Fanta's Guide to Fourth Evolution Mags

Fanta's Guide to Fourth Evolution Mags
This guide will hopefully help anyone trying to create a certain types of mag from Episode 1&2, point you to feeding charts and helpful tips, tell you exactly what to feed your mag to get certain types etc. Any you feel you want added, please post a reply with it in and Ill sort it out.

First of all, a mag increases your character stats, for ATP (POW), MST (MIND), ATA (DEX) and DFP (DEF). Most people will suggest a MAG with the lowest possible DEF and high POW, my preferance is 5/145/50/0 and it is also easy to make rare MAGs from these stats.
Useful MAG Hints
How Mag Stats Translate Into Character Stat Bonuses:
1 DEF = 1 DFP
1 POW = 2 ATP
1 DEX = 0.5 ATA
1 MIND = 2 MST

Type A/B Section ID Organization:
Type A - Viridia, Purplenum, Redria, Skyly, Yellowboze
Type B - Whitill, Oran, Bluefull, Pinkal, Greenil,

Max Stats:
LV 200
IQ 200
Sync 120%

First Photon Blast:
HU - Farlla
RA - Estlla
FO - Liella
Useful Links
PSOW MAG Feeding Chart - This link helps a lot, it gives all the stats increase that each item does for DEF, POW, DEX and MIND for each mag.
MAG Feeder - Here you can download a MAG Feeder which does exactly what it would do to your MAG with certain Class types, IDs etc using all items such as Monomates through to Star Atomizers. Amongst other stuff.
PBs, Chains and Donations - Learn about PBs and other abilities with PB charges.
Hunter Evolution (with pics)
Ranger Evolution (with pics)
Force Evolution (with pics)
Skorpius' Non Cell MAG Chart (with pictures)
Getting a Rare MAG
This guide basically tells you at what level with, which ID and stats your mag will have to be to evolve into a rare. It also gives you feeding charts for rare MAGs. With all of these all you have to do is consult what I have put or read through the Feeding Charts. Also, recognize that once you have a rare MAG, it will stay a rare MAG, no matter what you feed it.

For pictures of rare MAGs see VioleSkye's Rare MAG Gallery and for pictures of Cell MAGs you should check out VioleSkye's MAG Cell Gallery, these guides give good images on what MAGs look like and could persuade you to create one. The following feeding plans could help!
MAG Cell Drops - Shows what time certain Cells drop.
MAG Cell Combinations - Shows what Lv, Stats ID etc that you must have ot give a MAG a certain Cell.

To get Deva you need to balance out this equation (DEF + DEX = POW + MIND), it will only evolve into Deva if a Male HU (Humar/HUcast) has the mag with the equation equaled out.

To get Rati you need to balance out this equation (DEF + POW = DEX + MIND), it will only evolve into Rati if a Male HU (HUmar/HUcast) with ID Skyly, Pinkal or Yellowboze has the mag with the equation equaled out.
Balance this equation (DEF + MIND= POW + DEX) if you have a Male HU (Humar/HUcast) with ID Greenil, Purplenum or Oran.

To get Nidra you need to balance out one of the following equations (DEF + DEX = POW + MIND), with Viridia, Bluefull, Redria or Whitill ID; (DEF + POW = DEX + MIND), with Skyly, Pinkal or Yellowboze ID; OR (DEF + MIND= POW + DEX) with Greenil, Purplenum or Oran ID. All must be given to a Male FO (FOmar/FOnewm) at this level.

To get Diwari you need to balance out this equation (DEF + POW = DEX + MIND), it will only evolve into Diwari if a Female RA (RAmarl/RAcaseal) with ID Skyly, Pinkal or Yellowboze has the mag with the equation equaled out.

To get Pushan you need to balance out one of the following equations (DEF + DEX = POW + MIND), with Viridia, Bluefull, Redria or Whitill ID; (DEF + POW = DEX + MIND), with Skyly, Pinkal or Yellowboze ID; OR (DEF + MIND= POW + DEX) with Greenil, Purplenum or Oran ID. All must be given to a Male RA (RAmar/RAcast) at this level.

To get Rukmin you need to balance out this equation (DEF + DEX = POW + MIND), it will only evolve into Rukmin if a Female RA (Ramarl/RAcaseal) with ID Viridia, Bluefull, Redria or Whitill has the mag with the equation equaled out.
Balance this equation (DEF + MIND= POW + DEX) if you have Female RA (Ramarl/RAcaseal) with ID Greenil, Purplenum or Oran.

To get Savitri you need to balance out one of the following equations (DEF + DEX = POW + MIND), with Viridia, Bluefull, Redria or Whitill ID; (DEF + POW = DEX + MIND), with Skyly, Pinkal or Yellowboze ID; OR (DEF + MIND= POW + DEX) with Greenil, Purplenum or Oran ID. All must be given to a Female HU (Hunewearl/Hucaseal) at this level.

To get Bhima you need to balance out this equation (DEF + POW = DEX + MIND), it will only evolve into Rati if a Female FO (Fomarl/FOnewearl) with ID Skyly, Pinkal or Yellowboze has the mag with the equation equaled out.
Balance this equation (DEF + MIND= POW + DEX) if you have a Female FO (Fomarl/FOnewearl) with ID Greenil, Purplenum or Oran.

To get Sato you need to balance out this equation (DEF + DEX = POW + MIND), it will only evolve into Sato if a Female FO (Fomarl/FOnewearl) with Viridia, Bluefull, Redria or Whitill has the mag with the equation equaled out.

If the quotes below the MAGs dont make sence consult this:
With DEF + DEX = POW + MIND ID: Viridia, Bluefull, Redria or Whitill, will get you a rare MAG.
Male HU - Deva
Female HU - Savitri
Male RA - Pushan
Female RA - Rukmin
Male FO - Nidra
Female FO - Sato

With DEF + POW = DEX + MIND ID: Skyly, Pinkal or Yellowboze, will get you a rare MAG.
Male HU - Rati
Female HU - Savitri
Male RA - Pushan
Female RA - Diwari
Male FO - Nidra
Female FO - Bhima

With DEF + MIND= POW + DEX ID: Greenil, Oran or Purplenum, will get you a rare MAG.
Male HU - Deva
Female HU - Savitri
Male RA - Pushan
Female RA - Rukmin
Male FO - Nidra
Female FO - Bhima
Guide by Fanta with help from Skorpius and VioletSkye.

Available on the following platforms
Gamecube Xbox Xbox

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