Conversation Between CelestialBlade and Mutsumi_Sanada

359 Visitor Messages

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  1. Guess that's a no.
  2. I hope you have a spot saved for me when you do.
  3. And soon they'll help me take over the world, muahahahaha...

    I-I mean, um, I certainly do!
  4. You have some pretty awesome friends Chelsea.
  5. You're most welcome.
  6. Thanks! *noms cheesecake*
  7. Happy birthday Chelsea!
  8. Most people over look all that. You really are different from other people.
  9. Like, who you are underneath the veil of depression.
  10. My true self?
  11. It's all good. Just never stop fighting it. Your true self isn't your depression.
  12. You're so sweet to me. Thank you. It really helps
  13. You're doing the best you can, I'm sure
  14. You really think so? yeh, that's kinda hard when you live with severe depression and stuff. :/
  15. Well I think you do a good job Just gotta be positive around people.
  16. I didn't exactly mean the tickling though lol. I just love to make those around me happy however I can.
  17. Well it certainly gets me laughing
  18. It's only slightly amusing. I don't like to abuse such things. Just enough to be playful. As long as I can make people laugh or smile, I'm happy with that.
  19. By that logic, I shouldn't be as ticklish as I am anymore D: People know it's my weakness, and I guess that amuses them, haha. I'm especially bad on my torso >_>
  20. I used to be extremely ticklish when I wasich younger. People tickled me so much that my body just got used to it. :/
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 40 of 359
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