Guides - Seashore Preacher

Quest: Seashore Preacher
Description: Ahh! Kranz has been cornered by two weird girls! I've got to go and save him now!
Dispatched From:  
Gained From:  
Reward: Nintendo Dream. Maximum of 1 only.
Stage: Tener Sinus
Selectable Characters: Ino'lis
Team: Kranz (Deck: I Only Have My Heart!)
Rules: Phase Time 20 Seconds, Character HP 20, Shared HP
Versus: HUnewearl (Deck: Black Out), RAmarl (Deck: Kranz Love)
Tener Sinus

Blue circle: You Red circle: Opponent 1
Dark Blue circle: Partner Orange circle: Opponent 2
Extra Information

Here's a little strategy guide from Arislan if you're wondering what would work to bveat this quest.

Deck used:
Club of Zuriman x 3
Wand x 3
Storm Wand Indra x 1
Foie x 2
Gifoie x 1
Rafoie x 1
Barta x 2
Gibarta x 2
Zonde x 3
Gizonde x 1
Wall x 3
Protection x 1
Solid x 3
Defender x 3 (Take these out, useless)
Fly x 1

Run up if you don't get fly, pull the ranger off of Kranz. If you get rolls of 3 every round, you will do it. After that, just keep pounding the ranger. Keep it up, hopefully the HU will equip a Shifta Merge and waste her points with it. Beat it 4th time when she equipped a mag, Shifta, Dagger, and Berril Knuckles.