Conversation Between Mutsumi_Sanada and DragonXIII

882 Visitor Messages

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  1. Your career? So you don't plan to stay in the military after your four years?
  2. Honestly, I don't think is enough room or words for me to describe everything wrong with this unit so i'll just leave it at that. All I look foward to is that I have almost 80 days left and then I go somewhere that will really progress my career
  3. What's wrong with your unit?
  4. I'm here till August. And then I go back home. Korea has been well but this unit is so messed up, its made me hate life haha. So it'll be good to get away.
  5. I didn't know you were still over there. I hope you've been taking pictures. I'd love to see what it's like over there.
  6. Just relaxing and enjoying what free time I have.
    85 days left until i go back to the states though!
  7. Bored. Just playing PSP2 and you?
  8. Herro. How are you?
  9. I have 12 or 13 for PSP2 actually. I was telling Psy about PSP1 though. I can't remember the last time I left the house other then to pay bills or appointments.
  10. That's crazy with the new players part, almost makes me wish I brought my psp to Korea haha.
  11. Some yes. A lot of new players. Fresh players.
  12. Are people still active on PSP2?
  13. Not much really. Still playing PSP2.
  14. So, what have you been up to lately?
  15. Oh well. I'm starting to get used to that lately.
  16. I've been on the website everyday, just haven't talked to anyone really haha.
  17. You said it yourself. Long time no see.
  18. Why do you say that?
  19. Wow, this is a surprise.
  20. Long time no talk, how have you been?
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 40 of 882
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