Conversation Between Nitro Vordex and BIG OLAF

33 Visitor Messages

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  1. Thanks. The dumbest part is that it's all mostly over PSO2 screenshots I post. I mean, come on. Really? Images of a pixelated female in (SEGA-designed) risque outfits is 'degrading towards women'? Like fuck it is. It's a goddamn video game. Normal people, including other girls, don't give a flyin' fuck, because they don't have a self-righteousness complex, along with a myriad of other mental disorders.

    I just let it get to me because I was already in a bad mood, and nothing pisses me off more than when someone tries to kick me when I'm down. Also, it's putrid when someone attempts to tell you why you act a certain way, and then tell you you're terrible for it, when they don't even know what in the holiest of fucks they're talking about.

    The funniest part is, I don't give a shit about her. She's a headcase, and beyond help. I just care that she turns other people against we with blatant lies about me as a person, and the things I 'said' and 'did'.
  2. Don't you love it when women fight over you?

    Don't take that shit, don't even acknowledge it, when you ignore people like that, it grinds their gears even more. Makes them feel irrelevant. (Because they are!)

    Keep ya head up.
  3. I think it's worth it. English dub is decent. I'm not an anime buff either but I still enjoyed it...even if it was a comedic romance thing.
  4. Yes, I heard it was funny. I haven't actually seen the show, as I'm not a big anime buff, but I Googled it one day out of curiosity (my friends had been talking about it), and saw that picture. Upon seeing that one image, I was immediately reminded of the numerous pictures you've put up in the RL image/video thread.

  5. I watched the anime for that. It was hilarious.
  6. I'm not really sure how Skype works or anything, since I've never used it before. What makes you think I would "fit in"? The usual randomness of FKL isn't really my style or anything.
  7. Hey Man, you should get skype and come talk to some of us FKLers sometime. I think you'd fit in.
  8. Apparently this person is a character in the anime called "My Bride is a Mermaid".
  9. I think it's imperative I know the source for that picture. ;o
  10. I simply could not help but think of Mr. Vordex when I saw this picture:

    Figure I'd let you know.
  11. Oh wow, I didn't even notice that. Shows how much I cared haha.
  12. They really did it, I see. Your underscore is gone! Don't you feel naked now?
  13. Happy Birthday, Nitro! You're now legal.
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