Battle FAQ\'s

Battle FAQ's
For more in depth info check our Ep 3 Guides Section.
Can Arkz play co-op alongside Hunters?

Yes, you can have an Arkz and a Hunter in the same online team.

What is battle like?

Battle is turn based. The amount of moves you can take per turn depend on the roll of the dice set in the beginning of each turn.

For more information, please read the Battle Guides, particularly the Battle Sequence Guide.

How do you inflict damage?
If a Hunter has items equipped, you will need to break the equipped cards first to inflict damage. if a Hunter has nothing equipped, you can inflict damage directly. The same is true for an Arkz. Breaking each summoned enemy card will inflict damage on the Arkz. You can also rush up to the Arkz character and inflict damage directly since they have nothing equipped at all times.
What happens when a card breaks?
It inflicts 1 point of damage on the opponent with the card. This is true for everyone except for Guykild. You will need to inflict damage directly on him to hurt him.
Is the online and offline CLVL the same?
No they are seperated, but your decks carry over.
Cards, attributes, defending & comboing?
Please read the Card Attributes guide.For more info, read the Card Guides.
How do I defend?
The horizontal top bars of the opponent's attacking card has to match the horizontal top bars of your defense card for you to be able to use your defense card.
How do I combo?
Read the Comboing Cards guide. Basically, at least one of the first card's right color bars must match at least one the second card's left color bars.
How do mags help?
Mags give you stat bonuses, they are good for bonuses without using action cards. If you have multiple mags, their effects stack but remember that you have a limit of cards out on the field. You can add some to your deck and combine them with attack and item cards to maximize their potential.
Multiple or Single attack?
Single cards can only affect one target while multiple cards can affect all targets in their active range.
Are there special features on a grid?

Yes, there are rocks and warps on certain maps.

You cannot pass through rocks and so you have to walk around them. Take this into consideration. Certain weapon like slicers are good to have to work around rocks and still have your opponent in range. You can use rocks to your advantage when fighting enemy cards by using the rocks as a shield.

On some maps, you will notice warps/teleporters. Teleporters will move your story character back and forth between each other. Use them to your advantage to move throughout the board and to get to your opponent faster in a big board. Also, controlling these warps can be a huge advantage especially if you are an Arkz with enemy cards. Send your summoned enemies through the warps to reach your opponent. Block off the warps using your summoned enemies and it will help you trap your opponent in one spot.

Are there traps?
Yes, check the Traps guide.
My card sparkled and changed?
Please read the Card Evolution and Success Rate guides. For more info, read the Card Guides.
Can you see the attributes of a card while in a battle?
Press R on a selected card in your active hand.
What happens to the cards you use after the Draw phase?
It is normally sent back to the bottom of the pile. If the No Card Loop rule is on, it is discarded.
Can you cancel an active, sent out card?
No, once it is set, it will remain active and will be there til it breaks/dies.
How many active Assist cards can there be and how many players do they affect?
Only 1 per player. How many players an assist card affects depends on individual assist cards. Some assist cards affect just one player, both players on your team, both players on the opponent's team, only one opponent or all players in the battle. Certain assist cards also have a time range. The most recent assist card played will replace the last assit card you play. If someone plays a Dice + 1 on you, then you play a Fly, the Dice + 1 will vanish, and Fly will affect your team. So, it's one Assist Slot per person.
Is there a maximum number of cards you can set?
The maximum number of cards that you can set on field by any player is 7,the total maximum set cost cannot be more than 8 points. This applies to both Hunters and Arkz.
What determines the rank you get?
Look at Battle Ranks Guide and use the Battle Rank Calculator.
What determines the amount of experience you get?


  • Playing Mode
  • Online or offline
  • Com or Human opponent
  • Your CLVL
  • Their level (if they're a lot higher level than you are, you will get more EX on a /B Ship and only 5 EX on a non /B ship)
  • /B ship or not

On offline multiplayer, it's 10 exp per battle.

On normal offline quest mode, it starts at 25, goes to 20, 15, 10, then 5. Final battles are worth more.

Your battle rank does not affect your experience.

How much experience do you use?
On a non /B ship, you lose only 2 points. On a /B ship it depends on your opponent and your CLVL
Are there options in battle?
Look at the Battle Options Guide.
What are the limits of a deck?
30 cards total in one deck. Only 3 of each card maximum. Keep in mind that some cards can only be equipped by selected characters (eg: guns and rangers).
What is the importance of decks?

A good deck is your ultimate weapon. For more information and strategies, read our Deck Guides. As you play more, you will develop strategies. You will also learn that having a specialized deck is really handy. Decide on themes. You will start to build deck using special themes and based on the cards and story character's abilities, and then you add cards supporting the abilities (eg: Endu's rampage ability would pair well with Punch and Madness cards). Play to each character's strengths. Think about what you want the deck to do and how it would be countered, and add in your defense cards with that thought in mind.

Learn the cards and their abilities and learn how to play them. You won't know each card's full potential unless you test them out, so experiment. Pair cards up in a deck so that their abilities will excel.

Build multiple decks and choose your deck wisely depending on the deck that your opponent is playing and also on the battlefield grid (eg: Arkz don't play well in a small grid). Make sure you have multiple decks to choose from for different situations and pick your chosen deck accordingly as mentioned.

Remember that all enemy cards have a type: Native, A Beast, Machine or Dark. When playing against an Arkz, have action cards in your deck that are specialized attack cards against these types. Or if you're an Arkz, have booster cards for these creatures, especially if you have themed enemy decks (eg: all native). The same is true for Hunter weapons types: Swords, Guns and Canes. So keep item types in mind. For example: if you're fighting a Hunter that is a Ranger character, remember to have attack action cards that boost attacks on Guns.Or: Having a hunter with sword cards and SW attack that will boost sword damage by 1.5 times, or a Ranger with GN attack cards. Another example: Having a force have canes and CN Attack cards to boost damage and CN Guard Defense that negates damage against your cane from one attack.

Some themes include: long ranged attack, tech cards, low cost enemies, swords only deck, native only deck, piercing decks, his cost enemies deck.

Remember to test and proof your decks! Test them and fix your decks if you notice loopholes. Also remember to add new better cards to your deck if you get good cards after a battle. Update your decks!

/B ships?
A /B ship gives you more EXP. You can also lose more EXP, too. The amount of Meseta you win does not change.

In Ep 3 there are tournaments you can join. Look at the Tournament Guides for more information.

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