Stage 7 Level Maps

Stage 7 Level Maps
Area 31

  1. There are boxes in the room to the left, but it also contains a zonde trap. If no one on the team has a gun, move on.
  2. There are (trap free) boxes behind the waterfall.
  3. Three players should wait here while 1 person gets the switch. When you step on the pad, two traps will activate. Take the upper right teleport and stand on the pad to clear the way to the lower left teleport.
  4. Destroy the rubble in order to get access to more boxes.
Area 32
  1. One player should go east here and destroy the boulder in order to deactivate the gate; this will allow access to boxes and allow you avoid traps later on.
  2. Activating the timed door will also activate foie traps; ignore the traps.
  3. Taking the plain path you see will mean moving close to the computer which will activate several foie traps; use the path that was opened previously, there are several boxes and no traps.
Area 33
  1. Traps accompany the boxes here.
  2. The switch pads will get smaller, so keep your eyes peeled.
  3. This is the infamous spot where you could punch and kick your way past the boulders in the DC version of the game. That glitch has been removed. You can still squeeze and wiggle your way through as a shortcut, but it's less frustrating (and sometimes faster if you don't have practice swueezing through) to take the normal path.
  4. Take the left teleport.
Area 34
  1. Destroy the boulder behind the waterfall to get access to the heal ring.
  2. Only activate the switches shown.
  3. The switch pad in the middle of the room will activate the light; it resets rather fast, so it would be ideal for one player to remain standing on the pad. After clearing the room, one person may want to stay on the pad while the others move on, as the next room will also be dark.
Area 35
  1. One person should get the switch while the other wait. There will be three small rooms, each containing two telepors. In order, take the left, left, and right ones in order to reach the switch.
  2. Stay close to the left side of the path in order to avoid the foie traps.
  3. Destroy the boulder here in order to access the light switch.

Available on the following platforms
Dreamcast/Version 2 PC (Windows) Gamecube Xbox Xbox

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