Episode 1, Chapter 08: In Mellvore's Wake

Episode 1, Chapter 8: In Mellvore's Wake
(Assembled by Sinue_v2)

In a far away galaxy, lies a sun, orbited by 3 planets. The Gurhal system.
A place inhabited by humans, and their creations,
CASTs, Newmens, and beasts.
For 500 years, there was war among the races,
a seemingly never-ending conflict. Then finally...
An era of peace and prosperity that has lasted for 100 years.
But now, a darkness has awoken, and threatens the Universe.

(Opening Cinema)

Episode 1 Chapter 8: In Mellvore's Wake

(A bluish SEED form, flashes across the star field at incredible speed and slams into the outer-ring of the Guardian Colony)
(End Cutscene)

Food Plant: Block A-1
(Scene: Ethan, Leo, Tonnio)
(Ethan rushes into a corridor in the Food Plant, stopping to answer an incoming communication)
--Ethan: Leo! I've cleaned up the creatures in this area!
--Leo: Great, there's just a bit more to go. Let's rendezvous. Tonnio and I are one block away. Can you make it?
--Ethan: Give me a little credit. I've got my official license. I'm the real deal now!
--Tonnio: Hey! Cut the useless chatter and get over here, pronto!
--Ethan: What the-? Yeah, you just wait there!
(End Scene)

(Trial Start)
(Fight through Block A-1)

Food Plant: Block A-2
--Tonnio (shouting): You're late, blockhead!
--Ethan (shouting): What's your problem?
--Leo (shouting): Save your arguments for later! As soon as we clean up this area, our mission will be over.
(Leo and Tonnio join the party)
(Fight through Block A-2)

Food Plant: Block A-3
(Fight through Block A-3)
(Trial End)

(Scene: Ethan, Tonnio, Leo, Nav)
--Ethan: *phew* Looks like we held 'em off!
--Leo: Good thing it was just a localized attack.
--Tonnio: Yeah, I'm beat! Let's head back.
--Leo: That should about do it for clearing up the creatures in this area.
--Tonnio: It looks like the other areas were cleaned up safely, too.
--Ethan: It's good the attack was limited to the food production areas.
--Leo: Yeah, but we could end up with a food shortage on our hands.
--Tonnio: Well, maybe we can eat SEED!
--Leo: Hahahaha! Let's head back.
(Scene fades out, then back in on Lucaim Nav talking on his comm unit)
--Nav: When the A-Photon reactor was shut off, the attack ended. The experiment was a success!
(Scene switches to Ethan, Leo, and Tonnio standing in a separate corridor)
--Ethan: I'm getting out of here.
--Tonnio: All right. Good work today!
(Ethan exits)
--Tonnio: What's your take on Ethan?
--Leo: He's taking things pretty hard. Karen's good-bye was so sudden. At least he's keeping his head up, though.
--Tonnio: Yeah, I guess... Still, it wouldn't hurt for him to toughen up a little.
(Scene fades and comes back in with Ethan walking alone down a corridor. He overhears Nav's conversation and hides behind some debris to eavesdrop)
--Nav: The experiment was a success, Doctor. By maximizing output on the A-Photon reactors, we can lure the SEED to specific points fairly accurately. It did take a while to clean up the mess... But at least we had a minimal amount of damage. I'll see you in the President's chamber.
(Nav exits)
--Ethan: Headmaster Nav... ...Experiment? Was this attack planned?
(End Scene)

Clyez City: PPT Spaceport: Fourth Floor
--Ethan: I should probably return to my room.

Ethan's Room
(Talk to Pete)
--Ethan: I'm home, Pete. Any word about the next mission?
--Pete: Welcome home, Ethan. You've been working a lot recently. You know, you ought to let yourself relax every once in a while.
--Ethan: Mind your own business! I've got to keep going. I just have to. I can't explain it, but I do.
--Pete: Ethan... You mustn't blame yourself for what has happened. And overworking yourself isn't going to do you or anyone any good. There are several news items. Please be sure to check them. Is there anything you'd like to know about?
(Ask about Photon Sealing)
--Pete: The mark on Karen's hand is a photon seal. Photon seals were originally believed to be a method of embedding recovery TECHNICs to protect the families of Communion officials. But that data appears to have been falsified by Dohgi Mikuna. In reality, according to the data seized from the old Hakura Temple, use of the magic contained in the seal is forbidden within the Communion. This magic was originally developed to etch recovery TECHNICs into the receiver, but there was also the possibility that deadly attack TECHNICs could also be formed. It's use became taboo and it was quickly banned. It seems Dohgi Mikuna learned the art of photon sealing from ancient documents. The seal affixed to Karen would drain her spirit energy and TECHNIC abilities from her. These energies were then directed to Mirei by way of a seal he affixed to her.
(Ask about the Divine Maiden)
--Pete: It was announced that the Divine Maiden has fully recovered from her illness and will return to her duties. ...It appears that Karen has taken over for Mirei.
--Ethan: Yeah.
--Pete: Please cheer up, Ethan.
--Ethan: I'll be okay.
(Ask again later)
--Ethan: Don't you think there was something odd about the latest SEED attack?
--Pete: What do you mean?
--Ethan: I overheard Headmaster Nav talking to someone. He was saying something about some reactor or another...
--Pete: I have no information on that, but it is true that the attack was extremely localized... almost as if it were artificially created. Also, at the same time, near the location of the attack, there is information that strange vibrations were coming from an A-Photon reactor.
--Ethan: It's all so suspicious! Maybe I should try asking Headmaster Nav about it directly.
--Pete: Headmaster Nav should be at GUARDIANS Headquarters at about this time.

Clyez City: Central Table: First Floor
(Scene: Ethan, Lumia)
(Lumia is waiting for Ethan as he exits the Guardian Barracks)
--Lumia: Ethan! I heard that there was a SEED attack!
--Ethan: Yeah, but it's all right.
--Lumia: They said on the news that the Divine Maiden might come and visit.
--Ethan: What? The Maiden...? Oh... I see...
--Lumia: What's wrong, Ethan?
--Ethan: Nothing's wrong. It'd be nice if you got to see the Maiden again.
--Lumia: Yeah! Let's go together again!
--Ethan: All right.
--Lumia: See you later!
--Ethan: Later...
(Lumia exits)
(End Scene)

(Arsh Milzu)
--Mrs. Milzu: Ethan, were you there at the SEED purification, too?
--Ethan: Yeah well...
--Ethan (thinking): I don't really have time to talk right now.

(Old Man)
--Old Man: You don't have to get all worked up over some measly little SEED attack.
--Ethan: I wasn't worked up!
--Old Man: Sure you were! For one, you...
--Ethan: Yeah, yeah... You just keep talking...
--Old Man: Hey! When people talk to you you'd better listen to what they have to say!
--Ethan: Sorry, but I'm in a hurry...

(Male Beast)
--Male Beast: Is the colony unsafe, too? Where should we go then? Is the only safe bet to hop on a spaceship and run away?
--Male Beast: Even if I had a spaceship, where would I go?

(Gapard Raz)
--Gapard: Hey, Ethan! Were you out purifying? You must be pretty freaked out when you're doing that kind of stuff.
--Ethan: Nah, I try to keep it together.
--Gepard: Just what I'd expect from a Guardian. That's so cool! I don't know if I'd be able to handle such an intense job...
--Ethan: No way! Like anything else, you get used to it.
--Ethan: Sorry about before.
--Gapard: Don't worry about it. You've got a lot to deal with in the GUARDIANS, don't you?

(Newman Male)
--Newman Male: The SEED woke me up just as I was drifting off to sleep! Now I can't go back to sleep.
--Newman Male: I wish they would hurry up and figure out where the SEED are coming from.

(Human Male)
--Human Male: Another SEED attack on the colony... The shields should have been up... but maybe they're not very effective?
--Human Male: It's strange... The colony's shields really should have been up!

Clyez City: Shopping Mall A: Second Floor
(Kumil Godes)
--Kumil: Ethan! You've got to hurry! it's the SEED!
--Ethan: I already cleaned 'em up.
--Kumil: You're kidding!?
--Ethan: I'm serious.
--Kumil: And just when I was thinking about giving you a hand... That's not fair!
--Ethan: It's my job, you know.
--Kumil: Hmph!

--Engineer: Partner machines were originally created to look after Guardians' personal belongings. Eventually they were given more practical support abilities. This is where the item creation function and battle functions came into play. Now, partner machines have the ability to evolve based on their Guardian owner.
--Engineer: I imagine your partner machine has already undergone a few changes of it's own, right?

(Mikua Tesran)
(Before meeting the President)
--Ethan: Hey, Mikua! Are you feeling any younger today?
--Mikua: ... Excuse me, but I forgot to laugh.
--Ethan: Sorry, sorry! I'm just teasing, you know. So what's with your premature worries about aging?
--Mikua: Nothing. It's just my mom. She can be pretty pushy sometimes about wanting grandkids.
--Mikua: Sorry I've been so sensitive. I'm just going through a rough patch.
--Ethan: That's okay. I'm sorry your mom is pestering you!
(After meeting the President)
--Ethan: Hey, Mikua. You heard about that SEED attack a while ago, didn't you?
--Mikua: Are we going to be all right?
--Ethan: Huh?
--Mikua: I'm scared...
--Ethan: That's not like you at all! Just trust us GUARDIANS!
--Ethan: So remember that SEED attack? I purified them myself!
--Mikua: That's your job, isn't it? I should home you did!
--Ethan: You sure are quick to turn back to your normal self!

(Human Girl)
--Human Girl: I was so surprised! Another SEED attack on the colony... It's been so many months! The Linear Line was finally repaired, too. When are the SEED attacks going to stop, once and for all?
--Human Girl: The time when we could go on about our daily lives without worry seems like such a distant memory.

(Fat Man)
--Fat Man: I guess part of the Linear Line is blocked again... And just when there was talk of travel restrictions finally being loosened! Well the chances of that happening now are nil.
--Fat Man: When will we be able to travel on a whim again?

(Nano-Transformer Fan)
--Nano-Transformer Fan: The ancient civilization's A-Photon research was even more advanced than our own, right? If that's true, then they no doubt had some incredible nano transformer, right? Have you heard anything about the GUARDIANS finding any ancient nano transformers from the RELICS sites?
--Nano-Transformer Fan: If ancient nano transformers exist... I want one really bad!

(Mefon Lead)
--Mrs. Lead: Oh hello, Ethan! That commotion earlier was the SEED, wasn't it? Were you involved in the purification?
--Ethan: Yes, I was.
--Mrs. Lead: Wow, that's so frightening! When I think that my son has to deal with the same kind of thing on Moatoob...
--Ethan: I don't think it's as scary as you're imagining it to be.
--Ethan: You shouldn't worry about Jonb.
--Mrs. Lead: Thank you, Ethan. All you Guardians are so strong!

Clyez City: Shopping Mall B: Third Floor
(Mischec Pord)
--Mischec: Oh, Ethan! I was so scared...
--Ethan: C'mon Mischec, you can't be a Guardian with that attitude!
--Mischec: But...
--Ethan: We've already done the purification. You can relax now.
--Mischec: Aren't you scared of the SEED?
--Ethan: Even if it's scary, we've got to take care of the SEED or the colony will be in trouble.
--Mischec: Wow, the GUARDIANS are so amazing!

(A-Photon Fanatic)
--A-Photon Fanatic: In regards to A-Photon research, Professor Kou Taragi is currently number one in the field. I hear the colony's A-Photon reactor was recently exchanged for the newest model, based on the professor's research.
--A-Photon Fanatic: A genius like Professor Taragi will surely pave the way for the future of A-Photons.

(Photon Fanatic)
--Photon Fanatic: I think photons are great and all, but I don't buy that anyone can see the distant future with them. Although... I've heard that sometimes in the case of divinations the immediate future can be seen.
--Photon Fanatic: Even if you really could see into the future, it's not like you' be able to see whatever you want, right?

--Astronomer: The sun spots seem like they're becoming even more active. I still can't even get satisfactory viewing conditions or equipment, though. I guess now all I can do is talk directly with the President...
--Astronomer: Maybe the President can do something. It's probably futile, but I guess I'll see if he can help.

(Endy Fodz)
(Before meeting the President)
--Ethan: Hey, Endy!
--Endy: What's with that stupid grin? You don't mean... you do!
--Ethan: Hehehe... I've been to all three planets now!
--Endy: Man... Congratulations! I guess you win!
--Endy: I righteously accept defeat. Well then, good luck!
--Ethan: Thanks!
(After meeting the President)
--Ethan: Hey Endy!
--Endy: Oh hi, Ethan. It looks like there was an attack around the farming plant.
--Ethan: I just came from cleaning up over there.
--Endy: Really!? Man... You're really something!
--Endy: When the colony is all up in arms like this, I can't just sit around!

Clyez City: PPT Spaceport: Fourth Floor
(Jabutz Secbel)
--Ethan: Hello, Mr. Chief Manager of Operations!
--Jabutz: You were kept pretty busy during that last SEED attack, weren't you?
--Ethan: You saw?
--Jabutz: Nah, but rumors spread like wildfire around here.
--Jabutz: I'm expecting a lot from you!
--Ethan: Yes sir!

(Male Beast)
(Before meeting the President)
--Beast Male: What? Aren't you in a rush?
(After meeting the President)
--Beast Male: Mellvore City? A long time ago I thought about going sightseeing there but I couldn't get past the "wall" to reach the inside. It appears that people have tried to settle there illegally. It was said to be dangerous, so it was made off limits.
--Beast Male: I've seen it from the sky above the city. It was so strange to see an entire city abandoned and left to rot.

(Porsh Tuvol)
--Porsh: Ethan! It looks like there's been another SEED attack!
--Ethan: It's no big deal. I've already sorted things out.
--Porsh: You have?
--Ethan: Yup...
--Porsh: Wow... That's great!
--Porsh: It sounds like you're becoming a pretty fine soldier, Ethan.
--Ethan: Hehe... Thanks!

(Keiko Rotta)
--Keiko: Hey you, you're in the GUARDIANS, aren't you? Quit slacking off on the job and go purify some SEED!
--Ethan: I've already purified the SEED that fell on the farming plant.
--Keiko: Oh, really?
--Ethan: Really.
--Ethan: The SEED have already been taken care of, so rest easy!
--Keiko: You GUARDIANS are all we've got to rely on, so we really need you guys to shape up!

Clyez City: Guardians Headquarters: Fifth Floor
(Scene: Ethan, Nav)
(Ethan approaches the Guardians Counter and sees Headmaster Nav talking to Mina)
--Ethan: Headmaster Nav!
--Nav: Oh, it's you, Ethan.
--Ethan: I was wondering... About the commotion with the SEED today...
--Nav: Uh... I'm a bit busy today. Let's talk about it later, shall we?
--Ethan: That attack.. It was planned, wasn't it?
--Nav: It's something you shouldn't concern yourself with.
--Ethan: How can you say that? How can you just expose everyone to danger? I won't be satisfied until I get an answer!
--Nav: Hehe... You're definitely Olson's son, all right.
--Ethan: Huh?
--Nav: No, never mind. All right, you win. Come to the President's chamber. I'll let him know you're coming.
(Nav exits)
Ethan: Wait a minute. I still have some things I want to... Uh, did you say the President? Huh?? I... ...

---President's Chambers
(A door slides open and Ethan enters the Presidents chambers. The President and Headmaster Nav are waiting for him)
--Dalgun: So, you are Ethan Waber?
--Ethan: Yes sir!
--Dalgun: I heard about the farm. Excellent job.
--Ethan: Sir! Thank you, sir!
--Nav: Which is why you were summoned here, Ethan. We're sending you to Mellvore.
--Ethan: Mellvore, sir?
--Nav: Dr. Tomrain has recommended you very highly.
(Nav points to a holographic communications device. It activates and an image of Dr. Tomrain appears)
--Ethan: Dr. Tomrain...
--Dr. Tomrain: We haven't seen each other since Galenigare Mr. Waber...
--Ethan: No, sir... I'm sorry, sir, that we never found out where they were holding the scientists.
--Dr. Tomrain: You did what you could. I've been continuing their research since then. The effects of A-Photon on the SEED. We have found numerous reports that I believe have brought some controversial facts into the light, Mr. Waber. I have a theory. Something our reports had hinted at before. The SEED are not actually attacking the planet, rather, they are attracted by A-Photons.
--Ethan: What do you mean?!
--Dalgun: Last night's attack by the SEED was not an accident. It was an experiment.
--Ethan: An experiment?!
(Ethan slams his hands on the President's desk in anger)
--Ethan: You put all of us... the entire colony in danger for an experiment!?? What is wrong with you, sir!? We're not lab animals! We're putting our lives on the line fighting those things!
--Nav: You will speak with respect! You are talking to the President!
--Ethan: How could you do that? I can't be a part of this... I must refuse this mission, sir!
(Ethan turns to leave)
--Dalgun: Hah hah hah hah! You've got a short temper, just like your father. Ethan if your father was here, he would have said the same. But understand, we are in a state of emergency. Time is precious.
--Nav: The fate of the entire Gurhal System lies in the balance. You must look at the bigger picture, Ethan.
--Dr. Tomrain: Mr. Waber, it was critical that we made sure our theory was correct. Dr. Daren convinced me of a dire truth... A-Photons are not the energy solution of the future. But rather, a disaster waiting to happen.
(Ethan thinks back somberly, Dr. Daren's voice echoes in his mind)
--Dr. Daren: The ancient civilization that developed A-Photons perished. And now our own civilization is on the road to a similar fate. Total annihilation!
--Nav: I hope that you will reconsider, and help the doctor, Mr. Waber.
--Ethan: ...Yes sir. I'll do my best.
--Dalgun: I'm glad to hear that, Ethan. You and Lou will leave for Mellvore as soon as possible.
(Lou enters the scene)
(End Cutscene)

(Scene: Ethan, Lou, Nav, Dalgun)
--Lou: Thank you for what you did during the Galenigare kidnapping investigation. This time I'll join you as one of your party members.
--Nav: Lou may look slight but she is quite adept in battle. Try not to slow her down too much.
--Ethan: Headmaster Nav... Be nice! I'm not in training anymore!
--Nav: Hohoho! You may be a full-fledged Guardian now... But listening in on your superior's conversations isn't exactly what a model Guardian does, is it?
--Ethan: Headmaster... Did you set this whole thing up?
--Nav: Huh? What do you mean?
--Ethan: Don't play innocent!
--Nav: Hm... I'm not sure... Well in any case, it seems the President has high hopes for you. Don't let him down.
--Ethan: I can't win, can I?
--Dalgun: Headmaster Nav, let's leave it at that. When you're young, it's only natural to state your mind.
--Ethan: Sir.. I apologize for my impudence earlier.
--Dalgun: All is forgiven. Your eyes... They remind me of a young Olson Waber.
--Ethan: You... knew my father, sir?
--Dalgun: Olson was my partner a long time ago.
--Ethan: I was just thinking that you kind of talk like him!
--Dalgun: I don't know about that... Listen, this mission is the key to years of research and in turn may decide the future of the Gurhal System. You have your orders, Mr. Waber.
--Ethan: Yes sir!
(End Scene)

Clyez City: Guardians Headquarters: Fifth Floor
(Scene: Ethan, Hyuga, Lou)
(Ethan exits from the elevator leading from the President's office)
--Ethan: Hm... I should probably invite Hyuga.
(Ethan comms Hyuga)
--Hyuga: Ah, Ethan! What is it?
--Ethan: Hey Hyuga, you want to join my mission?
--Hyuga: I'm a little tied up right now. I've got something that requires my immediate attention. I'm terribly sorry but you'll have to find someone else. Talk to you later!
(Hyuga hangs up)
--Ethan: Uh... hey! Hyuga! I wonder what he's up to?
(Lou enters from behind Ethan)
--Lou: Mr. Waber.
--Ethan: Oh, hi Lou.
--Lou: This time your partner will be Maya Shidow.
--Ethan: Oh, really? Maya?
--Lou: Yes. Research Scientist Shidow will meet you on Parum along with one more person.
--Ethan: Got it.
--Lou: When your preparations are complete, please take the shuttle to Parum. I will be waiting there.
--Ethan: Understood!
(Lou exits)
(End Scene)

--Reporter: Before, you were talking about the Endrum Collective. Well I did a little bit of research and... What's wrong? You look a bit pale, like you're going to topple over. ... you can't say anything about it, can you?
--Reporter: I'll hold off on this talk until you've calmed down a little.

(Human Male)
--Human Male: Last time I saw you, you were running off to do something on Neudaiz. What was that about? Oh. You can't say, eh? Now that your training is complete, I'll bet you're getting some pretty important classified missions.
--Human Male: Congratulations! You're a full-fledged Guardian now!

(Fisul Godes)
(Before meeting the President)
--Ethan: Hello, sir!
--Mr. Godes: Hey, Waber! Boy, that's quite a grin you've got there. You find a nice girl or something?
--Ethan: No, that's not it... It's just that I've finally have been to all three planets!
--Mr. Godes: I see, that's good to hear!
--Ethan: I'm pretty happy about it!
--Mr. Godes: I understand your excitement, but don't lose focus on your tasks, all right?
--Ethan: Yes sir!
(After meeting the President)
--Ethan: Hello, sir!
--Mr. Godes: Hey, Ethan. Looks like that was some commotion!
--Ethan: Yeah, but me, Leo and everyone took care of the purification!
--Mr. Godes: Wow, you're full-fledged now!
--Ethan: Thank you!
--Mr. Godes: Well, rest up and get prepared for your next mission.
--Ethan: I will, sir.

(Before meeting the President)
--Mina: Mr. Waber! Nice job cleaning up the SEED!
(After meeting the President)
--Mina: Oh, Mr. Waber! This mission... Do you know what it's all about?
--Ethan: Hm? What do you mean?
--Mina: They've been very secretive about your mission and won't give me any details. This has never happened before. Hopefully it's not anything to worry about. Then again, why would they keep it so under wraps unless it was really dangerous?
--Ethan: Hey, quit freaking me out!
--Mina: Oh, sorry about that.
--Ethan: It doesn't matter. Whatever it is, I'll give it everything I've got!
--Mina: Well, good luck then, and may the Holy Light guide you!

(Scene: Ethan, Hyuga, Lumia)
(As Ethan approaches the exit, Hyuga and Lumia enter)
--Ethan: Hey! What are you two doing!?
--Hyuga: Ah! Ethan! A-Are you going on your mission now?
--Ethan: I am! What is Lumia doing in a place like this!?
--Lumia: Ethan... I'm just...
--Ethan: You be quiet! Hyuga, I told you not to get involved with my sister! You little...
--Lumia: Hey! Ethan, YOU be quiet! Hyuga, let's go!
--Hyuga: U.. Uh...
(Hyuga and Lumia exit)
--Ethan: Hey! Lumia! Great. Just great! What the heck is going on!?
(End Scene)

(Lou appears in the Guardian HQ after you have met Lou in Holtes City)
--Lou: This is mission is top secret. Do not discuss it with anyone.
--Ethan: O-Okay. (Lou doesn't seem to have an ounce of faith in me!)

Clyez City: PPT Spaceport: Fourth Floor
(Scene: Ethan, Lou)
(Upon approaching the Parum PPT gate, Ethan notices Lou entering from the gate)
--Ethan: Oh, Lou! Perfect timing! Shall we go together?
--Lou: No, I still have things to investigate here. Lou is waiting for you on Parum. Please go to Parum by yourself.
--Ethan: What?
--Lou: Please excuse me.
(Lou exits)
--Ethan: Lou is waiting for me... Aren't you Lou...? Why do you always act so weird?
(End Scene)

Ohtoku City: Central District
(Galmo Veag)
--Galmo: There is someone pretending to be a newman and posing as a member of the Communion of Gurhal, trying to collect donations. Please be careful!
--Ethan: Yes, I will!
---(After talking with the swindler)
--Ethan: you're a counselor with the Communion, right?
--Galmo: Galmo Veag, at your service!
--Ethan: I saw someone pretending to be a newman, trying to collect donations.
--Galmo: A woman who says "farewell" and runs off when things go bad?
--Ethan: Yeah, that sounds like her!
--Galmo: So she's still up to her old tricks...
--Ethan: Can't you catch the newman imposter?
--Galmo: That woman's become a repeated problem! The Communion is currently investigating ways to deal with her. Thank you for the valuable information!

--Reporter: Dohgi Mikuna used his position as a Light Master to do illegal things... and he was finally overthrown. I find it a little strange that his daughter wasn't dismissed from her position as the Divine Maiden, as well.
--Reporter: I wonder what the Divine Maiden thinks of this herself?

(Kinian Tope)
--Ethan: Hey, Kinian!
--Kinian: Oh hello, Ethan.
--Ethan: Whenever I'm here, the city seems like it's bustling! Everyone here is so passionate about their beliefs. It's a little overwhelming for me sometimes!
--Kinian: If you could comprehend faith, you'd understand. The Gurhal Faith is a beautiful, unexplainable thing!
--Ethan: Hm...
--Ethan: So is faith like, when everyone sees the Maiden, they get excited?
--Kinian: No... No, it's more than that.

(COG Newman)
--COG Newman: The Divine Maiden is back! She's finally feeling better! Hurray!
--COG Newman: I wonder what happened while she was missing?

(Pavilion of Air Guard)
--Pavilion of Air Guard: You're Ethan Waber, eh? the house I was grew up in was close to the Mikuna household. When Mirei was little we used to play together all the time. But now... You know, Rutsu told me the truth, and I'm glad the new Maiden is a good person... But if you ask me, Mirei will be the only true Divine Maiden.
--Pavilion of Air Guard: To me, there's always been one, and only one, Divine Maiden.

---Yohmei Shop
(Male Newman)
--Male Newman: The Divine Maiden is in an influential position. Although there's no political power involved, there is a great amount of adoration The public loves her. And the followers of the Gurhal Faith need a symbol... Someone to give thanks to for the Holy Light... so it's easy to understand the existence of a Divine Maiden.
--Male Newman: Since I'm not a believer, I'm probably not very persuasive.

--Swindler: How about a donation for the Communion of Gurhal?
--Ethan: What the? ...Did something happen to your ear?
--Swindler: Huh? ...Uh oh, this is bad!
--Ethan: Hey, you aren't a...
--Swindler: Your eyes are bad, aren't they? You're very unpleasant. Don't talk to me anymore! Farewell!
--Ethan: (Those are fake ears... She's really a human!)

(Male Beast)
--Male Beast: That's not the real Divine Maiden! Don't ask me how I know, but I do! It's not her!
--Male Beast: Why won't anyone believe me!? The Divine Maiden is an impostor!

---Synthesis Shop
(Purol Sieju)
(Before meeting the President)
--Purol: Do you know what the difference between humans and newmans is?
--Ethan: (This kid's kind of annoying.)
--Purol: Hey, do you know?
--Ethan: Yes, I do.
--Purol: Humans are below newmans!
--Ethan: There may be people that think that, but all four races are equal!
--Purol: Hm...
--Purol: Ethan, what you say is different than what my dad says.
--Ethan: In the GUARDIANS, everyone is equal.
--Purol: Hm...
(After meeting the President)
--Purol: Hey, Ethan! Humans are below newmans.
--Ethan: (Not this again!)
--Purol: My mom and dad said so!
--Ethan: What do you think, Purol? Do you think I'm below you?
--Purol: Um... I don't know.
--Ethan: Right! You don't know!
--Purol: Hm...
--Ethan: Newmans and humans have to live together in the same Gurhal System. We have to help each other out!
--Purol: Hm...
--Ethan: (I hope she gets it!)

(Fat Newman)
--Fat Newman: Recently the Divine Maiden started making public appearances again. Doesn't it seem like she's more active than before? She even seems stronger than before. I like her new liveliness!
--Fat Newman: The Divine Maiden's smile is enough to put me in a good mood any time!

---Clothing Shop
(Old Woman)
--Old Woman: I'm so happy the Divine Maiden appears to be fine. She looks like she's getting even healthier, too! Now I feel like I have the strength to keep going, too!
--Old Woman: When the Divine Maiden is around I just feel more at ease.

Ohtoku City: Guardians Branch
(Bunami Seagol)
--Ethan: How's it going, Bunami?
--Bunami: Oh hey, Ethan!
--Ethan: You look sad.
--Bunami: I screwed up and got into trouble, and got chewed out by Director Milzu. It just doesn't seem right though... getting yelled at by the director for improper behavior. I mean, he's the one fooling around with one of the receptionists!
--Ethan: Is that true?
--Bunami: You don't know? I thought everybody knew!
--Ethan: So what do you mean by "fooling around"?
--Bunami: Oh, don't pretend to be so innocent! He should really know better. I mean, he's got a wife at the colony and everything!
--Ethan: Wow, that's pretty bad...

(Kitov Milzu)
--Ethan: Hello there, Director Milzu.
--Mr. Milzu: Hello, Ethan... You know, forget it. I give up!
--Ethan: What's going on?
--Mr. Milzu: If everyone in the GUARDIANS was as efficient as you are, my job would be no sweat. But there are those who I just can't do anything about!
--Mr. Milzu: I'm counting on you to finish your mission carefully!
--Ethan: I will, sir.

(Sinenu Forin)
--Ethan: Hey, come to think of it, you were asking me about Director Milzu, weren't you?
--Sinenu: Oh, was I?
--Ethan: You were.
--Sinenu: I'm sorry but I don't remember. I'm busy. If you don't have any other business, won't you please excuse me?
--Ethan: (Hm... What's going on here?)
--Sinenu: There's no point in persisting. I'm not interested in younger guys!
--Ethan: (She may be pretty, but she's kind of mean!)

(Before meeting the President)
--Reyna: Thank you for visiting the GUARDIANS, defenders of Gurhal's future. We currently have no missions that you can take on.
(After meeting the President)
--Reyna: Welcome to the GUARDIANS. Protecting the future of Gurhal. Mr. Waber, I believe your current mission has you on Parum...
--Ethan: I know. I'm just stopping by.
--Reyna: Please head back as soon as possible. And may the Holy Light guide you safely.
--Reyna: Please head back as soon as possible. And may the Holy Light guide you safely.

(Lou appears after meeting the President)
--Lou: Mr. Waber, what about the mission on Parum?
--Ethan: I know. I'm just stopping by.
--Lou: If you waste too much time, you'll be late for the mission.
--Ethan: Yeah, yeah. Don't rush me!
--Lou: If you waste too much time, you'll be late for the mission.

Dagora City: Central District
(Faroi Koid)
--Faroi: Hello, Mr. Waber!
--Ethan: Hey, Faroi!
--Faroi: Mr. Waber, have you ever seen a beast do a nanoblast?
--Ethan: Sure. Why do you want to know?
--Faroi: No reason. I just want to see one once for myself some day!
--Ethan: It's not a very fun experience.
--Faroi: Are you scared of beasts?
--Ethan: Of course not!

(Emun Ohka)
--Emun: Mr. Waber?
--Ethan: Hello, Ms. Ohka.
--Emun: Do you have a minute?
--Ethan: Yes. What is it?
--Emun: I'm still looking for people to work in my mine. Have you come across anyone who might be interested?
--Ethan: Sorry, I still don't think I can help you...
--Emun: I don't have enough workers and it's become a big problem! If you hear of anybody who'd be good for the job, please let me know.
--Ethan: I will.

(Human Woman)
--Human Woman: Hey kid! We meet again!
--Ethan: Please don't call me "kid." I'm a Guardian, after all...
--Human Woman: Ah, sorry! It's just that you're so cute!
--Ethan: Hey! Quit it!
--Human Woman: Hehehe! Sorry!
--Human Woman: Let's have a nice long chat next time!
--Ethan: Yeah, next time...

(Fat Beast)
--Fat Beast: The Tylor family is one of the four major rouge families, although Alfort Tyler left the family some time ago. Alfort doesn't receive any support from his estranged family. Rumor has it he didn't get along with them. Maybe it's because of his rebellious streak... or maybe they don't approve of his lifestyle... Either way, their private matters are fodder for rumor mills galore!
--Fat Beast: Though Alfort left the family, he still goes by the Tylor name. ...So it's not like he completely cut himself off from the Tylors, or so it would appear.

(Bukle Kinron)
--Bukle: Hey, we meet again!
--Ethan: (What was his name again? I can't remember!)
--Bukle: The name's Bukle Kinron. Don't forget it!
--Ethan: Sorry.
--Bukle: Are you used to it here on Moatoob yet?
--Ethan: I guess so.
--Bukle: It's not a bad place once you get used to it.

(Pipi Vol)
--Pipi: Hey, we meet again! You fallin' for me or somethin'?
--Ethan: Are you kidding me?
--Pipi: You lookin' to insult me? I've had enough of your crap, human! I'll make you lick my boots!
--Ethan: Not again... Calm down!
--Pipi: Do you know who I am!? I'm Pipi Vol! I send all the punks in this neighborhood runnin'!
--Ethan: (Doesn't she realize she's just a punk, too?)
--Pipi: So what's it gonna be? Are you gonna lick my boots or not?
--Ethan: I'm sorry. It's all my fault.
--Pipi: Hmph... You ain't got no guts!

--Ethan: Hey, I won't let you get away with what you're doing!
--Extortionist: I don't need you to! The world lets it slide! I don't need to listen to you whine!
--Ethan: (This area is completely lawless!)
--Extortionist: If you want to stop me that bad, then kill me! Of course, before that happens you might die, too...
--Ethan: You'd better watch it!
--Extortionist: I'll show you some mercy today because I'm going home.
--Ethan: Yeah, for your own good!

(Jonb Lead)
--Ethan: Hi, Jonb.
--Jonb: Hey, Ethan!
--Ethan: Whenever I run into your mother she seems really worried about you.
--Jonb: Really? She's the worrying type, I guess. Plus, I'm pretty bad about visiting. That probably doesn't help much.
--Jonb: If you run into my mother, give her my regards!
--Ethan: I will!

(Old Cast)
--Ethan: What's wrong?
--Old Cast: Nothing. I'm just resting.
--Ethan: (He's stopped. Is he a CAST? Could he have ICS?)
--Old Cast: Yeah... I'm still alive...
--Ethan: Are you all right!? Your reactor is out of order, isn't it?
--Old Cast: Yeah. I'm waiting for it to stop.
--Ethan: Let's go get you fixed up quickly!
--Old Cast: That isn't necessary. Sorry, but could you leave me be?

---Gawik's Pub
(Gawik Vopa)
--Gawik: Well, well. Mr. Waber! Nice to see you back here!
--Ethan: Hi, Gawik.
--Gawik: Hold on, there. You know I can't serve you any alcohol!
--Ethan: Sorry...
--Gawik: You look like you'll become a strong man one day.
--Ethan: Really?

(Beast Male)
--Beast Male: Hey, Kid! You're one of them Guardians, aren't you? My pet just ran away. Wanna help me find it? What's wrong? I'm just kidding! Don't be such a baby!
--Beast Male: Can't take a joke, can ya?

(Old Beast)
--Old Beast: You little brat... Don't look at me like that! I'm a working man, even at my age! I'm busy patrolling the back entrance of a restaurant, see? I'm collecting all their leftovers.
--Old Beast: A little brat like you doesn't understand the hard work I do...

---Synthesis Shop
(Small Beast)
--Small Beast: Kubara City is full of mining shops. I just got back from there and it's probably the most disorderly place on Moatoob. Though there are stimulating aspects of the city... Well, I wouldn't recommend it to a novice, though.
--Small Beast: I wouldn't recommend going to Kubara City. Not a Guardian like yourself, at least.

Dagora City: Guardians Branch
(Solen Hanp)
--Ethan: Hello, sir!
--Solen: If it's about Mayton, then you can just drop it!
--Ethan: No, I wasn't going to...
--Solen: Good then!
--Ethan: His son has been waiting for him to come home...
--Solen: There are circumstances that prevent even his wife from knowing all the details...
--Ethan: What could those circumstances be?

(Beast Female)
--Beast Female: Moatoob is a dangerous place. Even in the city you've got to be careful! Although... you made it through training with Tonnio, so you're probably pretty tough!
--Beast Female: Tonnio can be vulgar but he's a good guy. Make friends with him!

(Before meeting the President)
--Mana: Hey, this is the GUARDIANS. We defend the future of Gurhal and stuff. We don't have any missions you can take on here. Not now, anyway.
(After meeting the President)
--Mana: Hey, this is the GUARDIANS. We protect the future of Gurhal.
--Ethan: Hell, Mana.
--Mana: Hey, ain't your mission on Parum? This ain't no time to be slacking off, right?
--Ethan: I'll be heading back soon.
--Mana: If you don't take care of your missions I'll come after you myself! May the Holy Light watch your rear!
--Mana: If you don't take care of your missions I'll come after you myself! May the Holy Light watch your rear!

(Lou appears after meeting the President)
--Lou: Mr. Waber, what about the mission on Parum?
--Ethan: I know. I'm just stopping by.
--Lou: If you waste too much time you'll be late for the mission.
--Ethan: Yeah, yeah. Don't rush me!
--Lou: If you waste too much time you'll be late for the mission.

Holtes City: Central Square
(Scene: Ethan, Maya, Lou)
(Ethan exits the PPT spaceport to find Maya waiting in the Central Square)
--Ethan: Maya!
--Maya: Oh Ethan!
--Ethan: What is this mission about?
--Maya: I have no idea. They called me in all of a sudden, with no explanation.
--Ethan: Huh.
(Lou approaches from the East District)
--Lou: You're both here.
--Ethan: Huh? Lou... Did you get here before me?
--Lou: Yes. I've been here the whole time.
--Ethan: No, but... we just talked at the colony...
--Maya: Yeah, whatever. More importantly, tell us about this mission.
--Lou: We will be traveling to the abandoned city of Mellvore. Dr. Tomrain is conducting an investigation there. We will also be escorting an additional person who is necessary for the investigation.
--Ethan: And who is this person?
--Lou: You will find out soon enough. We are to meet him in front of the Mellvore wall. We will be departing soon. Form a party and we will depart from the flyer base.
(Mission "In the Ruins" available)
--Maya: Got it! Well then, see you later Ethan!
--Ethan: See ya.
--Lou: Here is my partner card.
(Receive Lou's Partner Card)
--Lou: I have some things to check up on before the mission.
--Ethan: All right.
(Lou and Maya exit)
--Ethan: Let's see what the locals have to say about Mellvore...
(End Scene)

(PPT Caseal)
--Ethan: Um... Do you by any chance have any relatives at the colony?
--PPT Caseal: Well, let's see... Being a CAST, it's not strange for there to be one or two other units of the same model.
--Ethan: I see...
--Ethan: (Hm, the resemblance is really striking!)

(Green Cast)
(Before meeting the President)
--Green Cast: Just get out of here!
(After meeting the President)
--Green Cast: Mellvore? Oh... that old city. An abandoned city is worth about as much as a pile of garbage!
--Green Cast: What kind of business could you have at a place like that nowadays?

(Blue Caseal)
(Before meeting the President)
--Blue Caseal: Run off to Neudaiz or something. Just get out of here!
(After meeting the President)
--Blue Caseal: Mellvore? That place is finished, isn't it? All those people who died... Yuck!
--Blue Caseal: The source of the explosion? How would I know something like that?

(Yellow Cast)
(Before meeting the President)
--Yellow Cast: That kind of thing doesn't become news around here.
(After meeting the President)
--Yellow Cast: Mellvore? ...The remnants of the big explosion? The cause of the explosion is unknown, right? Well, no matter how much you think about it, you can't change what happened.
--Yellow Cast: It's best to forget useless things... If I don't think about bad things, maybe they'll just go away.

(Traveling Cast)
--Ethan: You're here! I had a feeling we'd run into each other again...
--Traveling Cast: Odd, isn't it?
--Ethan: I think so, too. Um... Are you following me or something?
--Traveling Cast: Don't you think I'd rather be following around a cute girl instead?
--Ethan: I don't know what your tastes are...
--Ethan: I wish I had more free time so I could go see Karen...
--Traveling Cast: What was that?
--Ethan: Nothing, just talking to myself.

(AMF Cast)
--AMF Cast: Hey you! What are you doing!?
--Ethan: I'm here on official business for the GUARDIANS.
--AMF Cast: You can't just go where you please around here, you know.
--Ethan: What, are you going to stop me? You and what army?
--AMF Cast: Me and the Alliance Military!
--AMF Cast: You know, you can't just do whatever you want around here!
--Ethan: What a pain...

Holtes City: West District
(Speal Fonce)
--Ethan: Hello, Speal.
--Speal: What is it?
--Ethan: There are so many cruel CASTs on Parum. It makes me want to see you all the more.
--Speal: You really shouldn't have such high expectations of people.
--Ethan: What do you mean?
--Speal: This is the Alliance Military's turf. Your kind isn't welcome here.
--Ethan: I see.
--Ethan: Hey, Speal.
--Speal: You know, the roots of the CAST supremacy run deep. You won't get rid of it so easily.

(Yokus Melton)
--Ethan: Hey, Yokus!
--Yokus: Oh hi, Ethan.
--Ethan: Are you avoiding me?
--Yokus: No...
--Ethan: But...
--Yokus: I said I wasn't!
--Ethan: Hey...
--Yokus: If you really think I'm avoiding you then why do you keep coming here?

(AMF Guard)
(Before meeting the President)
--AMF Guard: You really don't get it, do you? Can't you take a hint? Scram!
--AMF Guard: I said get out of here!
(After meeting the President)
--AMF Guard: Did you say Mellvore? What's the point of investigating a city that's been abandoned for eighteen years now? Humans have a bad habit of always looking back.
--AMF Guard: I swear, nothing useful ever comes from talking to you.

(Mikaris Geid)
--Mikaris: Oh, Ethan. You came at a good time! There's something I want to talk to you about.
--Ethan: What's that?
--Mikaris: I feel weird talking about it here, but... I want a baby!
--Ethan: Er... Can I change the subject now?
--Mikaris: Why, what's wrong?
--Ethan: You've got a twisted sense of humor, Mikaris.
--Mikaris: What's twisted? I'm completely serious!

---G.R.M. Shop
(Stank Geece)
--Ethan: Hello, Commander Geece.
--Stank: Hey, Ethan.
--Ethan: Commander, do you know a boy named Prafo?
--Stank: ...Have you met him?
--Ethan: Yeah...
--Stank: I adopted him. I took him into my care after his human father sacrificed himself to save me.
--Ethan: Oh, I see...
--Stank: I didn't intend to cover it up, but if it comes out, it could be unfavorable... Please keep this information to yourself.
--Ethan: I understand.

(Madris Carn)
--Ethan: Hi Madris!
--Madris: Hey you! You here again?
--Ethan: We ought to work together sometime!
--Madris: Don't be silly... I�m working now!
--Ethan: I see... Sorry.
--Ethan: Madris, what kind of work do you do?
--Madris: Well, all kinds of things...

---Clothing Shop
--Norphe: Oh, Mr. Waber. The ranch is back on track! But there are people who look down on me because I live with a human... and because I work in a pasture. Still, I'm doing my best to form a bridge between CASTs and humans!
--Norphe: It would be nice if the CASTs and humans on Parum could live in friendship like they do on the colony!

---Parts Shop
(Prafo Kaluen)
--Ethan: Hey, Prafo!
--Prafo: Ah, Ethan! Ethan, when are you gonna become a CAST?
--Ethan: Sorry, but... humans are humans for life!
--Prafo: What!? How come?
--Ethan: Because... that's the way it works.
--Prafo: That's a weird thing to say.
--Ethan: Hey, Prafo...
--Prafo: What?
--Ethan: ...No, never mind.

Holtes City: East District
(Human Male)
--Human Male: A friend of mine got put on trial recently. His claims were completely ignored and he was found guilty! There were circumstances beyond his control! It's not like he wanted to do what he did! The judicial system wouldn't listen to a single word. Basted CAST...
--Human Male: Damn CAST! I'll never forgive them!

(Quiro Medoc)
--Ethan: Hello, Mr. Medoc.
--Mr. Medoc: ...
--Ethan: Mr. Medoc?
--Mr. Medoc: Oh, it's you... Well, I give up!
--Ethan: What's wrong?
--Mr. Medoc: My granddaughter said to me, "Why don't you just die?" Can you believe it?
--Ethan: ...
--Mr. Medoc: Maybe she'd be better off if I did.
--Ethan: That's a horrible thing to say!
--Ethan: Don't worry, Mr. Medoc. Your granddaughter is sure to come around one of these days.
--Mr. Medoc: I gave up hope for that a long time ago, Ethan.

(Rol Medoc)
--Ethan: Hey, Rol. How are you?
--Rol: I'm fine. Is that all you ever want to know? Geez!
--Ethan: Fine then. So tell me about yourself. Do you have a boyfriend?
--Rol: Shut up!
--Ethan: You know, you really should fix that habit of telling people to "shut up" all the time. That's not gonna fly in the real world.
--Rol: ...
--Ethan: You shouldn't give your granddad such a hard time.
--Rol: ...

(Talk to Maya)
--Maya: This is my first time to see Mellvore, too. I wonder what's waiting for us there.
(Add Maya to the party)
--Maya: We'll head to Mellvore by G-Flyer, correct?
(Remove Maya from the party)
--Maya: What? You shouldn't keep a lady waiting too long, you know.

Holtes City: Guardians Branch
(Human Woman)
(Before meeting the President)
--Human Woman: Next time, all right?
(After meeting the President)
--Human Woman: You want to know about Mellvore? I was very young at the time of the great explosion... so I don't know too many details firsthand. But if you think about it, it's pretty strange. That was an explosion large enough to wipe out an entire city but there isn't a lot of talk about it. I was born and raised on Parum and we never really studied it in school. Even though the source of the explosion remains a mystery, the media seems to ignore it.
--Human Woman: Perhaps someone is controlling the information concerning what happened on Mellvore? It seems plausible.

(Black Cast)
(Before meeting the President)
--Black Cast: I'm not sure that dereliction of duty is the best way to start a GUARDIANS career...
(After meeting the President)
--Black Cast: You say you're going to Mellvore? The ruined city... They say that strange creatures settle there because there are no people left. Be careful!
--Black Cast: Mellvore... It's an abominable place!

(Human Male)
(Before meeting the President)
--Human Male: If there's something I can do, tell me!
(After meeting the President)
--Human Male: I heard Karen quit the GUARDIANS. I don't know why, but Karen always turned down missions in Neudaiz. Does it have something to do with you running off to Neudaiz the other day? You can't tell me anything? Fine then!
--Human Male: I don't want to talk to you! ...Get lost!

(Before meeting the President)
--Sheena: Welcoming to the GUARDIANS, making the futures for Gurhal! We have no missions here now that you can accept.
(After meeting the President)
--Sheena: Welcoming! Protecting Gurhal for always!
--Ethan: Hello, Sheena.
--Sheena: Mr. Waber is hello. I heard somebody set up us the important mission.
--Ethan: It looks like it.
--Sheena: You know what you doing. Take off every Holy Light.
--Sheena: You know what you doing. Take off every Holy Light.

(Lou appears after meeting the President)
(Talk to Lou)
--Lou: This is a top-secret mission. Do not speak of it to anyone.
--Ethan: I know!
(Add Lou to the party)
--Lou: Well then, let's get moving to Mellvore.
(Remove Lou from party)
--Lou: What are you doing? We must begin the mission as soon as possible.

(Start mission: In the Ruins)

Outskirts of Old Mellvore City
(The G-Flyer flies gently over the ruined and crumbling structures of Old Mellvore City. A flock of birds, disturbed from the noise in otherwise deathly silent city, takes flight)
(End Cutscene)

(Ethan, Lou, and Maya approach an enormous wall from a grassy field)
--Ethan: Wow! What is this?
--Maya: It's the Wall of Mellvore.
--Ethan: Look at the size of this! It's enormous!
--Lou: The Parum government had to build this massive wall to contain the toxic debris. There was much of it after the explosion at Mellvore.
--Ethan: And after that, the entire city was isolated?
--Maya: Yep. The official government story was that the wall was created for safety. But the damage was so bad, they couldn't clear it all.
--Ethan: So, it's been like this... for almost 20 years!
(Lou takes notice of something descending)
--Lou: It looks like we're about to have some company.
(A private G-Flyer craft lands a short distance away. A scientist exits and approaches the group)
--Maya: Kou... Professor Taragi?
--Kou: Maya? Is that you?! Never thought I'd see you here! How've you been?
--Maya: Good...
(Ethan interjects between them)
--Ethan: Hi, I'm Ethan Waber. It's good to meet you.
--Kou: Kou Taragi.
(They shake hands)
--Ethan: You must be a friend of Maya's?
--Kou: Maya was actually a student of mine.
--Ethan: Oh really? A student, huh?
--Maya: Yes. Well, he used to work in my lab, but he got overambitious researching A-Photons.
--Kou: And apparently Maya still has a problem with that.
--Lou: We are quite fortunate to have Professor Taragi with us. He is the foremost expert on A-Photon Reactors. Now, to avoid unnecessary confrontations with the SEED, I suggest we take an underground route.
--Kou: Alright, let's go.
--Ethan: I'm ready!
--Maya: ...
(End Scene)

Underground Plant: Block A-1
--Lou: Everyone be careful. There are many creatures roaming around in here.

Underground Plant: Block A-2
(Scene: Ethan, Maya, Lou, Kou)
(Ethan and the party stop for a moment upon entering Block A-1)
--Ethan: I can't believe there's something this huge built underneath the city!
--Kou: It appears this was built in secret almost 20 years go. This is the first time I've been here, as well. Even with twenty years of development, A-Photon reactor miniaturization hasn't made much progress. We can't make them any smaller, so the results are what you see here.
--Maya: It's not very compact, is it? There are photon reactors that can fit on the tip of your finger.
--Kou: But photon reactors are unstable because they're dependant on spirit energy. A-Photon reactors are an indispensable source of powerful energy.
--Maya: Then why was this facility abandoned?
--Kou: That I don't know. There's no mention of this facility in the records.
--Maya: This huge facility...!?
--Ethan: (I don't have a clue what they're talking about.)
--Lou: We don't have much time. Let's hurry.
--Kou: Yes, that's right. I apologize for lagging. Let's go.
(End Scene)

(Battle Machines attack the group)
--Ethan: There are battle machines in a place like this!?
--Kou: Heh... Just as I expected!
Maya: What?

(Scene: Ethan, Lou, Maya, Kou)
(After defeating the battle machines the party stops for a moment to regroup)
--Kou: So they attacked after all...
--Ethan: Huh?
--Kou: I noticed someone had followed us here. They must be after me because I'm an A-Photon engineer.
--Ethan: Do you think it's the Endrum Collective?
--Kou: You're familiar with the Endrum Collective, Mr. Waber?
--Ethan: Yeah, I've tangled with them a few times.
--Lou: We have received similar reports, which is why we're all here.
--Ethan: That's fine, but... well... Isn't it dangerous for Dr. Tomrain to be here?
--Lou: The doctor is under the protection of the GUARDIANS Intelligence Section.
--Ethan: Still, we have to assume they'll attack again.
--Kou: My safety is in your hands then, Mr. Waber. The Endrum Collective is after me for the sole reason that I am involved with A-Photons.
--Maya: It serves you right!
--Kou: I know it's too late for me to say this now, but sometimes I think that it would have been... better... if I'd just stuck to doing photon research.
--Maya: ...
--Kou: If I did that, then you and I...
--Maya: Stop it, don't say any more. It's too late...
--Kou: Maya...
(End Scene)

Underground Plant: Block B-1
(Scene: Ethan, Lou, Maya, Kou)
(Lou stands beside a switch facing the rest of the group)
--Lou: Here we are, Professor Taragi.
--Kou: I see, so this is...
--Ethan: What is it?
--Kou: This is why I was called here. For the doctor's experiment, an enormous amount of A-Photon --energy is necessary. That's why we must use this abandoned A-Photon plant.
--Ethan: But this place is... It's a wreckage, isn't it?
--Kou: No, it's pretty much intact... although there are various places where the control switches have been severed.
--Ethan: If all it requires is flipping some switches, then we could have handled that ourselves! Why did you need to come with us?
--Kou: We must carefully calculate the amount of energy circulating or else we could have another Mellvore Explosion on our hands. That's why I was called in.
--Ethan: Oh. I guess we can use your help, then.

(Fight your way through to Block B-2)

(As you activate the switches Kou will notify you of how many are left)
--Kou: The number of switches remaining is "X".
(Once you've activated all switches)
--Kou: Great! All the switches in this area are on. Move on ahead.

Underground Plant: Block B-2
(Scene: Ethan, Lou, Maya, Kou)
(The group stands before another switch, which Kou activates)
--Kou: This time... this machine will be the key to saving people's lives. How ironic.
--Maya: What was that?
--Kou: No... It's nothing. Forget it.
(Kou moves ahead, with Lou trailing behind him)
--Maya: Wait a sec, Kou! ...Professor Taragi.
--Ethan: What is it?
--Maya: That person... He's definitely hiding something...
(Maya exits)
--Ethan: Maya... (That's the first time I've seen Maya look so serious.)
(End Scene)

(As you activate the switches Kou will notify you of how many are left)
--Kou: The number of switches remaining is "X".
(Once you've activated all switches)
--Kou: Great! All the switches are on. Let's hurry to the control room where Dr. Tomrain is.

Underground Plant: Block C-1
(Fight through two waves of Battle Machines)

(All seems quiet as the party enter an adjacent room)
--Ethan: Finally, we can take a breather.
(Just as Ethan says that, several battle machines fall from the ceiling and face them menacingly)
--Ethan: Oh man... Here they come again!
(Lou approaches the battle machines)
--Ethan: Lou! Stay back!
--Lou: You better leave this to me.
--Ethan: Huh?!
(Lou summons an array of heavy weaponry from the sky. Fully armed, she sweeps the Battle Machines with a high-powered laser blast, followed by a barrage of small homing missiles. The armament then returns itself to their satellite)
--Ethan: Lou, what was that?!
--Lou: A SUV weapon.
--Ethan: Well, where the heck did it come from?!
--Lou: It came from outer orbit. You can't have one.
--Ethan: Wha...?
(End Scene)

Underground Plant: Block C-2
(Trial Start)
--Ethan: First it's machines and now it's SEED?
--Kou: This isn't good... but I can't say I'm entirely surprised.
(Fight and defeat a wave of Delsabans and Pannons, as well as a SEED-Vitace)
(Trial End)

(The SEED-Vitace recoils in it's death throes, shaking the ground as it collapses, nearly knocking the party off balance)
--Ethan: ... Alright, let's go.
(Party Exits)
(End Cutscene)

Lake Denes
(The party walks to the edge of an observatory lobby. Before them is a large lake, surrounded by the ruined city of Mellvore)
--Ethan: What is this place...?
--Kou: This is ground zero from the Mellvore Explosion.
--Ethan: It's worse than I imagined.
--Kou: There's a Relics at the bottom of this lake.
--Ethan: Below here?
(Kou points to a large pipe structure leading from the observatory down into the lake)
--Kou: That energy tube over there transports A-Photons down to the Relics. It is the primary exchange unit.
--Ethan: And what does that do to them?
--Kou: I can't explain just yet. You'll see when we get there.
(Kou exits)
--Maya: You haven't changed a bit.
--Ethan: What?
--Maya: Never gives a straight answer. It's like he's always talking in riddles.
--Ethan: Maya, can I ask you something?
--Maya: Sure?
--Ethan: So, what's the real story between you two?
--Maya: What?! You know... we really don't have time to stand around and chat. We need to get going.
(Maya exits)
--Ethan: Oh, now look who's avoiding questions.
--Lou: Mr. Waber, time is running out, we really must keep moving.
--Ethan: Oh, yes, of course.
(Ethan and Lou exit)
(End Cutscene)

Denes RELICS: Block A-1
(Trial Start)
(Fight your way from Block A-1 to Control Room)

[ This Message was edited by: Sinue_v2 on 2007-09-27 16:24 ]
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Old 09-27-2007, 07:25 PM #2
The EGA Warrior

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Denes RELICS: Power Control Room
(Trial End)

(The party approaches Dr. Tomrain who is standing in front of a series of panels holographically displayed from the floor)
--Kou: Doctor Tomrain!
(The doctor turns to face him)
--Dr. Tomrain: Ah, Professor Taragi!
--Kou: It's been too long.
--Dr. Tomrain: I really appreciate your help, professor.
--Kou: I'm happy to help.
--Dr. Tomrain: I thank you.
--Lou: Professor, perhaps now is the time to explain our strategy.
--Dr. Tomrain: Yes, thank you. You're right. The objective of this experiment is to reactivate a Relics called the Confinement System.
--Ethan: Confinement System?
--Dr. Tomrain: Actually, it's more widely known as the "Gates of Denikaya." If our theories are correct, then activating the apparatus will surely give us an edge against the SEED. The problem is, the remaining A-Photon Reactors in the Relics won't be able to provide enough power. Which is why we are most fortunate that Professor Taragi agreed to help. We're counting on him to reconnect the inactive power generators in the abandoned plant.
--Kou: We're wasting time. Let's get moving.
(Kou turns towards the control panels)
--Dr. Tomrain: Good luck my friend.
(End Cutscene)

(Scene: Ethan, Maya, Lou, Kou, Dr. Tomrain)
(Dr. Taragi begins manipulating the Control System while the other stand around watching)
--Ethan: What exactly are the Gates of Denikaya?
--Dr. Tomrain: Well, Mr. Waber... You know about the Mellvore Explosion, don't you?
--Ethan: Yeah. The entire city of Mellvore was wiped out in an instant.
--Maya: I heard that the center of the explosion was at Lake Denes, right above us.
--Dr. Tomrain: Indeed. That was eighteen years ago. Dr. Daren and I, among with numerous others, were researching A-Photons in a facility here.
--Maya: You were here!?
--Dr. Tomrain: We thought we were working on an entirely new source of energy. We were given an A-Photon reactor, just like the ones now being found in large numbers at the RELICS sites and spent several years building that underground A-Photon reactor. Then, during the activation experiment, there was an influx of energy that we were unprepared for... and then the tragedy occurred.
--Ethan: But... how did you survive?
--Dr. Tomrain: Beforehand, a powerful shield was set up around the research institute... as if someone knew an explosion would occur... But regardless of that accident, the dangers of A-Photons were ignored and they were put into practical use. The Mellvore Explosion was treated as an unknown act of terrorism. We were forbidden from revealing the truth. Some of us were confined, like Dr. Daren. Others were assassinated... I was picked up by the GUARDIANS so I was able to continue living my life... For the most part.
--Maya: But... how could something so big be covered up for so long?
--Dr. Tomrain: I don't know. But there's a bigger organization than you might think at work here. Something the GUARDIANS are no match for.
--Ethan: You mean like the planetary governments?
--Dr. Tomrain: Well...
--Ethan: Doctor!
--Lou: The power coupling is nearly complete.
(The Relics begin to rumble. Scene fades out, then back in. The Relics are now alive with activity)
--Kou: *Phew* It appears that the control system restart was successful.
(The Relics rumble again, this time more powerfully)
--Ethan: What was that!?
--Lou: It appears that the SEED have arrived. I have detected an invasion of SEED-Forms.
--Dr. Tomrain: It's true, then... They're drawn to the A-Photon reactions!
--Lou: The control system is under attack by SEED-Forms. Output is falling.
--Dr. Tomrain: We can't continue like this. If we make a mistake with the controls and another cascade occurs we might be facing another Mellvore Explosion!
--Ethan: What did you say!?
--Dr. Tomrain: The only thing we can do is go to the central control room and operate from there. If we do that, we might be able to compensate. Mr. Waber, can you get me to that room?
--Ethan: Leave it to me!
--Maya: I'm going, too.
--Kou: Lou and I will remain here to stabilize the output.
--Dr. Tomrain: We're counting on you.
--Kou: Maya, be careful.
--Maya: I don't need you to worry about me.
(End Scene)

--Lou: I will protect Dr. Taragi, so you take care of the control system.

(Kou Taragi)
--Kou: Coupling the power system has brought about the SEED attacks. Be careful!

(Human Guardian)
--Human Guardian: We will stay behind to guard Dr. Taragi. Take care of Dr. Tomrain.

(Beast Guardian)
--Beast Guardian: Don't worry. We're Guardians, too. Endrum Collective or SEED-Forms, neither of them will lay a finger on Lou or the doctor.

--Bruce: Welcome!
--Ethan: What the... What are you doing in a place like this?
--Bruce: I go where I want. And I'm still a member of the GUARDIANS, so sometimes they let me tag along. In exchange, I get to set up shop in lots of exotic lands! Looks like it's gonna be a rough road ahead. Ya better equip yourself accordingly.
--Ethan: You seem like you're doing a good job at surviving...
--Bruce: From here on out it's gonna get pretty tough. You'd better take care!
--Ethan: Yeah, I know.

Denes RELICS: Block B-1
(Fight through block B-1 - C2)

Denes RELICS: Block C-2
--Maya: Wait! Something is coming!

(An enormous two headed De Ragnus swoops through the air towards the party)
--Maya: That thing's been nesting in here?!
--Ethan: Doctor! Go! Go back to the last room!
--Dr. Tomrain: Yes... Good idea!
(Dr. Tomrain exits)
(End Cutscene)

(Trial Start)
(Defeat De Ragnus)
(Trial End)

(Scene: Ethan, Maya, Dr. Tomrain)
(Ethan and party take a moment to collect themselves after the fight)
--Ethan: Hm... Why was that thing hanging around here?
--Maya: It's almost as if it was protecting this area from something!
(The group turns to face a doorway)
--Ethan: Is that the control room?
--Dr. Tomrain: It is.
--Maya: Let's hurry!
(Party exits)
(End Scene)

Denes RELICS: Central Control Room
(Scene: Ethan, Maya, Kou, Dr. Tomrain)
(The party walks up a spiraling ramp to a gold and blue spherical object and terminal. As they approach, Kou comms in)
--Kou: Dr. Tomrain! Are you safe?
--Dr. Tomrain: Yes, I'm fine. Are you all right?
--Kou: Yes, fine. In ten seconds, the coupling will be complete. You should be able to control it from there.
--Dr. Tomrain: Got it. Leave the rest to me!
--Kou: I'm praying this works!
(Dr. Tomrain ends the communication. Dr. Tomrain approaches the control terminal)
--Dr. Tomrain: Right after the Mellvore Explosion... it was discovered that the Gates of Denikaya were buried here. The connection between A-Photons, the RELICS sites, and the SEED... I believe the answer lies here. That's why I've been secretly working here with the GUARDIANS for so long... trying to unlock the secrets of this site. And now... the time to find out the truth is at hand! I've cost so many people their lives. This is the way it should have been in the first place. Science... science should be about helping people!
(The RELICS rumble once again. The party turns to see several Volfu appear behind them)
--Ethan: Doctor! There are creatures in here, too!
--Dr. Tomrain: It's all right! We won't lose now!
--Ethan: Doctor...
--Dr. Tomrain: Look, Mr. Waber... This is the power of the confinement system! This time... the power of A-Photons... ...will save us!
(Dr. Tomrain activates the control panel)
(End Scene)

(Scene changes to a view of Denes Lake, surrounded by the ruined Mellvore City. The water in the middle of the lake churns and forms into a whirlpool. From out of the center erupts a massive tower structure which extends races towards the sky, extending arms which send out an energy wave in all directions. The wave sweeps through Old Mellvore City, until the entirety of the city is under it's protective umbrella. Scene changes to back inside the Denes Relics Central Control Room. The creatures which threaten the party vanish into thin air)
--Ethan: But... What happened? Where'd they go?
--Maya: It's like they just... disappeared.
--Dr. Tomrain: Actually, this is a result of the Confinement System. It looks as though our theories were correct.
--Ethan: That's great! That means it was activated.
--Dr. Tomrain: Yes, it would appear so.
--Ethan: Well come on then, let's go find our friends, huh?
(Party exits and returns to the Power Control Room, but when they arrive, they find no one is there)
--Maya: Huh! No one's here... I wonder where they went?
--Ethan: Professor Taragi! Lou!! Hm?
(Ethan notices a hat on the floor and bends down to pick it up)
--Ethan: What's this...?
--Maya: It's Lou's hat.
--Ethan: Was she captured!? The Endrum Collective!
--Dr. Tomrain: And Professor Taragi, most likely. But don't worry, we know where they are.
--Ethan: We do? How?
(The Doctor withdraws a GPS-like device from behind his back)
--Dr. Tomrain: We fitted them with homing devices.
--Maya: Wait! Professor, you knew they'd be captured?
--Dr. Tomrain: Yes, we thought so.
--Maya: It can't be...
--Dr. Tomrain: He's sacrificing himself to find our missing scientists.
--Maya: He's always doing this! This was important... and he kept it from me!
--Dr. Tomrain: Don't be hard on him. Perhaps he only wanted to protect you from the truth.
--Ethan: Maya...
(Maya falls to her knees, crying)
--Maya: Uh... Waaah...
(End Cutscene)

Chapter 9 Preview
--Narrator: A distress beacon is detected in the desert and Ethan and his companions are sent out, only to get caught in the crossfire between the Endrum Collective and the Landeel. Ethan must now escape from Renvolt Magashi wrath. Who is sending out the distress signal? Next time on Phantasy Star Universe: Hot SOS.

Chapter 9 Alternate Preview
--Hyuga: Ethan...
--Ethan: What's wrong Hyuga? You sound upset.
--Hyuga: I'm your partner, right Ethan?
--Ethan: Of course.
--Hyuga: I just feel like you've been ignoring me lately.
--Ethan: Ack.. No... You must be imagining things.
--Hyuga: Really? I feel like I'm constantly being left out.
--Ethan: No, not at all. You're just a little worry-wart, see?
--Hyuga: So, then... you'll take me along on the next mission?
--Ethan: Yeah, of course.
--Hyuga: Really? You need your pal for this one?
--Ethan: Yeah, see! You're feeling better already.
--Hyuga: Yeah!
--Leo: Ethan! Something terrible has happened on Moatoob!
--Tonnio: We don't have enough people! You have to help us!
--Ethan: Got it. I'm on my way!
--Hyuga: But Ethan... you just promised...
--Ethan: Sorry... Next time, okay? Coming up on Phantasy Star Universe: Hot SOS. See ya then!
--Hyuga: I really do feel like I'm not getting a fair shake anymore.
--Ethan: Hyuga! It's all in your head!

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