Act 11: Jungle Area North

Act 11: Jungle Area North

<Terminal near end transporter>
Transmission from Gal Da Val... Serial code confirmed...
Access... (Character Class) (Character Name)...
Yes, this is the Lab!
Please select the information you would like to retrieve.

<Analysis Data: Jungle Area>
I'll explain what we've found so far about the creatures here.
According to data from the facility...
"Test Code Level Beta Subject: Native Creature"
That's what they called it, I guess...
Botanical Mutant lifeform, Merillisa, and Meriltas.
Large numbers of these creatures have been found in Gal Da Val.
"Males and females of these creatures have been confirmed."
"The male carries a toxic substance inside its body."
I wonder how you can tell which ones are male?
These creatures seem to be very timid...
They try to hide, and run away when found.
But don't let your guard down.
Mericarol, an advanced form of Merillia and Meriltas,
has been found in the Jungle area.
And next...
Mericarol has a huge body, and has roots to stabilize itself.
However, reconnaissance devices have spotted them actually moving.
Like the two related creatures, it also contains a factor
that can cause "abnormal status" within its body.
Multiple species exist.

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