Guides - Act 14: Central Control Area After Seaside

Act 14: Central Control Area After Seaside

<Analysis Data: Control Area>
Let's see now...
I will explain the creature data that has been uncovered so far.
The data from the facility says...
"Test Code Level Alpha Product: Search & Capture Unit"
According to the analysis on Berill and Spigel...
They were deployed to protect the Central area and Test Sites."
"D-factor infection has been discovered in the AI of these 2 types."
"The viral infection is identical to that found under the Central Dome."
"This also demonstrates the D-factor's ability to infiltrate machines."
Let's see, what else...
Its equipment is:
"Photon camouflage. Transport generator. Incineration device."
Those are some terms you don't hear everyday!
It's categorized under capture type...
Part of this technology was developed in the Pioneer 1 Lab...

<Analysis Data: Area Structure>
Let's see.
According to the analyzed data...
The island is divided into 4 areas.
The Jungle, Mountain, and Seaside areas...
Don't seem to have any large facilities.
I wonder if they were used as experimental sites or something...?
Located in the center of these 3 areas,
is the Central Control area, which controls the whole island.
The tower in the Central Control area controls the entire island, but...
the entrance gate to the control tower is sealed off.
The security for this gate is on an independent system.
It looks like the tower has been locked down.

<Analysis Data: Photon Camouflage>
"Photon Camouflage"
This new technology was developed by Pioneer 1.
The camouflage won't make things completely invisible.
But it will not be detected by radar. So it makes things tricky.
However, if you look real carefully,
you can detect them with your naked eye.
Also, it seems that some traps were developed using this technology.
So be careful when walking around.

<Analysis Data: Security Sensors>
"Security Sensors"
These have been placed in various parts of the facility.
They are designed only to warn intruders.
That's what the data says, anyway.
But you never know!
So be careful, just in case!

<Message Log: Message Log 1>
I am not sure who will be listening to this message, but...
This message will explain the truth about the planet Ragol.
My name is Flowen.
Heathcliff Flowen, Deputy Commander of the Pioneer 1 military (Character Class)s.
Our mission, the migration to the planet Ragol, was going well.
The environment of our homeworld, Coral, was deteriorating rapidly...
The Pioneer project was launched to search for a new home.
We arrived on Ragol,
we began investigating its suitability to support life.
We then began readying the planet for habitation.
But, selecting this planet was a mistake.
No... That may have been the plan, all along...
We have awoken "IT." "IT" was way beyond what we could handle.
"IT" was not meant to be discovered.
This cursed inheritance from the past...

<Terminal after Message Log 1 analysis>
Elly speaking.
Message log transmission has been confirmed.
Our analysis is complete, too.
The voice print on the message matches our files.
This message was recorded by Mr. Flowen himself.
The time stamp indicates that this happened before
Pioneer 2 entered orbit around Ragol.
So it also means that this happened before the explosion.
Since this was recorded before the explosion,
we cannot determine if he survived the explosion or not.

<Message Log: Message Log 2>
The first time I encountered "IT"...
That was when...
We were well into the excavation process of the ancient spaceship.
We were researching the remains of an ancient civilization on Ragol...
To find technology that could help advance our science.
That was our mission.
At least, I was led to believe that was our mission.
While terraforming and construction of the Central Dome proceeded
on the surface... The excavation project continued in secret.
No one could've imagined the huge project going on right under them.
After long hours of hard labor, the excavation team finally made it
into the interior of the ancient spaceship.
But the celebration ended shortly after.
We encountered "IT."
Everyone on the excavation team died.
No one has ever made it back from the ancient spaceship since then.
We were finally able to confirm the existence of a hostile lifeform.
With this knowledge, we created an attack plan to remove the creature.
I will never forget.
"IT" crawled up from a vast abyss of darkness.
It appeared to be mutating as it moved toward us.
It looked like its "body" was cycling through the stages of life and death.
The (Character Class) under my command was completely demolished.
I managed to escape, but...
I was badly injured.
My wounds move, as if they were somehow alive.
I'd almost believe that my wounds were consuming my body to take control.

<Terminal after Message Log 2 analysis>
(Character Name)?
Hello, this is Elly from the Lab.
Message Log transmission has been confirmed.
Our analysis is finished, too.
There's one thing that bothers me...
In the message,
it mentions that "IT" appeared in the ancient spaceship.
I wonder if this is referring to the D-cellular sub lifeforms.
... Or maybe...

<Message Log: Message Log 3>
"D-Type Factor"
That's what Osto said when he saw this wound.
He could barely contain his glee at finding this unknown lifeform.
Then he said it to me...
"Would you consider donating your body to the government,
"For the good of our people?"
And I thought...
If my body could serve to build a better future for our people...
So I agreed to accept the request, under certain conditions.
Osto was overjoyed, and he said to me,
"Your body will be the subject of an official government experiment."
What he meant was,
I would have no say in what happened to my body.
For all intents and purposes, my life was over.
"The government will send a message to your friends and family back home
"to announce your death."
That's what he said.
Even after accepting the fate of donating my body, I thought about it...
The young girl who followed me to explore this unknown world.
She always looked up to me as a hero, even though I was just an old man.
What will she think about my death when she finds out...
Everyone will eventually forget about me.
My death was announced to the world, and I was transferred here.
Maybe that was the beginning of the end. This disaster...
This decision I made to donate my body could trigger
the chain reaction that will uncover the truth of the planet Ragol.

<Terminal after Message Log 3 analysis>
(Character Name)?
Elly speaking.
Message Log transmission has been confirmed.
Analysis is complete.
I wonder if this is true?
If this is true, then...
Now I know why the Chief wants to investigate this in secret.
Dr. Osto is a highly respected scientist...
If people on Pioneer 2 ever heard about this...
What went on aboard Pioneer 1...
There would be a huge uproar!

<Terminal after unlocking all doors>
(Character Name)?
Elly here, from the Lab.
You did it!
You unlocked the security locks in each area.
We've confirmed that the main gate is unlocked.
You should be able to enter the facility.
But be careful! And stay alert!
It'll probably be more dangerous inside, than it was outside!

<Message Log: Message Log 4>
I had no knowledge of this facility, until I was brought here.
I was transferred to this island, far from the Central Dome.
Surface and the seabed...
The island is one giant laboratory.
All of the top scientists from Pioneer 1 were there, waiting for me.
Dr. Osto, of course, and even Dr. Graves, the Photon engineer...
This was all part of their plan.
Soon, the experiments began on my body.
I don't know the details, but the research seemed to span many areas.
And from the look on Osto's face, the results were fairly positive.
But then...
I heard news of another sub-lifeform outbreak from the ancient ship.
"IT" was still alive.
Now that I think about it...
The concept of death doesn't apply to "IT." We just didn't understand.
That is why the ancients have kept "IT" sealed inside that spaceship,
deep beneath the surface of this planet.
Mysterious Photons... An eternal lifeform...
Now I can see why all the doctors were so excited...

<Terminal after Message Log 4 analysis>
(Character Name)?
Hello, this is Elly from the Lab.
Message Log transmission has been confirmed.
The analysis is finished.
"The surface and the seabed... the entire island is one giant Lab."
This corroborates our own findings, too.
And it also matches Cal's analysis...
I won't go into the details now...
But I will inform you as soon as we have found some more facts.
So please be patient.