Conversation Between darkamidamaru and Mutsumi_Sanada

2837 Visitor Messages

  1. It showed the name on YouTube. o.o

    I don't have PC anymore so I can't download them.
  2. As in how did you know it was called Rasaria? are you a fan too?
    Yeah at the live some one had to go out to the seating area because her legs were acting up. Their last Live in the Uk was much grander.

    I prefer to download my anime rather than stream it. Theres a really good site called Cyber12 where the download size is very minimal with good quality.
  3. Clever? Why do you say that? Ugh... I couldn't do that in that kind of heat.

    It's a great anime. I love it. I'm really into it. I think you'd like it. The artwork is slightly different but not by much. You should check it out sometime. I watch it on I don't know where you watch all of your anime but that's where I watch mine. A friend showed me that site a while back. It has a lot of anime.
  4. Very Clever, you are absolutely right and Rosaria is now one of my favourite songs.
    Btw the live was amazing, its was a bit small and hot, plus we had to stand (T o T) but it was soo good. Everyone was dressed in Lolita fashion.

    Oh i wasn't sure whether to watch that anime, is it any good? i don't like the quality of the art compared to the origianl >.<
  5. I think that song is called Rosaria.

    I wish they would've made a movie of psu. Speaking of anime, I've been watching the disappearance of nagato Yuki Chan. I'm just waiting for the next episode to be added though.
  6. Heres Die Milch!! I was sitting right up in front XD but im not in the video (thank goodness)
  7. That sucks, mine is going through some changes to, you know grey hairs -__- ughh~~

    Yes the artist was really good everyone was singing along to Ignite (opening to SAOII).
    Die Milch they sing some dark themed gothic songs i'll find you a vid later. Oh and i brought the ticket at Hyper Japan, i got to meet them in person, brought their CD too

    I heard about the anime on an anime news website, no pictures yet just text announcing it
  8. My body has changed a lot since that time. I'm guessing that's part of it at least.

    Is that good or bad? Usually you're the one that knows the artist.

    Yeh, I figured that was gonna happen. But that's normal for you.
    Die milch? What kind of music is it? Hold on... I thought you said you were broke?

    Really?? Where'd you hear that from?
  9. How come the cold bothers you now??

    I finally started my job, seems really simple at the moment with not a lot of work to do >.<
    YES!! Eir Aoi~ everyone was singing along soo much fun
    so yeah Hyper Japan is over aaaaand now im broke again -__- (LOL)
    Oh I watched this amazing singer called Die Milch, they are soo incredible, it totally my music. They announced a concert they'll be doing in the UK this Sunday and IM GOING WOOHOO~ can't wait to see them .

    Oh did you hear about the PSO2 anime? apparently its in progress.
  10. I don't do so well in the heat either. Although the cold bothers me a lot more now.

    That sounds really frustrating. I hope you can find one really soon. It's so much harder to find a job now.

    Umm, how would I do that? If I could afford that, I would've already gone back home. Do you mean Eir Aoi? The one who sang innocence? I believe that's what it was called.
  11. I heat has finally calmed down a bit over here, hate it when its too hot >.<

    You can watch episodes on Crunchyroll too?
    Guess what, im still waiting to start my new job, stupid agency keep surprising me with more forms to complete. Why not just give me the whole lot to do at the same time!? geez -__- they're really starting to annoy me. But yeah im gonna use the time to look for a permanent job cause im sick of interviews.

    2 days till Hyper Japan you should totally go, the person who sung the opening to sword art online season 2 will be there ^_^
  12. Ugh! Tell me about it. I had to wait almost an hour in while feeling sick. I so miss my previous home. ~_~

    Yes I use my father's account for Netflix and I have crunchyroll too, but I watch most of my anime on now. Still, I'm glad you got the job. That's 3 months extra time to find a permanent one.
    Aww, I wish I could go with you.
  13. OMG this heat is gonna kill me (T o T)
    im waiting for the stupid sun to go down -__-

    Yeah don't you have access to netflix?
    btw i got the job! yay to me~ but its only for 3 months boooo~ -__-
    next week im attending a Japanese culture event called Hyoer Japan, can't waaaaait~
  14. Yeh, I have that song on my tablet and a few others.

    Watch films? Yeh, that's zoeila.

    Awesome. I hope you get the job.
  15. i like it, i like it im trying to find a clear version i can download as mp3.

    i forget you can watch films on your ps3 Is that Zoeila? i have her added as well yay.

    oh btw i might have landed a new job, if i can get the documentations sorted by tomorrow i could start on wednesday. fingers crossed that it'll all work out XD
  16. It's one of my favorite Miku songs in project diva f 2nd. I just thought you might like it too.

    I should've saw that one coming lol. I'm almost always on mine. Of I'm not gaming, I'm on crunchyroll or Netflix. Aeisha is on my friends list too.
  17. I've been getting dead end flags lately as well >_<
    The English voice over for Shenmue 1 was horrible im glad the second game was undubbed. But yeah I know what you mean the music is beautiful I downloaded the OST a long time ago. You can really learn martial arts by playing that game. Im not gonna get the PS4 either, maybe when FF7 remake comes out

    I've been listening to Miku - Meteor ( the one you recommended) a lot lately. I think it would be better if they just kept the soothing melody in the beginning throughout the entire song.

    Oh my PSN is "darkamidamaru" I barely use it now, so you'll prolly catch me online on and off for about 5minutes LOL but yeah feel free to add, be sure to put a message otherwise im likely to disregard. thanks.
  18. I think so, yeh. I'm not seeing a happy ending here.

    I've never played Shenmue before but I have the movie. I think it's from the first one. It has a really beautiful song in it. I don't think I'll get a PS4. It's way too expensive for me.

    Btw, can you give me your psn name so I can add you? If you don't mind.
  19. Is it too late to move back wwhere you were living?
    btw Shenmue 3 got met tjeir target in 1 day, i haven't even finished reading the kickstarter and all of a sudden they raised 3 mill (target was 2 million). the only problem now is that it looks like it we have to wait until 2017 until its complete. And who knows how long we have to wait for FF7 >.<
  20. That really sucks. I wasn't able to back mine up. I can't afford another one anyways. I don't mind. I would wanna rant about it too.

    Nope. I haven't watched it. I did watch the ff7 remake though. Too bad it's more than likely not gonna be for PS3. Honestly, I've been better. I just want to move back to where I was living before.
Showing Visitor Messages 201 to 220 of 2837