Guides - Act 10: Central Control Area

Act 10: Central Control Area

<Terminal near transporter>
Transmission from Gal Da Val... Serial code confirmed...
Access... (Character Class) (Character Name)...
(Character Name)? This is the Lab.
Elly here.
This is the facility area on Gal Da Val Island.
You should be in front of the main gate to the facility.
But wait...
It seems to be closed.
Umm... Oh...
Cal is running an analysis.
Here it comes.
According to Cal...
The gate is locked because the entire island is in Security Mode.
Let's see... To unlock the gate...
You'll need to disarm the security locks in each of the surrounding areas.
That should deactivate the Security Mode.
That's what Cal says, anyway.
But that means...
If the entire island is in Security Mode,
then the security level must be really high.
It must be very dangerous. Please be extra careful.