Knowing One's Heart

Quest: Knowing One's Heart
Description: "I got a message from a friend, Calus, who was on Pioneer 1. He's alive! Find him!"
Client: Elly
Award: 3500 Mesetas
Prerequisites: Clear all tier 1, defeat Del Rol Le(Mines unlocked)

Go down to mine 1 and go through the level. Elly will stop a few times and get mails. Just keep on going until you reach the dark room Calcus is in. Once they are done talking leave the room and she will end the quest. Return to the Hunters Guild.

Check here for enemy counts.
Check here for quest experience counts.

Mines 1

Guide by: Prof_Frink

Available on the following platforms
Dreamcast Dreamcast/Version 2 PC (Windows) Gamecube Xbox Xbox

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