Silver-X Guide to Arkz Decks

Silver-X Guide to Arkz Decks
A lot of the online players don't play Ark decks; don't be afraid to play an Ark decks though. They have a lot of variations in them, and are good for the more skilled players.
You are going to focus on low- and mid dice required creature cards. High dice required creature cards can be used to, but choose only 1 or 2 in your deck.

For example: Morfos creature card.

For other creature cards in your deck, pick low dice creature cards, for example: Mothmant.

They can be easily killed, but you can put them almost everywhere on the map.

With add damage cards or technique cards, you can do very nice damage with them.

For technique cards, watch you creature cards closely, because some of them have +TP for more technique damage.

You don't see these decks much online, but if you play against them, you better be prepared.

Usually 50% low dice required creature cards and 50% high required creature cards in your deck.
Low dice creature cards to lock your enemy and high dice required creature cards to do the insane damage.

For example: use Mothmants or rappies to lock your enemy and use a dark belra to damage your enemy from far away.

Add damage cards won't be necessary since you are going for the defence.

Be sure to have a lot of defence cards in your deck.

For the FO Ark decks you are going to focus on technique cards. Pick enemy cards with good +TP. Usually the mid dice required creature cards have more +TP and are actually good for both offence and defence.

Also creature cards like Gi Gue can take damage intended for your main character card.

If someone tries to hit you directly, a creature card can take the damage instead of your main character card. These creature cards required high dice, but are very good in a defensive deck.

Credit: Silver-X

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