Conversation Between BloodmageR and LK1721

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  1. lol, I wasn't sure if you caught the little question last time. But yeah, no worries it happens.

    Reason I brought up the touhou series is because I'm the club leader on the forum I'm mainly active on so I'm up to date with most of the junk surrounding the universe. With danmaku games I'm reasonably good, at like a Polly level of 1 cc normal mode but I'd have to say the character designs and music are the real highlights for me. One of these days I should crossplay as Reisen or Aya... Only problem is that no one would recognize the char where I live! Have you thought about cosplaying as one of the characters?

    Totally agree about the love it or hate it with over-the-top style anime... however at times it might just be the person likes slower paced "normal" Slice of life or comedy instead. Everyone has the different genres they enjoy, but personally I'm pretty much open to anything~ ;D

    SWEET! A Homura figurine. Love the handgun. Plus personally I prefer that version over the moe Homura... still not too sure why that one is so popular. *shrugs* (Although meganekko can totally be badass at times.) Hard to beat a Revy level of kickass but Homura comes pretty close. xD

    Ahhh, I haven't been reading too much manga lately(welllll except some *okay* touhou manga.) Last would be Attack on Titan. The FMA and FMA: Brotherhood anime are super incredible though!
  2. You know, I had a reply written up for your last message but I guess I actually forgot to send it. WHOOPS.

    As for the Touhou thing, I'm horribad at bullet hell types of games so I never could really get into them. I do like the character designs from what I've seen, though! I'll have to check out the OSTs sometime soon.

    It is really one of those series that you love or hate, most over-the-top sorts of series are like that to be honest. You either love them or hate them, rarely anything in between. Some of the episodes revolved around Japanese cultural things which I totally missed by a mile, so I digress. Overall it was a really fun and refreshing series despite that.

    Sometimes Nanoha can edge into that territory, the only way (IMO) Madoka beats it out is Homura's entire situation, you know...the whole reliving one timeline hundreds of times over and it always sucks thing. Speaking of that timetraveling stalker lesbian, look what I got in the mail this week! It was on sale.

    I've been fairly busy and haven't had the chance to catch up on Kill la Kill as one of my friends loaned me the entire FMA manga because I have yet to read it, so that has been keeping me occupied.
  3. Hiya there! Have you been up to any fun mischief lately? Are you still up to date with the awesome Kill la Kill?
  4. Yep, yep. It was really a trip of a lifetime with plenty of incredible memories! However I'm sure those trips to the Philippines as well as Japan were exciting! I'm jealous, I always wanted to go over there. ;P I find it funny that you're mixing some long island iced teas and not particularly a fan of them yourself! xD With cocktails I usually drink Mojitos and white russians, but I've always been mainly a red wines type of person. :3 By the way, I just noticed you live in Utah. If you're curious, I live in Canada, specifically the far eastern portion on Newfoundland.

    Hehe, I wasn't sure what type of birthday pic you'd enjoy. x3 Are you a fan of the touhou series of games? There's a fabulous range of characters with distinct designs as well as some brilliant OSTs there.

    I've heard a lot of my friends polarized over PSG, like some really, really hate it. xD But people like me loved the over-the-top nature of a western cartoon with a bit of japanese stylistic flair. However some of the episodes are a bit hit and miss to keep it from being spectacular. WOULD LOVE A SECOND SEASON THOUGH!

    It's true that Nanoha, Pretty cure, and Sailor moon are much more adult underneath than they appear but I wouldn't say they're quite the same level of morbid darkness as Madoka. Also Sailor Moon was the absolute first anime series I watched when I was four years old so that one is particularly special for me. Annnnd I LOVE KALAFINA! \o/
  5. Haha! Wow that sounds like a really awesome trip *___*. I've yet to go anywhere in Europe, but I have been to the Philippines a few times and Japan once. I myself don't actually drink, but I've been told I can mix a mean Long Island :P. (Thank yooou

    I think she'd probably enjoy it too, then again I think most people who watch any anime at all would probably like Redline. Essentially Nichijou was good when strange or when Mai (who I guess is strange herself) was being the biggest silent troll ever. PSG essentially took what was good about western adult cartoons and smashed it together with what we already see in anime, and did so fabulously.

    Yep, yep! I rather liked the designs from that show a lot. Honestly most "magical girl" shows are actually a lot darker than people tend to think they are: Sailor Moon, Nanoha, and Madoka included. Good god, yes, Yuki Kajiura OST is best OST. And Kalafina. You just have to force them to watch episodes 1-3 where shit gets real.
  6. Welp, I tried putting a touch of sea salt in my coffee but I'd say it mellowed out the flavors and was just a tad too smooth. Not for me I guess. *shrugs* Hahaha, Yessssssss! Waffles are great. My local farmers market has someone who makes excellent homemade. :3 Back in early May I went on a month long journey through Europe. Started in Paris and just did a massive drive across a fair bit of the continent. Here's a map of the route. I think it was around 11 days in Italy, started out coming from Austria to Venice, then Florence, Rome, Naples, Pompei, back up to Pisa and into Milan. The food is ABSOLUTELY delicious over there! But wait till you appreciate wine before you go, it complements the food perfectly. Do you drink wine/alcohol?... even though I see you're underage... but oh well, not in Europe. (Belated Happy birthday by the way! )

    I've been trying to get Chels to watch Redline but she isn't too into anime lately. I think she'd enjoy it though. Highly stylized and just incredible! Nichijou was quite good when it was strange(like principals fighting deer) but it was a bit slow going with all the language puns. You have to appreciate just how much Panty and Stocking experimented with in terms of story, artstyle and humor. You just don't see that too often. Plus the OST to PSG was AMAZING!

    YES! I was wondering if you'd do a Madoka cosplay! I loved that serious spin on the usual mahou shoujo genre. The various artstyles was brilliant throughout. Plus Yuki Kajiura with the music! <3 But I have a lot of trouble convincing my real life friends who are fans of anime to watch that series even though it's awesome. I always hear the "it looks like it's for kids" to which I say "lol nope!" xD
  7. Yeah it cuts the edge off a bit and brings out the other flavors. My local shop mixes pretty good espresso drinks and also serves flawless waffles that don't even need syrup or any toppings to be great, really. Oh god, I am so jealoussssss. I'd love to visit Italy for coffee...and well...everything else too. Were you there as a tourist or for some other reason? And where in Italy were you? :O

    By up to I meant I'd gotten to it XD and really? for some reason I thought there were like 5 episodes out by now! I guess I'm just crazy hectic right now. Good god I LOVED LWA, I even donated enough to Trigger's LWA Sequel Kickstarter to get an art book when it actually happens. Though hopefully they can keep it charming and fresh as a series. Panty and Stocking was almost an entirely different beast than what most people are used to, really. Redline was a fun watch too. Nichijou only delved into over-the-top territory occasionally, but man was it so good when it did.

    I have an unreasonable soft spot in my heart for this series and think that her outfit when she's an adult is super awesome. Sometimes I feel like the hobby is more trouble than it's worth, but its the best feeling for someone to recognize who you're dressed up as and get really excited about it. My other costume this year is Homura Akemi from Madoka Magica, so I'm just loaded with magical girl cosplays. XD
  8. Sea salt huh? That's interesting. Does that cut the bitter edge or why do you put it in coffee? :O My local specialty coffee shop(who roasts their own beans too) are quite good too but their espresso items like machiatos, mochas etc. aren't so great. Anyway, I always have some pretty high quality beans since I love a good cup of coffee~ <3 Talkin' about coffee I have to mention my time in Italy which has the ABSOLUTE BEST coffee ever! Even little gas stations in the middle of nowhere had better tasting espresso than the vast majority of North America/the-rest-of-Europe!

    lol *only* 3 episodes of Kill la Kill?! But there's only 2 released! xD And yep, I think you're right. They left Gainax to work on some other stuff like Little Witch Academia which only has 1 episode released but it's quite good too~ Yep, I love that style of over-the-top craziness too. Not too many anime have gone that route lately. Only really Panty and stocking, Redline and sorta nichijou.

    Oh cool, a real classic! I'm sure it will turn out great! I don't cosplay too often(not much opportunity) but I've gone as Gendo Ikari(Evangelion) and Okabe(steins;gate). Oh also I'm a guy so it wasn't crossplay. My user title sometimes throws people off! XD
  9. Depending on the day I drink anywhere between 2-6 cups. If I'm the one making it, I drink it black with a pinch of sea salt, but if I go to the local coffee shop (they roast their own beans so I buy my coffee there) I like white mocha too.

    If I remember right, a lot of the staff on Gurren Lagann are working on Kill la Kill, which would explain the similarities. I've only managed to watch up to episode 3 for now, but it is crazy over the top and I really like the style of the show. My personal favorite of the Ghibli movies would probably be Kiki's Delivery Service (you have no idea how much I watched this when I was younger) followed by Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away.

    Fate T. Harlaown from the Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha franchise. Though instead of the double saber or giant buster sword I ended up rolling with the "default" axe form of her weapon.
  10. HOOORAY! COFFEE PALS! \o/ I used to drink somethin' like 7-9 cups a day but I'm down to only 5 cups now! How do you drink your coffee? I usually take it strong & black~

    Kill la kill is fantastic! It reminds me of a cross between the Gainax anime Gurren lagann and FLCL--Which is AWESOME! Totally a massive fan of Ghibli films too! Laputa would have to be my favorite, but Mononoke and Nausicaa are fabulous too~ What about you, What's your favorite?

    Ahhh, I wish I was here for the anime convention funs, but went on a little trip to Vancouver at about the same time as it happened. Who are you cosplaying as? Or is it a surprise? :3
  11. Howdy! Coco and Polly? Yesssss. I've been trying not to explode, as it is anime convention crunch week and my costume still isn't done! I got a 3DS XL for my birthday last week so when I've had some spare time I've played Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. As for anime, not really lately! *points to aforementioned costume* but I did manage to make time to start watching Kill la Kill because Studio Trigger is fabulous. Studio Ghibli movies too, while I've been working on costume pieces, if you want to count those.

  12. Hello there! :O Hehe, I always have no clue how to introduce myself to new people. xD Well Okay, I see you know some of my awesome friends on the site! Whatcha been up to lately over there? Are you playin' any games or following any anime?

    *Takes a wayyy too long swig of coffee* I'm a bit of a coffee addict. x)
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