Conversation Between Eclipse5632 and Ken & Robo

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  1. I do in fact have a 4-slot Mobius Plate. I got it from Mustache in exchange for an N-Tathlam.
  2. I don't know if this is true, but based on what I re-read on your post in DoctorShanks' Palette and Unit Setups thread, do you have a 4-slot Mobius Plate...?
  3. lol, sounds like you have the opposite problem that I do when it comes to essays. I usually end up being, like, one or two pages under the length limit, but surprisingly teachers seem to be pretty okay with that as long as you have an okay argument. Outlining is kinda tough. I don't like it, which is probably why my essays tend to be kind of meh. >_>

    As for the revival, well, we are sort of the last bastion of hope for this game, as it were. Even though it hasn't even been out for two years (in NA at least) most people have pretty much stop playing it seems. From what I've seen, 15 players participating on the same day would be a lot, even for this group. And, I mean, it's not like you can assure that rare drops are gonna happen on any given day. It's just people getting together to play PSZ. XD
  4. You know what sucks? I was thinking back to how long-winded my explanation of my HUcast playstyle is, and how long I sometimes make my English essays in real life.

    Because recently at school, I had to do a sample essay outline for an English course, and ended up making many of my sentences way too long for an essay outline. >_>

    Aside from that, I somehow don't feel like there was too much to the revival today. It just doesn't feel like even 15 players participated (unless that's normal, considering this was my first revival). Especially when nothing too special happened in terms of rare drops.
  5. Yeah, Yoshika's last spell card is just...ugh. I do try to capture stuff whenever possible, though. And yeah, I agree that Overdrive was kind of disappointing. I have a replay of beating Yuyuko's card without moving and I sightread captured Miko's. Seiga's is, like, unreasonably hard, though. It's the only one I haven't captured.

    omfg, Arzeins with curving lasers wouldn't even be fair ;_; Shou is such an annoying boss. Byakuren is a pretty awesome final boss imo. Some of her attacks look really awesome on Hard/Lunatic.
  6. I agree that TD's Extra stage is very fun. I still have to beat it. The farthest I have gotten was her survival card, but I think I can beat it. Other than that, it does have that unexplainable sub-par-ness. I was also disappointed with the Overdrive spellcards. Also, I really hate Yoshika's Score Desire Eater. It's an incredibly stupid spellcard. I used to try and steal the spirits, but I couldn't stand running into anything and decided to time-out the card everytime.

    Also, UFO did have its good points. Without criticizing the difficulty, the game is sometimes fun, the music is quite awesome, and I really like Captain Murasa and Byakuren. But for Shou...

    Hehe, reminds me when I asked DoctorShanks on what it would be like if Arkzeins could fire (curving) lasers... >_>
  7. I like UFO quite a bit. I thought it was kinda fun figuring out what UFO combinations you were going to go for. The necessity of using them to clear bullets didn't bother me, but it's the same reason why I find Fairy Wars so hard. Pretty much on anything but Easy, against bosses you need to be using your ice at the right times all the time or else it's just impossible. The degree of consistency required was too much for me. It's have more problems with TD though. I'm not really sure why, but something about it just isn't very fun to me. Also, Yoshika is just a really annoying boss and not fun to fight at all. The Extra stage is the best part imo.
  8. Ugh, SA and UFO. Those games are stupid hard. (Although I like SA for its simple gimmick and some of the boss fights are more fun)

    UFO was probably my least favorite Windows Touhou game so far. I find it that on Lunatic, some of the attacks from bosses and enemies are either outrageously hard or just not possible (like in some parts of Stage 3) without either a lot of luck, skill, or those UFOs. Speaking of which, I feel the UFO gimmick is the worst part of the game (and my least favorite gimmick in all Windows Touhou games so far), since they are required for clearing the screen of bullets and getting extra lives/bombs. And if you miss them or fail to shoot one down, then it becomes extremely punishing in the end.

    My personal favorites are between PoFV and IN. I also really like Fairy Wars in fact. =/
  9. I dunno. I feel like once you beat Ran, it's not too much different to beat Yukari. There are some important differences between them, but a lot of their battles are the same. If you want to beat Yukari I would suggest trying to beat Ran first. A lot of the experience carries over, plus it's a bit easier.

    As far as Hard goes, I think I've beaten EoSD, PCB, IN, and MoF. I've reached stage 6 on PCB Lunatic without continuing, but I haven't been able to go all the way yet. SA and UFO Hard are too brutal for me. Haven't put appreciable effort into TD Hard yet.

    Also, I think Master Spark-like Flashlight is the farthest I've gotten on Marisa, but it's been a while. Can't remember if I've gotten to Open Universe or not.
  10. One more thing: I do agree Marisa is freaking hard. Some of her spellcards are like...ugh. Especially Big Crunch, Open Universe, and that raining silver ball spellcard. Even her nonspells are difficult and downright ridiculous...

    Almost captured Fairy Extermination Ray though. It's somehow easier than it looks.
  11. Hmm...good question. Come to think of it, I'm not sure I have 1cc'ed Lunatic on another Windows Touhou game other than on Fairy Wars. I think the closest I have been on 1ccing a game on lunatic was on Mountain of Faith. I really hate some of Kanako's spellcards, like her second one. I can't beat that spellcard unless it's on easy mode. Either than that, I can 1cc a few games on Hard.

    Honestly, that's quite an accomplishment to have beaten Phantasm mode. The farthest I have made it to on there is Yukari Spiriting Away.

    As for Fairy Wars, I have 1cc'ed all routes on Lunatic at least once, as well as Extra mode. The game is hard as crap, but it motivated me (hehe, motivation) enough that I had to try and beat them all without continuing, and thus I persisted in doing so. Took me weeks of practice. 1cc'ing them on Normal is hard enough...
  12. Yup, I've beaten Phantasm. I would say that Marisa is the hardest Extra boss, but I'm probably somewhat biased since she's the only one I haven't beaten yet. Though, I have a hard time believing that you're worse than me if you can beat Fairy Wars Lunatic, lol. I can barely beat the game on Normal, and even then I've only been able to 1CC one route. How high of a difficulty can you 1CC on the other games?
  13. Wait a minute...did you say that you beat all of the non-PC-98 Extra stages...(except Fairy Wars)?

    If that includes PCB's Phantasm Stage, then already, you're better than me. I can't even beat Ran, Yukari, Koishi, Mamizou, or Flandre, and after beating Mokou (and unlocking Imperishable Shooting), I thought she was one of the hardest extra bosses ever...

    ...though I did beat Nue and Marisa (Fairy Wars)... (I have beaten Suwako, but I'm not counting that because I used Marisa B and cheated)
  14. That is a completely understandable reason for taking a break from PSZ. I can't imagine what that must be like for you, but I offer my deepest condolences. Take as much time as you need to get your life in order. We'll still be here when you decide to come back.
  15. Yeah, I get what you mean now. There's a similar superstition in the Monster Hunter community regarding a "desire sensor" built into the game that theoretically can tell what you want and then just refuses to drop that whenever you're looking for it. But yeah, it's true that I was totally expecting that N-Tathlam to be a Kleingold or some other junk rare and then I was like "...Wait, did that say 7*?"
  16. About the "Mind button" thing me and DoctorShanks were talking about: it is some stupid and possibly mythological theory that I have invented where the good, lucky things in some video games MOST often tend not to occur if you ever thought about its occurrence (you can't even think about it and then deny you thought about it). It is also followed by another myth I call the "Word Button," where the same thing applies, but only is more likely than the "Mind Button" to prevent the occurrence of the event. Note that this does NOT always apply.

    For example, did you even think about getting that N-Tathlam in that one Paru run?
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