Traps On The Battlefield


Note: Humanoids (Androids) can see trap colors on the field.

The traps in Quest guides are symbolized by their color types and are shown with symbols such as the one in the image below.

Purple Traps (Bad Effects)
Powerless Rain 4 Turns. Damage inflicted by Story Character is reduced by 2.
Trash 1 Instant. Story Character and Teammate discard a card at random from hand.
Empty Hand Instant. All Action cards in hand are discarded.
Skip Draw 2 Turns. Draw Phase for all players is skipped.
Blue Traps (Good Effects)
Gold Rush 4 Turns. EX Bonus gained is multiplied by 1.5.
Charity 6 Turns. If anyone rolls a 5 or more, the Character this card is attached to gains 1 EX Bonus.
Requiem Instant. EX Bonus gained equal to number of cards destroyed x 2.
Green Traps (Good Effects)
Brave Wind 4 Turns. Story Character's damage is increased by 2.
Homesick 4 Turns. Story Character and Teammate's destroyed cards are returned to hand instead.
Fly 4 Turns. Story Character and Teammate gain the attribute of Flight.
Red Traps (Neutral Effects)
Dice Fever 8 Turns. All dice rolls for ATK and DEF become 5.
Heavy Fog 8 Turns. Range of all attacks are reduced to 1 square forward.
Muscular Instant. All Items and Enemies in play have their AP increased by 1 for the remainder of the battle.
Immortality 4 Turns. While this card is on the field, any card but Story Characters falling to 0 HP remains in play.
Snail's Pace 4 Turns. All cards MV becomes 1.
Yellow Traps (Neutral Effects)
Dice + 1 Infinite. All Dice rolls are increased by 1.
Battle Royal 2 Turns. Attacking without an action card costs 0 ATK points.
Reverse Card 4 Turns. All hands are flipped over.
Giant Garden 4 Turns. AP of All cost 4 or more cards is increased by 2.
Fix 4 Turns. Damage for all items and enemies becomes 2.

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