Voice Operation

Quest: Voice Operation
Description: "Test the new Voice system by taking the role of an official operatorr."
Client: Nol Rinale

300 Meseta

Prerequisites: Two players only

The quest is administered by Nol Rinale. She wants you to use their latest communication simulator: RVS. This takes place in VR Temple.

There are six stages to RVS, each divided into two phases. The goal for each phase is the same: collect all four capsules within the time limit.

One player takes the role as Operator, the other as Hunter. At the completion of Phase One, the users switch roles for Phase Two. It is up to the Operator, using Voice Chat only (you don't have access to anything as Operator, not the software keyboard, not anything) to guide the Hunter through the mazes. (As Operator, move the camera with the Directional Pad. Hunter controls are normal.)

Collect the capsules. As you progress through the stages new perils are added--moving capsules, ice bullets which freeze you and penalize you thirty seconds, fire bullets which cause you to drop capsules, and complete and total darkness to the hunter.

At the completion of each stage, points are rewarded, up to a maximum of 100 for each stage. At the end of the quest, you are given a rank.

Rank Points Award
S 500 + Scape Doll
A 400-499 Monogrinder
B 200-300 Trimate
C 200- Monomate


VR Temple Alpha

Positions will reverse.

Stage 1

Map 1-A
Map 1-B
Fixed capsule locations Fixed capsule locations
Map 1-C
Map 1-D
Fixed capsule locations Fixed capsule locations


Time Limit: 4 minutes.
Fixed capsule locations for all map variations.

Stage 2
Map 2-A
Map 2-B
Fixed capsule locations Fixed capsule locations
Map 2-C
Map 2-D
Fixed capsule locations Fixed capsule locations

Time Limit: 5 minutes.
Fixed capsule locations for all map variations.
Map changes by rotating each time.
Avoid icy balls, they will freeze you and cost you 30 seconds
Cure/Freeze is not useable

Stage 3
Map 2-A
Map 2-B
Fixed capsule locations Fixed capsule locations
Map 2-C
Map 2-D
Fixed capsule locations Fixed capsule locations

Time Limit: 5 minutes.
Fixed capsule locations for all map variations.
Map changes by rotating each time.
Players may have to progress through the map in complete darkness
The stones can be broken. Try high level techniques for convenience

Stage 4

Time Limit: 5 minutes.
Fixed capsule locations
Be careful to hit the right switches
Wait in the center of the map for directions from your partner.

Stage 5
Map 5-A
Map 5-B
Capsules move Capsules move
Map 5-C
Capsules move
Map 5-C
Capsules move

Time Limit: 5 minutes.
Moving capsule locations for all map variations.
Map changes by rotating each time.
Avoid fire bullets which will lead you to drop one capsule every time you touch it.

Stage 6
Map 6-A
Capsules move
Map 6-B
Capsules move

Time Limit: 6 minutes.
Moving capsule locations for all map variations.
Map changes by rotating each time.
Avoid fire bullets which will lead you to drop one capsule every time you touch it.
Avoid icy balls, they will freeze you and cost you 30 seconds
Avoid black clouds, they will cause momentary darkness.

Information by: A2K

Available on the following platforms

This article comes from PSO-World.com

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