Guides - Battle Sequence Breakdown

Battle Sequence Breakdown
Step 1 - First Dice Roll

Higher number determines who attacks first.

Step 2 - Discard or Keep Cards

5 cards are dealt into your active hand. Choose to discard all 5 cards or keep all 5. Yes (first option) will discard and give you a fresh batch of 5 cards. No (second option) will keep current 5 cards.
Step 3 - DICE

Rolls 2 dice.

  • Top left set of number is ATK number:DEF number
  • Higher number goes to ATK, lower number becomes DEF by default. Numbers will switch.
    eg: 2:4 will become 4:2, 4 ATK and 2 DEF.
    This might differ depending on your Dice Exchange Battle Settings.
  • Attack move points number is the number of maximum points allowable for set, move, act.
  • Defense move points number is the number of maximum points allowable for defense moves.
Step 4 - SET

Hunters: Equip items, weapons, defense units or mags card. Or use Support cards.
Akrzs: Set monsters cards on ground. Or use Support cards.


Number of ATK point used when using a card depends on the number of yellow circles for that particular card.

Note number on top right. 4 > 2 = 4 current ATK points, 2 ATK will be left over if you set that particular card

If you attack enemy with weapon or enemy (for example, DB'S SABER,Durandal),
Offensive power = "Character AP" + "Weapon/Enemy Card AP" + "Mag AP (if applicable)"

If you attack enemy with technique(for example, FOIE,ZONDE),
Offensive power = "Character TP" + "Technique Card TP" + "Mag TP (if applicable)"

If you want to know about comboing cards, read the guide for it.

Step 5 - MOVE

Hunters: Move character
Akrz: Moves monster or self on battlefield.


Number of tiles you can move depends on MV of character card or MV of monster card if you are moving an monster on the battlefield.


Move ATK points used depends on the number of tiles your move. Moving 1 tile uses 1 ATK point, moving 2 tiles takes 2 ATK points. Tiles you can move to will be highlighted red. White means possible open tiles. Note ATK number on upper left.


Moving set enemies follows the same set up. Tiles you can move the monster to will be highlighted blue. White means possible open tiles. Note ATK number on upper left.

Step 6 - ACT

Set action/weapon/monster attack/tech


Hunters: Combine attack cards or technique cards to weapons. Or use plain weapon attacks. You can combine more than 1 attack card/weapon.

Set range of attack, range is determined by white squares on item card and will show up as red tiles on battlefield.

Arkz: Use monster cards to attack. Or combine attack cards with default equipped weapon. Or use default equipped weapon attack. Once you choose an attack, choose an equipped item card to attack.

Set range of attack, range is determined by white squares on item card or monster card and will show up as red tiles on battlefield (picture is blue because it's multiplayer).

Once you choose an attack, choose an equipped item card to attack.

Each plain ACT action takes 1 ATK point. ATK points used by attack cards depends on yellow circles on attack card. Current card shows 2 ATK point usage. Note top left number says 2>0.

Step 7 - DRAW

Discard cards and get new cards. Select cards using the stick and discard by hitting B

Step 8 - DEF (During Com's Turn)

Defense &Attack sequence/scenario play. This will act out what you set in the previous ACT step.

When you are being attacked, you can defend using defense cards if you have a current defense card on active hand.

DEF points used by defense cards depends on yellow circles on defense card. Current card shows 1 DEF point usage.

Step 9 - End of Battle

At the end of the battle, if you win, you will get a rank for your performance. If you want to recieve an S rank, you should deal a lot of damage and perform a lot of comboes. How high your rank is depends on the damage you inflict on your opponent, your HP, the damage you receive, how many turns taken to defeat the opponent and how much of the opponent you kill (in this case, if your opponent is an Arkz, then the more monster cards that your opponent place you defeat, the better the score, therefore, to get a good score, wipe your opponent clean). Also, try not to lose any enemy or item cards and you'll do better. If you kill enough of your opponent to gain a +2 on the dice, you'll also do better.

Ranks: S, A+, A, B+, B, C+, C, D+, D, E

You will also get more cards, the number of cards you get depends on the rank that you get. You can choose between 4 decks.

Inflicting Damage

If you are tyring to inflict damage on a Hunter character, you will need to break the equipped item card before you can inflict full damage on the character itself. Everytime a card breaks it will also take away 1 HP. This is true except for Guykild who does not take damage each time a card breaks. Read more on the Characters Guide.

However, there is no equipped card for Arkzs even though they have an equipped weapon. This means that you can inflict direct damage on an Arkz character. You don't have to kill all the enemies that an Arkz has set down before you can kill the main character you are battling. As such, we recommend that when finghting and Arkz, go straight to the character and battle him head on.

Card Breaking

An item/monster will break when the HP of that card reaches 0. When a card breaks, you lose 1 HP. To inflict damage on the person, you have to break all equipped cards/items unless you have a special attack card that lets you attack them directly.

Dice Bonus
Each time you break a card your dice bonus score adds up.

The dice bonus then meter grows.

When the meter reaches full, you'll get +1 dice bonus to your dice roll. It increments and keeps adding.

Example of Point ATK Breakdown

6 ATK points
2 for setting 1st weapon, 2 for moving, 1 for ACT. = 5 ATK used
5 ATK points
3 for setting 1st weapon, 2 for moving = 5 ATK no points left for ACT.


Read more in the Comboing Cards Guide.

Lifebar Info


Lifebar shows HP ATK and DEF left for that particular player.

Little squares at the bottom shows currently equipped items or active enemies on battlefield.

Camera Angle

Moving the C stick in battle will change the camera view and show battlefield grid.

Pressing Start During Battle

Pressing start during battle will show stats, HP, points and equipped items per character for all characters in battle.