Conversation Between Freshellent and Zorafim

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  1. Hmm, so you are saying that I should play a lot, find some people on a realm I pick and then ask you to transfer for me selfishly then? Alright.
  2. Myself, Cornelia, Enforcer, and dnd. Cornelia is the most active, but only plays during the afternoon (due to the whole living on another continent thing). Enforcer is sometimes on, and I've only seen dnd once. We do have a linkshell and a free company, but I haven't bothered bonding with anyone from either place yet.
    As for the lock, I don't know what that could be about. If you want to test out different models and animations, you may want to try making different characters on different servers. Of the two service types, one should let you create a character on several different servers, while the other lets you create a large number of characters. You may have the first one (it's cheaper), but if it's a free weekend, then maybe they have something else happening.

    Another problem you may come across is, it takes a long ass time to finally play as a new character. The starting cutscene, for some reason, is unskippable. And it's long. I wanted to see everyone's animations, but it took so long to go through that I only bothered with both cat genders.
  3. It was my understanding that male cats were designed for female players to look at and strange fellows like myself to have options. So, there's some trouble. Namely, there seems to be a character creation lock in place whenever I try to make a character- also. How many are there playing with you? Is it just you three? Or is there more? I ask simply because if I can't get on there with you guys, I may roll a new character (or transfer, depending) to Balmung.

    Please advise.
  4. Oh, I suppose I should mention. I'm not a fan of the male cat run animation. Its movements are wasteful. If you like a strong, energetic young man, then it's fine. But I was looking for something graceful and efficient, so I looked elsewhere.
  5. I don't keep track of drama. And anyone who gives me advice on the current affairs of drama, I tend not to trust. That being said, I haven't spent to much time with them, but they seem like pleasant enough people. I even wrote a song for one of them.

    Both cat and mountain man (assuming male) make great looking warriors. Cat is better if you want a more feral fighter, mountain if you want a more imposing one. I think mountain man looks better in heavy armor, but they're both good choices.
    Oh, did you mean stats? I dunno. Whichever. I don't like mountainmen as much as spell casters, if that affects your decision.

    In our little trio, I have leveled a melee, am working on a tank (should be raidworthy in a week?), and have a healer up there. Cornelia only has a melee, and Enforcer is working on a healer and a tank on the side. He's pretty low level though, so who knows if we'll be doing anything major with him.
    So yes, a tank would fit right in. You might actually want to consider leveling a damage dealer first, though. You need to do quests to unlock dungeons, and damage dealers quest fastest. Dungeons, in the mean time, are the fastest ways to level, and tanks queue easily into them. You'll find that you can keep a tank leveled with a damage dealer if you do this, but because you can run out of quests, this isn't quite true the other way around.
    It's not too much of a big deal, but it's a way to get more bang for your buck.
  6. I should mention, I don't have a problem with any of the people you mentioned, nor would I want to. I find them relatively pleasant anyway. Can they tolerate me? I supposed you wouldn't have mentioned if you thought otherwise. Do you need tanks?

    Also, cat or mountain man?
  7. I'm told that I'm not supposed to like Enforcer. Although I'm not sure why. Since when I have I ever listened to people on that, eh? I'll definitely consider it. I have characters on Gilgamesh, but from what I can tell there's no RP anyway.
  8. I'm still enjoying it. The story telling is great, the visuals are fantastic, the gameplay is fun, the classes are diverse... The only flaw is that SE seems to be having trouble with their servers, gold sellers are kinda out of control (but much better now than when I started), and endgame grinding is pretty tedious (if you go beyond a certain point).
    Cornelia, Enforcer and I are on Sargatanas, if you want some company and someone to carry you through a few instances.
  9. So I was looking through this gallery of the new armors in FF, and I came across a few of them that made me stop in my tracks. Thinking back, I really enjoyed the game. I played a bit of Wildstar, which I still very much enjoy but something about FF sort of compels me to come back to it. I just thought I'd share that with you. I miss tanking, and I think Warriors are pretty cool, but I like that if I have character ADD again I can just switch classes and be fine. I'm really considering it again, the free weekend is very tempting. And now that PSO2 has finally driven the nail in the coffin for me, it's sort of like it was ment to be.
  10. It used to take me 30 minutes to take out bosses. That's how you get your best practice, so I wouldn't worry about it. But once you feel like getting some power, I highly suggest buying some gear off the player markets and +10ing it. It doesn't matter if you keep your gear up to date until you get up to super hard. Once you get a +10 weapon and a set of +10 armor, you'll feel invincible. Affixing some +30 attack on your armor will also make a huge improvement, but damn is that expensive. Not really worth it unless you think you'll have that piece for a few months.

    I honestly haven't gotten close to anyone outside the forums. Going through random parties got me partying with a bunch of people I liked, but I never really met up with them again. People become much less chatty in higher levels, so it's kind of a now or never situation. Unfortunately, people will get burnt out and stop playing, so maybe you won't even see the guys you meet in game. I tend to like partying with people I know from the forums if I have to build a team, but sometimes a group of randoms is nice too.

    Got a 3DS, love the 3DS, I'll put your game on my list.
  11. I noticed a lack of players, and that B20 is spreading about. I'm in a team. I don't really know a lot of them and while they're really good to me when I am around. Part of it is paranoia with trusting people (said the guy talking on a public forum) these days. Maybe I'm just being an ass and should get over it.

    I also feel pretty bad because I don't quite keep up in game. So I'm careful about who I party with.

    Yeah, I've been practicing on bosses. I do so little damage it's not even funny- but I am slowly getting the hang of it. I think there's plenty of people who play, just spend too much time on the game and burnt themselves out, like all MMOs are cursed to suffer. Can't produce enough content. As for myself? I barely experienced any of it. I'm always like, is that new? And I get the round of 'No, it's old and boring no one cares anymore.'

    Not my problem, I guess. I was gone from the game nearly a year and I feel like it exploded, I like it a lot, so I consider myself lucky. I'm exceptionally bad at the game though, Lain just explained to me the reason I get 2 shotted is because my gear, Green agreed too. But I feel like I shouldn't be getting hit in the first place.

    First world problems. Nightly rambling. Anyway, if you have a 3DS you should play Braverly Default, fantastic title so far. There's a demo up!
  12. If you want to get really good at the game, try soloing bosses at your level or above. It's the most challenging thing I've done. I would say solo some mobs too, but there's no reason to. Any time you face mobs in a party, they die before their spawn animation is finished.

    I really don't think anyone's playing anymore. It seems like most people on the forums are just sticking around because they like the company. I've stopped playing because there's nothing engaging to do (plus, all my arts are keeping me busy). I feel bad not being able to contribute in the main forums, but I don't think there's anything I can do about it. I'm glad you're meeting people as you level, that's a skill I was never able to master.
  13. You flatter me. And I think what I shared was honestly kinda meh considering what I'm more proud of! I'm working on it, I've mentioned it to a lot of people. Collecting stuff for a video project now, getting gear and leveling, learning the game. I have so many embarrassing deaths it's not even funny.

    I feel bad when I play with people, I'm so terrible sometimes. It's all that 'other game' I played or been playing. Trying to really get on it.

    In other news, it's weird playing and not seeing old faces. I see the game in a different light, randoms are refreshing and a welcome sight. Lots of nice players, and some really rotten to the core types- the usual. Not hearing a voice in my ear constantly took some getting used to, but I thought back to the hours of sitting in Neudaiz with you and really laughing and enjoying myself.

    Obviously, things will never be the say and maybe they shouldn't be but man, what a wild ride it's been.
  14. I'd like to see one of your things in the fanfics area. From what I read of your stuff, you're pretty good.
  15. So a while back ago I wrote a PSO2 fic, thinking I'd go and upload it at some point. I wrote in first person, which I never do. And I fucking hated it. Like, hated it. And I sent it to a few people to see and I got the 'Well it's nice, but..." which was code for FUCKING BURN it.

    I just thought I'd share. I should note that I do plan to rewrite it and do it in 3rd person and hopefully just generally better.
  16. Hopefully I get a chance to apply soon, expect something. Mostly nothing.
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