General Mag FAQ

What is a MAG
hink of a MAG like your guardian tamagotchi on steroids. It's your flying companion that helps you throughout the game. MAGs are VERY important, so take very good care of it. They up your stats, heal you at near death instances, reviving sometimes when you die, some give you invulnerability at Photon Blasts and in boss areas, and of course, blocking attacks.

But this does come at a cost, your MAG is hungry! You must feed him to keep him happy, and he gets hungry every five minutes.

What should I feed my MAG?

There isn't a set diet for MAGs, as each one has its own likes and dislikes. Also as your MAG levels up its tastes may change, and things that had a drastic effect to a stat may no longer effect at all.

A good rule of thumb is focus on a single stat at a time, and try to get keep all the stats fairly even. There's also another tactic where you develop your MAG depending on what class you're in. For Forces, you want to develop the mind stat, which is raised by feeding your MAG monofluids, difluids, trifluids, and the like. For rangers and hunters, accuracy and power are significant (but don't completely neglect the mind!), so monomates, dimates, and trimates are good for this. Experiment with feeding your MAG different items for the result you want.

Also check out the other MAG guides for MAG feeding walkthroughs.

What is PB and how do I use it?
PB stands for 'Photon Blast'. When going throughout a level the meter will fill as you take hits, land combos, and clear rooms. When it reaches 100 you may use a photon blast. Each MAG has its own set of Photon Blasts. To access this just hit your right trigger when you've hit your PB limit and tap the appropriate button.

With some MAGs, you will become invincble when you hit your PB limit. This is sometimes random, but different MAGs do it more often.

You can tell if you have become invincible because your MAG will start bouncing up and down.

Also keep in mind if you return to town your PB meter will reset to 0.

When does a MAG max out?

Your MAGs level will max out at 200.
The max IQ for a MAG is 200.
The max syncro for a MAG is 120%.

Why did my MAG change?

As your MAG levels up it will morph appearances, and change names. It has three evolutions, then changes every 5 levels after the third evolution depending on the stats. Evolution occurs as follows:

- for example, your mag is lv70, after the third evolution. In order, the highest stats are: 1. power 2. dex 3. mind (def does not matter, only the three main stats).
- at level 75, if the order of highest stat changes (for example, 1. dex 2. mind 3. power or any combo other than the aforementioned), then your mag will evolve. if not, the next time it can evolve is at lv80, or 5 levels away.

Available on the following platforms
Dreamcast Dreamcast/Version 2 PC (Windows) Gamecube Xbox Xbox

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