Central Dome Fire Swirl

Quest: Central Dome Fire Swirl
Description: "Mysterious fires are breaking out in the Ragol forest area. Rescue the
people caught up in this!"
Client: Pioneer 2
Reward: ??? Mesetas
Prerequisites: None
In this quest, your mission is to rescue all the NPC's without having them suffer any terrible injury. Extinguish all the fire before rescuing the NPC's. Use your gun to extinguish the fire, any gun is fine. In the end, you are to defeat 4 Hildebears.
Map 1
  • You will not be able to use any techniques while playing through the first map.
  • Gates marked 8 and 9 will not open until you have talked to all the NPC's.
  • Rescuing the NPC marked by switch 6 will open the gate marked 6, only then will you be able to rescue NPC behind gate 6.
  • Go back and talk to Chris once you have rescued all the characters in the first map. Remember that they cannot sustain heavy injury. He will then ask you to complete one more task for him.
Map 2
  • You are now to look for Dr. D. Go to the character marked number 1 on map 2.
  • Head to character number 2 on map 2. After doing so, 4 Hildebears will appear. Note that they will have stats of ultimate level regardless of the difficulty setting that you are playing at.
  • Defeat the enemies! (You are now able to use your techniques.)
  • If Dr. D dies, use a moon atomizer or Reverser. The quest will not end when he dies. For those of you who played this quest on the DC, you will notice that the Dr. is quite a bit stronger. You can use him to help you kill the Hildebears.
  • When Hildebears are dead, the mission will be completed.
Only On The Dreamcast:
  • Go back to Pioneer 2. Find a kid with the blue, orange and yellow top. Talk to him and you will receive "Glory of the Past." If you talk to him on the Xbox, he will simply tell you that you are a BurningRanger.
  • Next, find the tekker that corresponds to your Section ID next to the Bank/Inventory area. If the corresponding tekker is not there, try teleporting to the forest and back to Pioneer 2 again, keep doing this until he appears. Talking to other NPC's in the hospital area might also make your tekker appear. Once he appears, talk to him. If doing this on the Dreamcast, talk to your tekker when you have "Glory of the Past" and you will receive the Mark 3 Mag. This will not happen on the Xbox.
  • Head to the medical room and you will receive a letter from Lionel talking about your tekker.

Available on the following platforms
Dreamcast Dreamcast/Version 2 PC (Windows) Gamecube Xbox Xbox

This article comes from PSO-World.com

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