Stage 4 Level Maps

Stage 4 Level Maps
Area 14

  1. After clearing the area there are two options.
    -If you're doing TA, two players will want to go left so one of the players can take the right path in the next room (the other player is needed for the switch) The other two should proceed to the right and the player that got the switch should join them afterwards. (The player who is solo is responsible for getting 2 switches while the others are responsible for 1 switch.)
    -Everyone head to the right and split up later.
  2. One player should go and get the switch (get the switch first, boxes second) while the others wait here; don't let the monsters that appear bother you, the door should be opened before you have to fight them.
  3. If you didn't split up earlier, this is where you do so. One player should head to the left while two should head to the right. One will remain behind for now and will have to wait for the two players to destroy the boulder and reveal the teleport by moving close to the computer console they'll see.
  4. The first thing you should do upon entering the room is move close to the computer console so the player who was left behind has access to the teleport.
  5. This room is dark and the light switch is located in the middle. Have the FOrce or a player with a gun stand here.
Area 15
  1. The left teleport leads to the exit.
Area 16
  1. Three players should move ahead while one remains behind to activate the timed switch.
  2. Only touch the left switch - The others are traps.

Area 17
  1. After clearing the dark room three players should go through the fake wall while the other player activates the timed switch. One of the three players will have to stand on a switch so the trailing player can get past the switch-activated piston.
Area 18
  1. Either split up 1:3 or 2:2. It's best that each side has a player that can use techs or has a weapon with a tech special, in case one side encounters a Pan Arms that takes a long time to separate
  2. Only step on the right switch.
If a non-HUnter gets targeted by the three homing mines, that player is dead.

Available on the following platforms
Dreamcast/Version 2 PC (Windows) Gamecube Xbox Xbox

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