Guides - Card Attribute Information & Colors


  1. Resistance color - Shows the attribute of the card. If the card that is used to attack you is the same color of your defense card, it is possible to use that defense card to defend yourself against the attack card. On character, item, attack, and tech cards, it shows the type of attack that the card has.
  2. Range - The possible range of attack of the card. It's possible to change the direction of your attack during battle. Your position is in the middle of the "donut". White squares show active range of attack. Current card shows a 4 tile T pattern frontal range of attack.
  3. Left color - It's possible to continuously draw cards and use as a combo attack if the card you have drawn before battle is the left color is the same as the right color and you have enough remaining points. Shows up in tech cards and attack cards. Color determines type of attack. See more below.
  4. Hit Points - Displays the power of your card (will decrease when you are attacked). Health/Life Points
  5. Technique Points - Displays the card's battle techniques. TP: Technique Points. Affects the technique attack power of chosen technique cards.
  6. Cost Points - Will display the number of necessary number of points to be used when a card is chosen. ATK point SET cost. 2 yellow circles = 2 ATK points used during SET.
  7. Right Color - If the card that you are choosing is the same color as the left card, it is possible to continuously draw cards to be used in as a combo. See left color bar. Color determines type of attack and works together/alongside or interacts with left color bars. See more below.
  8. Attack Points - Displays the physical power of your card's attack. AP: Attack Points. Affects physical attack power.

    If you attack enemy with weapon or enemy (for example, DB'S SABER,Durandal),
    Offensive power = "Character AP" + "Weapon/Enemy Card AP" + "Mag AP (if applicable)"

    If you attack enemy with technique(for example, FOIE,ZONDE),
    Offensive power = "Character TP" + "Technique Card TP" + "Mag TP (if applicable)"

  9. Move Points - Displays the total possible number of spaces/tiles you can move per turn. MV: Move points.

  1. Card rarity rating.

  2. Card number.
Heroside Only Cards


Only Hunters get Equippable Item (green) Cards and Hunter Character (blue) Cards

Darkside Only Cards


Only Arkzs get Monster (red) Cards and Arkz Character (purple) Cards

Heroside and Darkside Cards


Both Hunters and Arkzs get Attack/Technique/Defense (orange) Cards and Support (yellow) Cards

Card Colors

Green: Equippable Items cards.

Red: Monster cards

Orange: Attack/Technique/Defense cards

Blue: Hunters character cards

Purple: Arkz character cards

Yellow: Assist cards

Color Cards
Green Items
Red Monsters
Orange Action
Blue Hunters
Purple Arkz
Yellow Assist
Card Types
Card Type Information
Character Cards Character cards show the main umodified stats of your character.
Boss Cards Boss cards represent the bosses and are not useable by players.
Item Cards Item cards are only useable by Hunters and are either weapons, shields or mags.
Monster Cards Monster cards are only useable by Arkzs and are either Native, A. Beast, Machine or Dark type.
Attack Cards Attack cards modifies your item's or monster's AP or attack range or modifies attributes when used or comboed with an item or monster card.
Defense Cards Defense cards raises your HP, or allows you to block against opponent's attacking card or modifies attributes.
Technique Cards Technique cards modifies your item's or monster's TP when used or comboed with an item or monster card. It also modifies the range, the range will be that of the technique card.
Assist Cards

Assist card is used during the SET phase of your turn, only one can be used per character. Each assist card has a phase/time duration and may affect the player, other players, everyone in your party or everyone on the field. Assit cards can be used on players in your own party or on players in the opponent's party.

Comboing Cards

This is where left and right color bars of cards become really important. To combo cards, the right color bar of the first card must have a matching color of the left color bar of the second card.

In the above picture, the red in the right color bar of the first card matches the red color of the left color bar of the second card (see circled colors). Therefore it is possible to combo these cards together. In the second weapon card, you will see that the right colors of the weapon card does not match the left color bar of the card to the right of it. Therefore, it cannot be comboed.

You can combo more than two cards and stack combos accordingly.

In the above picture, you will see that the three cards can be comboed. The red in the right color bar of the first card matches the red in the left color bar of the second card. The red in the right color bar of the second card also matches the left color bar of the third card (see circled colors). Therefore, it is possible to chain these cards to make a 3 card combo.

Color Bars

Colors come into effect and are important in comboing cards and defending against cards.

Color Type
Red Physical Attack Type
Yellow Technique Attack Type
Green Status Effect Type
Purple Instant Death Type
Orange Penetration/Confusion Type
Blue HP Halved Type

Top bar colors (numbered 1 in the top most picture) come into effect and are important in defending against cards.

To make a defensive action possible, the top color bar of your defense card has to match the top color bar of the attacking card (character, item, creature, tech or attack). When the two colors match, you can then choose to defend.