HUMar - by Castelak

HUMar - by Castelak

PSO Manual: HUmar (Human+Hunter) - I am well-versed in close-range combat, have a balanced growth potential and can handle some revovery and attack techniques. Beginner oriented.

The HUmar is a pretty balanced character, one thing i disagree with the manual is that its not a beginner oriented character. When you first choose HUmar, you will think "Hey, look sword im strong" and rush your opponent, what I noticed at earlier levels is that HUmar cannot block too well. First time I played going through the forests i died about 6 times til I got to Forest 2, of course this class is easier to use than Force, but if you want a beginner class, I would go with a Ranger.

Attack: HUmar has a pretty strong, stronger that HUnwear, but not stronger than HUcast. HUmar can use a lot of different weapons so the user has a lot of choices to choose from. What I noticed is that HUmar is pretty accurate with guns, sometimes a lot more accurate than a Ranger.

Defense: At earlier levels, the defense is adverage, HUcast has a lot more defense, but HUnewear doesn't. If you are trapped in a corner or surrounded by enemies, HUmar is pretty much dead, unless you have teammates that is :) On bosses, you will probobly the last man standing if a lot of your team is dying so you will be stuck with the job of reviving, but you will usually be the greatest help to your team during boss fights.

Magic: HUmars magic is pretty good. You will have to wait to get spells until you level up, but your magic spells have pretty good power. You will want the heal spell (Resta) ASAP. The TP level of the HUmar is below adverage, but you will usually not be using magic attacks with this character. Magic isn't a strong point in HUmars.

Tactics: At earlier levels you would want to hit-and-run. First use a weak attack on a enemy then run around him and repeat til they are dead, once you are lvled up enough, you should be able to do a full offensive w/o any damage. The best thing here is to not be surrounded. You will probobly be at the front line, but you can use a gun and stay back if you wish. A good thing to do when you are with Force characters is too go stand by them after battles, they will probobly heal, and you can get the benefit! Also, keep a good amount of mates and fluids handy, and when you do not have the reviving spell (reverser), bring Moon Atomizers.

Mag: Feeding your mag is crutial! I fed mine a lot of Moon Atomizers, which it likes A LOT. I got some pretty cool looking mags and a great Photon Blast. Don't neglect your mag!

Summary: HUmar is a excellent character to play with. You have a variety of attacks at your arsenal and can switch at any time. I'd reccomend this character once they have a good grasp on the games mechanics.


Guide by Castelak.

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