Act 2: VR Temple Alpha

Act 2: VR Temple Alpha

<First Terminal>
VR test field... Transmission from Temple area Alpha... Accessing... (Character Class) (Character Name)...
Hello? Can you hear me?
How do you do, (Character Name)? This is the lab.
Welcome to the VR field!
I'm your support operator, Elly Person.
Nice to meet you!
What's in front of you is our latest portable communication terminal.
I call him "Cal."
What do you think? Cool, huh?
The design? Nice lines, eh?
You can access the terminals you find around the VR field.
You'll get support from us there, and receive field information.
When you see a terminal, go ahead and access it.
But during battle, you probably won't be able to access them.
You should be able to access one if the green light is lit.
Oh yeah, and...
This hunter's exam will test your ability as a hunter.
Don't stress too much though, it's just practice training.
Keep in mind that in VR space, everything works the same as in reality.
So don't slack off!
Oh, sorry!
Yes, yes.
I said I'm sorry. I'll be more careful in the future.
Who do they think they are?
They told me not to open my mouth unless it was necessary.
Ha, ha. (*sigh*) That's the life of a rookie.
Anyway, be careful!
It's not Ragol, you know.
Good luck! ---- VR test field... Transmission from Temple area Alpha...
Accessing... (Character Class) (Character Name)...
(Character Name)? This is the lab.
Please select the information you would like to receive.

<Enemy Data: Rag Rappy>
"Rag Rappy, native creature, lives on the surface of Ragol."
"Timid, but aggressive when defending its territory..."
Something's been cut off.
...this is weird.
"Don't assume you've killed them when they fall."
They have a tendency to play dead when they're hurt.

<Enemy Data: Dimenian>
"Dimenian. D-Cellular Sub lifeform."
It seems that we haven't yet uncovered everything about this creature.
"Several variants of this lifeform exist."
"Primitive behavior, but intelligence level is still undetermined."
"They tend to attack in packs. Don't let them surround you."
That's all it says.

<Enemy Data: Mothmant/Monest>
Mothmants live in a nest called a Monest.
"Mothmants and Monest. Both are native to Ragol."
"When Mothmants are killed, more will appear from the Monest."
It seems like it's a good idea to destroy the Monest first.

<Enemy Data: Poison Lily>
Let's see, Poison Lily...
"Poison Lily. Altered beast. A mutated form of Convallarisega."
Let's see... it's similar to a species native to Ragol, but...
It shows signs of DNA alteration, which puts it in a different class.
"Source of DNA alteration has not yet been determined."
"Lilies generate deadly toxins."
I think we better be real careful here.
We'll need something to cure ourselves if we encounter one.
I know. We should go get some antidotes, just in case.
If we have some, we should be worry-free!

A gate with a red light means it's locked. So find a way to unlock it.
A gate with a green light means that it's unlocked.
Basic knowledge...

<Field Data: Data 2>
Laser fences are color coded to switch terminals.
To disable a fence, find a switch terminal with the same color laser.

<Field Data: Data 3>
Don't panic if you can't access an area of the Temple.
It probably just means you need to activate a bridge to cross over.
If that's the case, find a switch that will make a bridge appear.

<Field Data: Data 4>
It's pretty hard to spot traps. You'll know when you find one, though.
They activate and pop out of the ground when you get too close.
That makes it dangerous to just wander around the field.
Oh, I almost forgot... Androids are able to spot traps without special aid!
It's amazing that they have the ability to spot them so easily!
It must be neat to have this ability.
I wish I could see traps!

<Second terminal>
VR test field... Transmission from Temple area Alpha...
Accessing... (Character Class) (Character Name)...
(Character Name)? This is the lab.
Hi, it's Elly!
How's it going?
Oh, I forgot to mention something before!
You know the creatures in the VR field?
We're using creature data that's being collected by hunters on Ragol.
But, it's been adjusted to match the danger level we expect...
For the research mission at the new point. And...
There's one more big difference!
The ecosystem!
Hey, this is important...
Even creatures that live in totally different areas on Ragol...
Can interact and create whole new ecosystems in the VR field!
Sorry, you didn't hear that from me...
I hope they didn't hear me...
Oh, what the heck...
(Character Name), do you know what this means?

<Third terminal>
VR test field... Transmission from Temple area Alpha...
Accessing... (Character Class) (Character Name)...
(Character Name)? This is the lab.
Hi, it's Elly!
How's everything going?
Maybe you've noticed already, but...
Part of the VR field really seems like a maze.
I guess it just shows the true personality of the original architect...
Uh... Sorry, I'm talking too much again...
Before you get lost in the maze...
I highly recommend you check your position with the AREA MAP.
Good luck!

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