Ohgun Decks

Ohgun Decks
Powerful Strength (From Hunters 7-3)
Pan Arms x 3
Slash x 2
Bind x 2
AB Guard x 3
Cancel x 2
Dodge x 3
Guard x 3
Reduction x 3
Wall x 3
Reach x 3
Dice+1 x 3
Everyone's Friend (From Hunters 8-2)
Rag Rappy x 2
Poison Lilly x 2
Canabine x 3
Canadine x 3
Aran x 2
Madness x 3
Slash x 1
SH Attack x 2
Dodge x 3
TP Defense x 3
Guard x 3
Wall x 3
Love and Peace (From Hunters 11-3)
Pan Arms x 3
Pofuilly Slime x 3
Rag Rappy x 3
Mothmant x 1
Govulmer x 2
Pouilly Slime x 1
Attack x 2
AB Guard x 2
TP Defense x 2
Cancel x 2
Guard x 3
Dodge x 3
Wall x 3
Bloodless Revolution (From Hunters 18-1)
Pan Arms x 3
Barble x 3
Baranz x 3
Dubchich x 3
Long Arm x 2
Punch x 2
Spirit Boost x 2
Survival x 1
Reduction x 3
Dodge x 3
Guard x 3
Solid x 2
Iron Wall Max (From Hunters 19-2)
Barble x 2
Dubchich x 2
Gilchich x 2
Monest x 2
Hildeblue x 2
Acceleration x 2
Cancel x 2
AB Guard x 2
Reduction x 3
Guard x 2
Dodge x 2
Solid x 1
Wall x 3
Protection x 3

Available on the following platforms

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