. Luck does not affect chances of seeing rare monsters either.

Rumor: But my character's high luck affects my tech right?
No, let us say it again, luck only affects critical hits chances

Rumor: I found TP materials in caves!
TP materials do not exist in normal gameplay. They only exist in Challenge Mode and as prizes in Rappy's Holiday, Gallon's Shop, and Today's Rate quests

Rumor: Books of Katana are needed to convert the agito!
No they are not. They have no use. Read up on how to convert the agito.

Rumor: If I use three battle units, it will speed up my attack and techniques.
Sorry, it doesn't work that way, battle units of any kind does not stack. The game will just pick the highest level battle unit and use attributes of that unit. Battle units also do not speed up techniques at all.

Rumor: I have been piping 500 times, why won't the damn monster appear? You said this would work!
It's all random, we can't determine it. You might be lucky and get it on your first try or you might not. And we won't be able to precisely say how many times you would need to do the trick..

Rumor: There will be a patch tomorrow on Xbox and it will delete all hacked items and ban everyon that has a hacked item in their inventory or bank.
So far, it has never happened. And Microsoft released an anti dupe patch.If your friend has an uncle that works at Microsoft and knows insider information on when they will release a patch that will ban items and people, well good for you. We'd rather wait to see it happen.

Rumor: Section ID cards change my section ID depending on which I am equipping, and therefore if I equip a Redria card, I will find Redria Rares!
Purely nonsense. They don't do anything, they just look pretty, and are the 11 star rares of your section ID. Other than that, you can use them as coasters. This rumor is dedicated to Richard.

Note: No one class is better than the other. No one console is better than the other. No one equipment/weapon set is the best for you. It depends on your gamestyle, your playstyle and your own opinions. So please stop asking us!

Available on the following platforms
Dreamcast Dreamcast/Version 2 PC (Windows) Gamecube Xbox

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