Conversation Between Orange_Coconut and ARChan

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  1. I play PSO:BB on a certain private server, rarely ever PSZ, and... uh... I retired from PSU.
  2. Do you still play any PS games? Like PsP2, PS0, PSO Ep. 1 & 2, etc?
  3. Naw, I wouldn't necessarily say I'm more experienced with games. I do like versatility, though, so I don't really cling to a particular system or company when it comes to gaming. The handhelds are superb though (both the DS and the PSP), for different reasons.

    Do you use emulators at all? I could definitely show you some older RPGs if you haven't had a chance to play them before. Plus, there's a way to play online with a friend if that's something that interests you.

    You said you like fighting games, but do you ever play Beat 'em ups? I know I'm getting kind of repetitive with my whole RO fanaticism, but there was a 3rd party company who made a fan-based Ragnarok beat 'em up game and it's one of my favorites.

    This is kind of a boring video because all the character does is spam one move, but the moves you execute in the game are similar to that of fighting-games. This is the Pharaoh from RBO:

    YouTube - Ragnarok Battle Offline: Stage 14 Boss Pharaoh with Male Acolyte

    I also find the enemies mannerisms to be particularly amusing. If nothing else, watching the Pharaoh and his servants basically doing a dance while trying to kick your teeth in is entertaining. But yeah, if something like that or the emulator interest you, let me know. Don't take my word for it, either, I'd recommend looking up other videos and/or information on any games you're interested in whether it be RBO or a game from an older system.
  4. Yeah, that's the battle theme of the game. I'm not sure if it switches.

    It seems you're more experienced with games than I am. I wish I had all the time and money I wanted to buy what I want to play... -sigh-
  5. That's pretty cool. Is that one of the battle themes of the game? Also, do you follow music of video games? There are quite a few soundtracks I've enjoyed over my years of gaming. I don't know if you're familiar with the Mana Khemia series, but the music in that game taps into so many different kinds. I really enjoy the variability.

    Personally, I love listen to old school video game music like that of DKC, Super Mario RPG, Earthbound, etc. Also, I know I mentioned my love for the game earlier, but Ragnarok Online has my favorite soundtrack when compared to any other MMORPG. Speaking of RO, there's a game on the PSP that reminds me of it in terms of aesthetic called Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky.

    I tried looking through different RPGs that I have for the DS, but there aren't any that I could recommend as a superb game. If you enjoy playing RPGs just for the sake of playing RPGs, then there are quite a few games you might enjoy depending on whether or not you like action-based RPGs too. That's why I mentioned the PSP, though. There are many SRPG and RPG games that I really enjoy for my PSP. If you have the time, money, and interest in grabbing one at some point I'd recommend it.

    I don't know if you've listened to Ragnarok Online music before, and I may have posted this elsewhere at some point, but one of my favorite tracks of the game would be Amatsu Dungeon:

    YouTube - Ragnarok Online (BGM #77)

    Personally, though, I just love all sorts of music. I like linking the music to the game's aesthetics itself more than anything else. While I have my favorite games and whatever else, I honestly just enjoy gaming for gaming's sake.

    Anyways, sorry if that's not your style. I love sharing knowledge/information/music/etc about games, though; it's nice to see others perspectives on them.
  6. You should totally check out some of Radiant Historia's OSTs. Hmm... Here's one :3

    YouTube - Blue Radiance [Radiant Historia OST]

    Yes, this is a song you'll hear as you play :P
  7. Groovy. Sounds like you like your fighting games! I'm not too into them, but I admire styles like that of Melty Blood, Marvel vs. Capcom 2, Guilty Gears, etc. Now strategy games I can really sink my teeth into! Fire Emblem is probably my favorite series of strategy games. I haven't played too many of them either, but the ones I have played I've absolutely loved (aside from Shadow Dragon). XP

    I personally love 2D platformers. I also really have a love for Ragnarok Online, for some reason. I haven't played it recently, but every few years I take it up again and enjoy my favorite hat-collecting MMORPG. :P

    As for RPGs on the DS, I liked The World Ends With You. I know a lot of people had issues with the play style of that game and I don't blame them. Nostalgia isn't anything special, but it's not really all that bad either. Radiant Historia I haven't had the chance to look into yet. I heard there was a RO RPG for the DS, which I never had the chance to pick up. If you're able to play on a flashcard or anything of the like, I'd recommend looking into some GBA RPGs and possibly Super Robot Taisen on the DS. In the meantime, I'll have to take a look through my games to see if there are any other titles worth mentioning.
  8. My fighting games are Guilty Gear, Street Fighter, Capcom vs. SNK, a little Marvel vs. Capcom. However, I'm more into games like Advance Wars and Fire Emblem. Sad to say that I have not played too much of either series. Then, there are the RPGs. I'm still trying to find an RPG fix for my DS. Unfortunately, Radiant Historia is uber ridiculous to find! GRR!!! I've been hearing how much of an awesome game it is but I've yet to find a copy anywhere! T_T
  9. I, unfortunately, lost my copy of the game. What games do you play outside of Melty Blood?
  10. I wish I had someone else to to play with. I really love Len because of her cute hairbow <3
  11. Haha, that video was great. I am not the greatest at fighting games, but Melty Blood was one of the only fighting games I really enjoyed. The characters were too intriguing to dislike, really. And yeah, never really played against anyone who wasn't a computer... XP

    It's funny how she can just dodge a plethora of attacks just by becoming a cat. Not only that, but she would be able to follow it up with some nasty combos too! That definitely was an enjoyable video; thanks for the link.
  12. I was looking at your pictures earlier and I found that thing about Kohaku. Then, I was looking at Melty Blood combo videos. I loled at this vid xD

    YouTube - Ren Combo Movie &quot;ren-len&quot;
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