Battle Training

Quest: Battle Training
Description: "Please find Ash and bring him back."
Client: Zidd
Reward: 500 Mesetas
Prerequisites: None

This is pretty easy and straight forward quest. It is the first one offered by the guild and a very good quest to learn the basics of the game. When you start the quest, you will have an NPC(Non-playing Character) join you on the quest. He is a Hucast named Kireek, and will become a larger player in later quests. Throughout this one, he will be your guide and parter. He will offer you help and explain the basics of combat to you as you progress through the rooms. It would be a good idea to start off with this quest when you first get into the game, so you can have a good understanding of how the combat system works. The main object of this quest is to find Ash and the data disk for a man named Zidd. Ash was hired by Zidd but never returned, so now it's up to you to rescue him.

Begin the quest by talking to Zidd and getting the details of the quest. He tells you that you are to go and find a young hunter named Ash. On your way to the teleporter you will be stopped by Kireek, a Hucast hunter, who will be your partner for this job. He accompanys you to the forest and will help you in battle, and explain the combat system to you as you go along. The basic mission of this quest is very simple and straight forward. Once you teleport down to the forest begin by entering the first room and slaying the enemies inside to unlock the door. Kireek will give you some battle tips, once you have read them you can continue out the left side door and onto the next area. More enemies will appear, defeat them and use the lefthand door to coninue on to the next area. If you head to the south you can shut down the barrier machines and break the boxes to get the tresure inside. Once you have collected the bounty, head north into the next area and defeat a few more waves of enemies. Once you have defeated them Kireek will offer some more battle tips to you. Read them all and head out the north door and onto the next area. Defeat the waves of enemies that appear and then shut down the barrier machine, go to the northwest corner of the room and collect the tresure in the boxes there. Exit out of this room via the east side door and continue into the next area. More enemies will appear defeat them and head out the north side door and into the next area. Once again defeat the waves of enemies and proceed to the next room.

While in here you may notice a blue arrow on your radar screen. These arrows are player indicators. They are used to show you where the other hunters who are in the field with you are. If you notice how you have a color in the circle next to you name, this color is what color arrow you are and are seen as by the other players. The direction the arrow points, is the direction said player is facing. The blue arrow that is show on your radar, is the hunter you are looking for. Once you defeat all the enemies you can head through the door and you will see him on the ground. When you go up to him and talk to him, he will tell you that some enemies are still near and to be carefull. At this point you will be attacked by a few more enemies, defeat them and talk to ash again. He will tell you that he dropped a data disk he needs for Zidd. If you head towards the south end of the room, you will see something shining on the ground, this is the data disk. Just walk over it and you will aquire it. Once you have the disk talk to Ash and Kireek again. Kireek will take Ash with him and tells you to take the disk to Zidd. At this point Kireek will leave and open a telepipe you can take to the city.

Once you return to Pioneer 2 talk to Zidd again. He will thank you for the disk and tell you that your job is done and you make talk to the guild counter and get your reward. Go to the guild counter and collect the meseta you have earned.

Check here for enemy counts.
Check here for quest experience counts.


Guide by Guntz348

Available on the following platforms
Dreamcast Dreamcast/Version 2 PC (Windows) Gamecube Xbox Xbox

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