Seat of the Heart Script (NON Kireek/Sue plot)

Seat of the Heart

Elly: Hello Player 1.
Remember me?
you've been very helpful to us at the Lab.
Ummm. Well.
The reason why I've asked you to come see me, is because...
I have a favor to ask you, Player 1.
But you can't tell anybody about this, OK?

Well, ummm... There's this 'hunters' I know that needs some help.
She needs a bodyguard.
She is Going to take the adaptation exam at the Lab.

Yes, the VR exam.
I can't tell you why, but she must pass the exam.
But she needs assistance, and nobody will help her...
Will you please help her?
You can't let her down. No matter what happens.
I need you to say with her until the end.
Because... well, she'd feel lonely if she were all by herself.

Player 1: You can count on me!

Elly: Really?
Oh, I'm so glad.
I can't thank you enough.
Hey, we don't have much time! It's about to start!
What's about to start, you say?
The adaptation exam!
What else!

This exam is disgned for '2 people per team'.
I've already taken care of your registration, sowe can start right away!
OK, are you ready?
Let's head to the Lab.

Chief: Welcome hunters.
You may already be aware of this, but we'll say it again, just in case.
The Pioneer 2 Lam will begin doing its own research on Gal Da Val.
Yes, the island which we just recently discovered.
About our decision...
We determined that the research that could be done outweighed the risk.
In order to carry this dangerous task, we need very capable hunters.
The Principal is well aware of the previous mistakes Pioneer 1 made.
The research will take place in an isolated area, to minimize risk.
The purpose of this adaptation exam is to find qualified hunters.
We will pick qualified Hunters to be part of our special force.
Those hunters who pass this exam will join the second research team.
They will be given permission to enter Gal Da Val from our Lab.
Information about Gal Da Val Island cannot be disclosed.
Therefore all information will be classified as confidential.
I am sure your clients have given you these instructions already.
But as a reminder, those who break this agreement will be prosecuted.
So Don't forget.
The goal of this exam is to defeat the virtual dragon(s) on the VR field.
The exam will be considered complete when you do the following:
Clear the traps on the VR feild and defeat the virtual dragon(s).
More details about the exam will be given by your operator.
They can communicate with you after you appear on the VR field. Good luck.

Elly: Hey, umm...
I kind of forgot to mention this to you.
Do you promise that you won't get upset?
You know that girl who needs a bodygaurd? Well, umm...
That's me.
Ha ha ha...
I know what you're thinking...
It was really difficult for me to ask you to do this in the first place.
I'm sorry.
Anyway, I'm counting on you!

I'm so nervous.

(VR Temple)

Lab: Message from the Lab.
There are many traps set up on the VR field.
Do whatever you can to overcome these obstacles.

The objective is to defeat the Gol Dragon.
There are a number of teams competing on the same VR field.
Complete the objective to pass the exam.
There are no rules, so do whatever it takes to bear your competitors.

We don't care...
if you fight or work together to complete the objective.
Only the first few who accomplish our goals will pass this exam.
That's all.
Go ahead and start the exam.

Elly: No problem.
I know that you will beat everyone else, Player 1!
I have faith in you.

Gold humar w/afro: What? You want to fight?
Woah, wait a minute.
We're both hired to work for this client, right?
Then what's the use of fighting?
I'll take you on if you insist, but...
You'll regret it!
(kills Hucast and Hucaseal)

Lab: Reporting the progress.

There is a battle between hunters in Area B.
2deaths confirmed.
They failed the exam.
Sending them to the Lab.
Team H's ID has been obtained by Team C who has won the battle.
Please continue the exam.

Elly: Leave it to me! Let me take care of it!

(cut to square room)

Tannish Ramar w/ red rifle type weapon(blaster?): Lately, your father has been the talk of the town.
I'm sure you're being manipulated.
As a soldier, I can't let that slide!

Green Ramarl w/ custom ray: What?
My father has no control over me.
You guys are the ones who obey without questioning orders.
Talk about mindless!
You have no buisness telling me this.
(Green Racast w/ final impact kills ramar.)

Ramarl: You aren't as good as you say you are.
Guess you've been messing with politics instead of honing your fighting.
You should be more careful with what you say next time.
I thought I told you to say out, Gillium.
My intention was to put up a solid fight without any regrets.

Gillium: But my lady...
You worry me so. I was about to have a heart attack!

Ramarl: Hmmm, I didn't know that an Android could have a heart attack.

Gillium: Well...
It's not good for my circuits anyway.

Lab: Battle between the teams in Area E have been confirmed.
Team F won, and they have the other team's ID.
They're proceeding now.

Elly: Ahhh.
We can see another team heading over there.
I wonder which team that is.
Well, we can't let them beat us. Let's go!

Brown Hunewarl: We've merged, just as We expected.

Black Ramar w/ blaster: Let's head for the teleporter.
We've got to get there before the others.
You've chosen the wrong guy to follow.
I guess this just isn't your day!
(fires at white fomar)

A new battle is confirmed with Team J at Area H.
Identifying their opponent...
There's no information in our database!

Ramar: Where did he go?

Hunewarl: Don't let your guard down!
We Don't know what they are capable of.

Lab: !!!
An outside energy field has been detected in our VR program.
This is...

its beyond the average level, even for even the VR field
These numbers on the feild indicate...

Elly: That's them again!

Teal Racaseal: I've got a bad feeling about this...

Brownish/Green Humar with mohawk: What's the matter? Got cold feet? Don't blame you...
It's not like you've ever been in an actual battle before.
The most important thing you should know is to know when to fight.

Racaseal:Can you hear that?

Humar: Ha ha ha.
Stop joking around!
(energy beam kills both)
Humar: Ahhh!

Racaseal: Gyaaah!

Elly: Watch out!
This isn't like the normal VR Field!
Theres a 'trap' that we've never seen before!

I'll take care of this.
Leave it to me.

Blue Ramar: Hey!
Looks like somebody is up for a challenge.
What should we do, partner?

Orange Humar: Step aside, I can hadle him by myself.

Ramar: Ha! I thought you would say that.
I'll just get out of your way, and watch you from up there.
Hey wait Ash!

Humar: Why are you running away?

Ramar: Leave me alone!
I just have a bad feeling about this!

Lab: Unidentified force has been detected in Area L again!
It's interfering with the VR field system!
There is an outbreak of high energy out on the block by Area L.
Normal phose energy level in Area L cannon be maintained!
Energy field is expanding!
If it keeps up at this pace, the whole VR field could collapse!

Elly: Wait!
There is a signal from the Lab!

Lab: ...
Emergency report from the Lab!
A high level output has been detected on the VR field.
Some areas have been reported to reject access to the Lab on the field.
The VR field has begun to collapse.
The safety of hunters who are on VR exam cannot be guaranteed.
Those hunters are in danger.
The exam will continue, but be warned... There is an unexpected problem.
You are advised to leave the VR field.
I repeat!
A high level output has been detected on the VR field...

Elly: Look!
The virtual registration figures on the VR field is increasing.
That means something is causing the VR field to become unstable.
I wonder if the Lab intentionally created this for the exam?
(or maybe it's for him...)
Let's hurry.

That's all I can do but...
I'll do my best!

We finally made it to the teleporter in the next field.
But this field seems dangerous...
Let's move on.
Just once.
I just want to see him once...

(Begin VR Space Ship)

Lab: Report from the Lab to all teams.
Details of the second area is as follows:
You will need 3 ID's to proceed to the next stage- the Final area.
There are a total of 3 teams who have not gained IDs from other teams.
These teams must gaim IDs in order to proceed.
Those teams are indicated by the 1 ID on them.
Only teams with 3 IDs are permitted to proceed to the next area.
They may proceed to are where the Gol Dragon Awaits.
Again, There are no rules on how you can obtain IDs.
No, proceed to the second are of the exam.

Elly: I wonder if feilds in this are were also affected.
Be careful not to take any damage.

Elly: Seems like the computer is broken...
I wonder who'd do such a thing...
Whoever it was, they must've been really rough...

Player 1!
Are you OK?

Player 1: !

Black Hunewarl w/ berdys: They were't kidding when they said there were no rules for this exam.
Maybe you took that too lightly.

Blue/black Ramar w/ shot: ...
The ne with the larger army will win the battle.

That's the basic premise in the art of war.
Of course, it doesn't matter to those who are about to die!

Hunewarl: What, it can't be...

Lab: Reporting on the progress.
Battle in Area U has been confirmed. Team E has won and they have another ID.
Total ID count for Team E is now 2.

Elly: Are you OK. Player 1?

CAL: Retrieve!

Elly: Huh?
This voice...
Are you...

CAL: I repeat.
Retrieve immediately.

Elly: CAL?

CAL: Your existance is...
dangerous for us.

Elly: Why...

Thats wierd.!
I'm sorry but you cant cancel the input.
(smash computer)
So that explains the broken computer before...

But i feel bad...

Blue/purple Ramar: Why do we have to go through all this hassle just to find the exit?
I can't belive the field is having problems.
I better move fast, or my life will be in danger.

Black Humar w/ musashi: Hey!
How's it going?
Even though there aren't any rules for this exam...
I just can't fight another hunter just to get ahead.
What is it?

Ramar: !
Rivals are coming!

Humar: It's inevitable...
Just as planned.
Allright, get ready!

elly: !
There must be a switch to lighten up this place somewhere.

Player 1!
Enemys are still here, watch out!

Black Humar: I see you made it this far.
It's truly heartbreaking to have to fight fellow hunters for an exam.
Let's avoid a conflict. Why don't you just hand me your ID.
I figured you wouldn't just hand it over to me quietly.
I guess I shouldn't have asked.
Oh well.
What would you do in a situation like this?

Elly: ...
Player 1...
I'm sorry...
It's my fault...

Ramar: All right little girl.
Enough talking.
Hey, don't even think about it!
You're my precious hostage now!

Humar: I'll make you a deal...
give me your IDs and I'll give her back.
You know the field system is experiencing some problems.
If she dies on the VR field, she may die in real life.

Player 1: ...

Elly: Don't do it, Player 1!
Don't worry about me, please don;t hand the IDs over to him!

Humar: Hey!
Take her over there!

This isn't the solution I was looking for, but I have no other choice.
I will take you on.

Ramar: You heard him, little girl.
Now come with me.

Elly: Player 1, I'm so sorry...

Ramar: That's enough...
Now let's get moving!

Humar: You are going to regret not handing over those IDs.
Hunter, don't hold back now.
I wish it didn't have to end like this...


Maybe I underestimated you.
Looks like you deserve to pass the exam.
Hurry and go get your partner.
I hope it's not too late...

Lab: You need 3 IDs in order to proceed to the teleporter up ahead.
Please insert IDs into the terminal in this room.
Total ID count for your team is 2.
You need another ID.

Ramar: Shoot.
You wouldn't have gotten hurt if you had stayed still...

CAL: Elly!
Get away from her.

Ramar: What?
Who do you think you are?
How did you get in here?

CAL: ...
Get away from her!

Ramar: What?!

Elly: ...
I guess it was useless...
I thought it wouldn't happen...
Thank you, Player 1.
I'm so glad I asked you to take this job for me.
(but for some strange reason...)
(I felt like I saw him...)
(It felt as if he was watching over me...)
Oh, I'm sorry.
That man we met earlier sounded very similar to someone I'm looking for.
Even though I never met him in person...
I'm sorry, Player 1
But there is one more thing I need to tell you.
The reason why I wanted to pass this exam is because...
he asked me to.
I got a message from him while I was working on the system at the Lab.
It was a short message...
"I want you to pass the adaptation exam that will be held at the VR field."
That was it.
I know it sounds silly.
Someone may even be pulling a prank on me.
But even if I pass the exam, it's not like anything will change.
And he is not like us...
Ahhhh, well.
I'm just a bit tired.
But I'm OK!
We got all '3' ID's and we are so close to completing the exam!
A teleporter should be nearby that will take us to the next field.
Let's head out!
I'm opening the gate with those IDs.
You ready?
Let's go!
It looks like this is the last gate.All we have left is to defeat the Gol Dragon.

Though I've seen them on the screen, in person, it's so much scarier.
Wait just a minute.
OK, I'm all right!
Let's go!


Elly: Confirming the program for the final field.
Here it comes!

All right!
This means we passed the exam, right?

Lab: ...
Receiving signal from the Lab.
Gol Dragon has been confirmed defeated.
You have passed the exam.
We will release the link to let you get out of the VR field...
Please wair for the Chiefs instruction...
Please wait...
... ... ...
... ...
Elly: !?
Is anybody there?
Oh, come on!

CAL: Elly...
I'm glad you are here.

Elly: !!!
This voice..
Is it CAL?
Is that you, CAL?
I felt that you were really close to me...
I really wanted to see you.
I was so worried.

CAL: ...
It's been a while, Elly.
It's hard to believe it took so long for us to meet again.
I'm really glad you are doing well.

Elly: Is this...
Is this really you?

CAL: Right. This is the first time you've ever seen me.
I know you must be surprised.
But it's really me, CAL.
Elly, come a little closer...

CAL2: Don't!
Don't go!
You are all being siezed by a meaningless thing.
What you are doing may be beyond our permission.
We must act as a medium and as a whole.
You action cannon be considered rational by any means.
If you continue to become a dangerous factor...
You will be terminated.
Get out of this phase immediately

Elly: What?
Is there anotehr CAL?
The CALS System that the Lab was reconstructing...
I wonder...
What was that for...?

CAL2: I repeat.
You must leave immediately.
What you are doing is dangerous for our being.
If you do not cooperate we will begin to eliminate the VR link.

CAL: ...
Listen to me, Elly.
This form that I am in can only last a little longer on this field.
I need your help.
The navigation system that you have.
Yes, thats right. I need you to boost its signal.

Elly: Like this?

CAL: That's right.
That's good, Elly.

CAL2: You are so unpredictable...
Initiating transaction for enforced freeze condition.

Lab: ...
This is the Lab...
This is the Lab...
The FINAL area's energy field has exceeded operating parameters.
All exam participants, leave the VR field immediately.
If the oder is not followed the link will be closed by the system.
I repeat...
I repeat...

Elly: CAL!!!

CAL: I don't expect you to understand...
Don't worry!
Hurry up!

Elly: This is...!?
Where is CAL?
I thought I would see him here...
I can't believe it...

CAL: Elly...

Elly: CAL...!?
Where are you?

I'm all right.

I have transferred my self into your portable navigation system.
I can talk to you directly from here.
That was close.
I was just abou to be deleted from the VR system.
It's just like what happened before.
If you had forgotten about me, I would not be here now.
Oh, I'm so glad that you're safe.
Who was that other CAL?
What was it?

CAL: That's also "me", Elly.
If "I" am here, then...
That means "they" are here as well.
But they are all parts that haven't been intergrated yet.
I don't know how long it would last, but...

Elly: "they"?
CAL, you mean...

CAL: I'm Sorry, Elly.
But I don't have much time to go tino the details right now.
I have a favor to ask you.
Will you take me to Gal Da Val?
Can you take me to the "Central Control Area"?
There we can...

Elly: CAL...!?

CAL: Elly...
I cannon maintain contact...
Take me to that island...

Chief: !!!
Hey, you guys made it!
I am so glad you guys are OK.
After the Final Area collapsed , I lost track of you guys.
I can't believe you made it out of that mess.
There are people who not only passed the exam, but continue to try it again.
That's right.
You both passed the exam.
As I explained to you before the exam...
Permission to enter Gal Da Val is granted by the Lab. You now have access.
The second research team will be organized later.

Elly: ...
Is my precious CAL...
I mean, is the CALS system OK?

Chief: Our staff is currently trying to recover the CALS system.
I know you are worried, but you should trust the staff to do their jobs.
if something happened there.

Elly: Oh...
Never mind...

Chief: Hmmm...
That is the end of the exam.
Keep up the good work.

Good luck.

elly: Use this teleporter to go down the the Central Control Area.

Player 1...

The reason why took a job as an operator,and the reason why I enter the adaptation exam, is all because I wanted to see him.
It didn't matter how.
Even if he is an AI
I know its silly since he is a computer.
hee hee.
But you, Player 1 offered to help without asking any questions.
I really appreciate that.

It's over now...
Your job is finished.
I have to carry on by my own from here.
(enter the tp)
Elly:Player 1...

Elly: this is the Central Control Area...
It Looks so different behind themonitor.
It sure feels creepy.
I feel like I'm being stared at...

Cal: Elly...
You came...

Elly: CAL!
Oh, Player 1!
It's from him.
Can you hear it on your navigation system?
Oh, good, it's working.

CAL: Thank you, Elly.
I'm sorry I dragged you into this...
I'm really sorry.


Don't worry about it.
I used the teleporter in the Lab without getting permission.

I know they will yell at me thing, but I'm used to it.
I used to do this everyday when I started working at the Lab!
hat about you?
Are you all right?

CAL: So far I'm OK, Elly.
But I dont have much time left.
Listen real carefully to what I'm about to say.
There should be a teleporter up ahead. Head for that teleporter.
I will lose contact with you now and then.
I must control "him"...
But I will contact you whnever I can.
What you wanted to head...
I know it's selfish of me, but...
I need to ask...

Elly: CAL!?
OK, the teleporter up ahead.
Im sorry Player 1.
I'm sorry for getting you involved in all this...
But I...

Player 1: Lets go!

Elly: ...!
As you know, I am not human, but an AI.
My official designation is Calus.
You rescued me from Ragol and the lab restored my systems.
But from that point on, I was no longer "me."
I was part an an AI Calus Entity.

Elly: ...
(end room2 into room3)

CAL: ...
Nut "I: was able to come to my senses once again.Thanks to you, Elly.
But I still don't know how.
I received your signal throught the system every day.
I longed to talk with you...
But the system woulnd't allow me to do so.
THat's when I came up with an idea.
An idea inspired by you...
To be the same from as you... That's what I wanted to be...
Elly: Same form?

(end room 3 into4)

This is where "I" and "they" were born as AI>
It all began from the control tower where we were born.
If I go there...
I can change my form.
I can be reborn and become the same lifeform as you are.
We can finally be together, Elly...

Elly: can that be...
Can that be true?

(End room 4 into walkway)

Elly: CAL!
There's that teleporter!
Thank you, Elly.
That computer is connected to the system around it.
can you connect with "me"?

Elly: OK
OK, you are connected.

Terminal connection
Cibtrik system detected
Begin entry
Detecting M system position coordinate

Dtection complete.
Thats the "Control Tower," Ely.
That's where "I" was born. That's where my father passed away.
But there something here besides my father.
That's what we called "it".

Please wait a second as I change the teleporter destination.
It's now set to go to the Control Tower.
Go to that...
Control Tower...

CAL2(?): Don't be folled!

Elly: CAL!

Cal2(?): DOn't be folled!

Elly: The AI Calus...

Cal2: Don't be fooled.
I sence great danger in his words and actions.
You know what it means for us to go back to the "Control Tower".
You know that it is not supposed to be used for "that" purpose.
"Giving up evolution and live as a material form."
I understand that can be part of our evolution.
But eve if you used "MOTHER" for your purpose...
It's easy to figure out the outcome through a simple simulation.
The chances of success is next to zero.
We cannot gran you permission to have you change our evolution.
It would mean abandonment of our nature, and denial of our existence.
It could only mean one thing, "death".

CAL: ...

Elly: But...!
How do you know if it's never been done!
CAL may be an AI as you are, but...
He is kind and has emotions...
He is... He's human!
And if he wants to...
That's not right!

CAL2: You know so little, Elly Person.
CAL is not the CAL you think he is.



Cal2: the CAL you talk about does not exist anymore.
You would call it "dead" in your language.
This CAL died with the memory of you in his data.
A "part" of us that was reconstructed by the lab incorporated that data.
That's the "CAL" you see in front of you...
His memory is nothing but data.
In other words, he is a replica of the CAL who remembered you.
He should know this better then any of us.

Elly: what...
This is a lie....

Cal2: "Lie" is an action that we cannon do, Elly Person.
That action has no meaning to us.

I'm sorry, Elly...

Elly: CAL...?

CAL: What he said is true, Elly.
"I" am not "CAL"...

Elly: But that doesn't matter!

CAL: I know it all, Elly.
I knwo what you are going to say.
I know your personality.
I know that you are a very kind person.
But that is all but data I am carrying.
This is true.
I have been lying to you this entire time.

Ell: But...

Cal2: Elly Person.
We must return to the main system immediately.
The structure of your navigation system is far too fragile to contain us.
We will lose our home if the system itself is destroyed by this load.
That means this "CAL" of yous will also be gone.

Elly: CAL!!!

CAL: Elly...
I am very happy to have had your memory in me.
Even if it's only data...
You taught me so much.
About your planet.
About the creatures.
bout your people.
No one simply becomes a hero for no reason.
Even if it's against the odds, you must give it a shot.
That's what you told me, remember?
And... For some reason...

I truly believe in those words.
It's really silly to think...
That I'm only an AI...
I'm going, Elly.
But don't worry, I will be back.
And when I do, will spend the...

CAl2: St...op...
What awaits you... there is an... eternal death...
You are going to...
drag us along....
wiht you...

Elly: CAL!!!

Player 1: scold her.

Elly: Player 1...
You're right...
I must be strong!
It's no good!
THe emergency lock is on.
There is no time to find the password for this...
Let's try this.
Try accessing the lock from another route!
... ...
... ... ...
There it is!
Player 1!
Look at this!
An emergency terminal for the ground level facility is located here.
If we use that terminal, we can deactivate the emergency lock.
But how do we get there?
We don't have time to find a lift...

Player 1: (jumps down)

Elly: Player 1?
Player 1!
Oh, I'm so glad you're OK.
You had me so worried!
I was so worried that I thought my heart was going to stop!
Don't push youself too hard!
OK up ahead!
There should be a terminal up ahead!
Look out! there is something there!

The emergency lock has been deactivated.
Now we can go to the Control Tower.
But first please return here!
Player 1!
You can come up from there!
...Thank you, Player 1...
When I see CAL...
I don't know if there's anything I can do, but...
I still need to go! Right?
I need to see CAL...
I'll do my best!

(end CCA)
Elly: The door to the next area is locked by the Tower Contol's systems.
This is strange...
The security behind the door locks isn' that tight.
There's multiple terminals, too.
Decoy terminals...
Player 1!
I fyou can tell me which terminal is the right one, I can ulock it.
But if we access the wrong terminal...
I think that will set off the secutiry system.
So please choose carefully.

Uknown AI(CAL2?): Ill Gill,
Remove the intruders

Elly: !!!

(5th Floor/control Room CT)

Elly: CAL!

CAL: You came, Elly.

Elly: of Course!
It's for our future, right!
I t was kind of touch though.
Player 1 did all of the work, of course.
Hee hee
Cal, what's this?

CAL: This?
This is MOTHER our mother... The vortex of life.
Created by our father, to give birth to the next form of life.
W were born here.
And after evolving, we're returned...
But I'm not interested in the "next form of life."
Not what my father was trying to create anyway.
The evolution I'm seeking is different...

Elly: The same as me...?

CAL: yes, if I could live in a body like yours...
I could always be by your side...
I could feel what you feel...

Elly: CAL...

CAL: You saw the other me, right?
They won't allow that.
I was part of them...
And now they want to take me back.

Cal2: That's right your will is very dangerous to us.
We Cannot allow your destructive will to interfere with us.
It cannot interfere with our evolution.
I's too soon, and we are still weak as a collective.

Elly: Calus...

Calus: ...
If your resolve cannon change...
We will separate you from us.
And you can choose your own path.
Evolution with out potential...
Incomprehesnible though it may be.

CAL: True...
There is no guarantee.
I may lose my identity...
I may forget about you, Elly...
I may be Lost forever.
To be honest, I was having trouble deciding what I wanted.
I could stay here, and communicate with you like this...
And we could be together.
I think I should go.
I wanted you to be near me.
I wanted you to see what I had decided to do.
I put you through a lot of pain to do that.
I'm sorry, Elly.

I'm going to go, now.
I feel like...

CAL and Elly: I....

Cal I won't forget you.

Elly: we meet again...

Calus: ...
To exist is only to continue evolving as a system...
That was the purpose for which we were born.

(Seaside night time)

Elly: Oh,
Player 1
I got a little carried away there.
Hee hee...

I'm not very good at this kind of thing.
I kinda feel like crying, but...
I'll be okay.
I wonder...
I wonder what's going to happen to us, on this planet...
Player 1...
Do you know why I joined Pioneer 2?
When I was little, I wanted to be a hero.
I wanted to be like Red Ring Rico.
Someone with the strength to make a difference...
But I guess I'm Not cut out for that.
But now, I get that feeling that...
Heroes may disappear, but then a new hero is born.
Just like potential or hope...
Things may seem dark and hopeless now, but...
Maybe the next hero has already been born.
Watching you, I just thought of that.
...Thank you for everything.
I look foward to more adventures together, Player 1!

(at teleporter in nook of beach)


I just feel kind of sad...
Just a little while longer...

(Thank You for playing!

With Gratitude, from the "Seat of the Heart" staff.



(Pan up to the sky, a shooting star is seen in the night sky. Fade to black. Fin)

Guide by Guntz348 .

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