Conversation Between darkamidamaru and Mutsumi_Sanada

2837 Visitor Messages

  1. It is, yes. I'm just a bit surprised is all.
    Now we both know that that's just not true. You probably have the kindest heart I've seen in years.

    I know, but still. Its very hard for me to think in such a way so easily.

    I knew you were gonna say that. I'm more grouchy like Umi and yes, I do love my mother and father. I am quiet like Fuu, but I'm more analytical like she is then anything. Thank you Psy. It seems that someone knows who I am. Its nice to be understood for once.
  2. LOL yes but its true too.
    Nah im pure evil inside *evil laughs*

    Oh by the way i didn't mean the people you live with just other certain people.

    Hmmmm hehe i think Hikaru is; the way you both care about you friends is similar.
    Do you remember the episode when this wierd fire tornado abducted Umi & Fuu?
    Hikaru was desperately chasing after it and hurt yourself along the way. She figured out that blood attacts the fiend and therefore cut her own arm to draw it out.

    But you also remind me out Umi who adores her parents (during her trial); i felt the same connection when you talked about your mother (sorry to bring that up).

    And sometimes Fuu because you're both quiet at times LOL.
    But ultimately Hikaru because like you she also tries to amend relationships, for example in season 2 she was really aplogetic to the last bosses brother (i forgot the name).
  3. Vio said that?? He's an interesting one.
    Probably because you're so kool and dependable.

    Me too. I hope they stay that way too.

    Everyone is different psy. I can't blame anyone for the way they feel.

    Hey Psy. Of the 3 magic knights, which do you think is most like me?
  4. LOL yeah, Phaze once posted "Help someone and they will remember you again when they're in trouble" LOL. Surely they realise they have their own administrator in their own department; why are they bothering me?? -_-

    I am supprise the servers are still open tho, how odd.

    Not really, im they type who believe some people are better of dead. Horrible aren't i
  5. Isn't that how things usually end up?
    Yes, mine are prescribed meds, but they're not just for sleep. Over the counter medication doesn't work on me. My tolerance is too high.

    Hai. Its as you say. That's pretty much all that remains of psp2 now.

    Isn't that a bit harsh even for them?
  6. Thanks yeah work keeps piling up today but for some reason people keep bothering me for help Ugh.
    Your meds are prescribe ones right? i think i'll go buy some at the counter, tho they're generally not very good.

    I see hackers and colour names are still holding onto PSP2 LOL they're like cockroaches.

    Thats true, wish they'd all just drop dead haha
  7. Its ok. I know you're busy.
    Yes and no. And I already take some strong medication to help with the sleeping.

    Actually I haven't been on psp2 much. I pretty much only go about between 2 -6 times a month if even that. I used to go a lot more when everyone was still around.

    They don't give a damn around here. That's just how people are now a days. Not many know the meaning of consideration.
  8. Sorry about the late replie im off & on today.
    Do you dread going to sleep sometimes? My friend just told me get some Herbal Sleeping tablets which i might do.

    Actually you've been visiting PSP2 quite a lot recently.

    Thats quite inconvenient for you, they should show some consideration to you.
  9. I'm not sure that's such a good thing Psy I don't usually have much energy. Just a hard time sleeping or staying asleep. Sometimes its hard to wake up and I sleep too much when I don't want to.

    Kinda down since no one is ever around anymore. Gets kinda lonely and the game isn't much fun without someone to play with.

    Nah, the drama only gets worse around this place. Drives me crazy actually.
  10. LOL thanks, at least i got a little taste of what you go through. Its wierd i don't normally have this much energy when i wake up.
    Soo how have you been, has all the drama in that house ended yet?
  11. Wow, you too? Poor lil Psy *hugs* you should just rest then. Don't want you to get sick.
  12. i think i have a smaal case of insomnia? for the pass 2 days i have slept for 20mins off & on.
    Im not sleepy now but i do feel a lil drowsy.
  13. Aww, what's wrong with lil Psy?
  14. I meant your stats in character info page.
    Sorry it looks like i can't make it today, i feel like crap today
  15. You've seen my stats? When was this? I'm still way behind everyone. My battle class s barely a D rank.
    Ok, I'll be here since i slept in.
  16. Why thank you~
    Nah i've seem your stats, your good.
    Im not sure if i can make it, since last week things have been pretty horrible. But i'll let you know tomorrow. Thanks.
  17. Yes you. And yeh. Some know him as Tomanaku in game. I'm not high at all. I barely rank 10th in some categories. I'm gonna try to gey on n Thursday. Let me know if you think you can make it.
  18. Me too!?
    I hear the name Josh alot but i don't hink i ever met him.
    Your pretty high ranking too.
  19. Not exactly. Mainly you, Josh, and Ryoko are the top ranking overall.
  20. Ryoko must be the highest ranked player now?
Showing Visitor Messages 2001 to 2020 of 2837